Newbie & Total Porn and Masterbation Addict Desperately Seeks Help !

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Porn_And_Masterbation_Add, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Greetings Friends:
    I'm a newbie and as addicted to Pornography and Masturbation as one man can possibly get ! I can't seem to go one day without masturbating to orgasm. I can go maybe 48 hours max without looking at porn, but then, like some evil spirit banging a gong, it's booty time ! :( I'm convinced the amount of masturbation and ejaculating I'm doing has somehow affected my physical health, and I'm pretty sure the porn has damaged my self confidence and totally colours the way I look at women. :( I'm ashamed of my predicament, but joined this group in the hope I can get some extra help to free myself of these two addictions, which are slowly ruining my life !

    Somebody Please Help Me !
  2. too bad no one's responded. That's not very encouraging. :rolleyes::(
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2015
  3. michgem0707

    michgem0707 Fapstronaut

    You are here that is the start. First if the porn if is where you start each time, in plug it. You need to find something to replace the bad habits. The temptations will show but you need to make the first move to prevent the PMO. Either remove any and all ways you get porn or find a good blocker. Even move the computer where you have no privacy. Start with a good first move. Praying for you for strength.
  4. firdi

    firdi Guest

    I would first recommend you to stop identifying yourself so harshly as a 'porn and masturbation addict' and change you name. You don't want it to become a self fulfilling prophecy. Secondly, you have to dig deep into yourself and list why you want to stop your addiction. This should only include true heartfelt reasons like wasting time. Try to find instances in the past that would have turned out better if you were not PMOing. Stay strong and keep trying!
  5. firdi

    firdi Guest

    Michgem's advise about putting up a porn blocker if you can is solid and it will give you some time to get back to your senses. I can attest that this worked for me.
  6. first_thoughtwrong1

    first_thoughtwrong1 New Fapstronaut

    Thank you for being so honest and sharing that. It takes a lot of courage to admit when we have a problem. I have not watched porn for five days and am feeling better than ever. Feel free to PM me anytime
  7. ….Why ? Why change my name ? Why deny the harsh truth just because the truth is harsh ? I need total truth. I need to be totally honest about this. I need to be totally real. No more pretending,lying,denying to myself. Nope. I'm not going to change my name until I change myself.:confused:
  8. ….Hey first_thought ! :) We're only being real.
  9. firdi

    firdi Guest

    Don't take me wrong buddy. When I suggested changing your ID, I was coming from the age-old recipie in success literature (read it first in Think and Grow Rich) that recommends seeing yourself as who you want to be - the best of you. And imagining the best of you in detail will slowly change you into that person. The truth may be harsh but you are not this person from inside. Let your true self emerge.
  10. ….I'm not getting you wrong friend :) I hear ya I will keep my current name just a little while longer. Give me a few weeks and let's see what we can see. :cool: Then maybe I will see my way clear to changing it? Right now I don't. :( I've got some more news about what I think might be a little more understanding about the nature of the PMO Beast I'm dealing with. Once again, it was around 2 days (around 48 Hrs) and the Big Booty Call Gong sounded - Like a slave I zombie walked myself over to the computer and dialled in some porn ! Crappers ! :rolleyes:

    * However, I think I caught sight of something about myself this time, which might be of some use later - I noticed that when I see a woman which I find attractive, and I feel sexually aroused, then this is when I want to view porn ! Hmmmm ? Very interesting ?? Why is that ? It's like I don't know how to properly re-direct the intense sexual arousal energy I'm feeling.

    ** So, seeing an attractive woman is a Gong ! (A Trigger)
  11. firdi

    firdi Guest

    Analysing your gongs / triggers is clearly a step forward. Keep trying. You can do it!
  12. Hi firdi:
    I'm looking at the situation with new eyes. I will continue to review the situation.
  13. ig88

    ig88 Guest

    Maybe try this - before that urge happens. Drop and do 1 pushup before doing what your doing. Only one.
    If you can get this in before - maybe the next time the urge happens - you try 2 pushups.

    Also - we are biological machines.. maybe try not being so hard and hurtful to yourself. instead opt saying. Hey, I am a good person - It still is just me in the room alone. I am still alive, my heart is beating and I am human.

    Hang in there man!