Hi All, my 1st Post

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. Hi Everybody,

    Begining the 90day challenge. I've tried unsuccessfully reaching 40 days at most. I've never posted before and am looking forward to interacting with the folks here.

    I'm a 31 year old male, been exposed to porn since age 15(approx), nevertheless I dont really watch and havent bothered with porn for quite a few years nor was I addicted.
    I am more hooked to social media based imagery/fatasizing/sexting which I feel hasn't allowed me to live freely, create illsusions and dellusions. Mixed with my own self growth and insecurities reagarding self-seteem and self-confidence.

    I've decided to take control of my life and going 90days hardmode(starting at 0 today). Will make sure I keep posting my experiences.

    Peace and Love.
  2. co_biz

    co_biz Fapstronaut

    Welcome, and remember all it takes is one day at a time. Though I am learning that's easier said than done. Glad you chose to reach out and engage the community. So far that's been helpful to share with and have the support of others. Look forward to following your journey and keep in touch.