i relapsed on my second day 3 times i am addicted i am scared

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Dec 26, 2018.

  1. i relapsed today on my second day now i see how much power this addiction has over me i am lost and feel alone and the sad thing is i am scared to talk to someone because all those relapses where to hentai
    Romans 6 23 likes this.
  2. Mattew

    Mattew Fapstronaut

  3. hey dude!

    You are not lost - you are on the path of recovery.
    You are not alone - there are 1000s of us here like you.
    You are not in danger - millions of other guys watch porn for the rest of their life and they still live just fine - your life doesn't depend on you stopping this addiction but you have reached a level of awareness that you want more from you life - so dont let your ego scare you instead remain positive and feel the shame/guilt fully with presence and realize this too shall pass.

    Use your pain to increase your desire. Use it to install NEW disciplines to your day.

    Remember your freedom comes directly as a result of your self-discipline. Write this down somewhere and read it every day. My power comes through my self discipline.

    Start waking up at 4 am and have a cold shower to show your ego who is the boss.

    Start working out every day.

    Start meditating every day.

    THose things you can do right now. So focus on what you have power over, not the past. Right now do something to show me and everyone else you mean business!
  4. Romans 6 23

    Romans 6 23 Fapstronaut

    I remember this when I first tried quitting porn (before i found nofap).

    It made me ANGRY! I was mad that something had this kind of hold on my life. I channeled that anger into determination to conquer this addiction. I hope you get angry AT porn too. You can overcome this. This isn't a group of victims. This is a forum full of victors!
  5. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    I was in a similar situation once. At first i suspected something was wrong with my relation to porn. I tried to pause, and could manage some days, maybe a week. But chosed to continue.

    However, one day (5 years ago) I hit "rock bottom". Before that i wasnt even aware that porn use and femdom is an addiction of this magnitude. I viewed it more than my natural fetish or just a bad habit.

    I was panicked, and ashamed at the same time. I had no confidence I would ever be able to stop this addiction. I felt so weak and hopeless first, but Nofap forum helped me to start.
    After many attempts and gradually longer streaks I am at leats over 500+ days.
    chiyu and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Move from fear towards action. Take practical steps, and build your strength towards recovery one day at a time. You are not alone - others have walked the path towards self-healing and you can too.
  7. 1 Tes. 4:3

    1 Tes. 4:3 Fapstronaut

    Continue fighting it, and you'll be better. This addiction is powerful, but not as much as it makes us think... it minimizes our victories making us think 2 days of resistance is nothing, and whispers his power is too much to overcome.

    Go on resisting. As for hentai, I would drop anime altogether, at least for a time. It is too suggestive and the character design is so similar that will make you think of hentai fast. I like anime a lot and when I decided to cut on it, I saw an improvement.