PIED three years no P no PMO ...nothing change

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Deleted Account, Oct 28, 2018.

  1. Hello everyone

    I m 40 years old male, the first time i noticed ed problem 3 years ago when I was 37 years old.
    I PMO ing more than 10 years 1-2 time /day, I tried all the categories of porn at the end extreme porn...rape, femdom japanese ....I spent a lot of time in front of monitor fiinding the perfect scenes , have even reached extreme categories in this time my erection has become weaker and weker .
    Likewise i also have delayed ejaculation , in the last stage almost imposible O.
    At first i did not understand what is the problem... i don't have never before ed problem everything was perfectly functional .
    Abaut 2 years ago i made a connection between porn and my ed problems..and stoped all P and PMO. It was easy for me anyway no longer excited me almost nothing. .
    Since then i have not seen P no PMO. I have a GF ..only sex , but is very dificult for me because my ed problems ,i reduce sex 2time /weeak , today i use sildenafil 50mg i without can t mantain my erection . In most cases functional bat not always. I am not capable make an erection whitout fizical stimulation.
    More than 1 year i m in flatline , no sex drive my dick is dead almost all day . I have morning wood but along with my awakening like a switch i would close it and not wake up all day. I still remember those times when I could easily pick up just thinking of him.
    Last year i fund this site , i watch daily i think it's a good thing .
    Unfortunately, i'm not sure that I will ever heal again.I have read and heard many cases for years not healed, has gone a long time and nothing has changed, more than 2 years no P or PMO ...and stil ed .One thing is certain, i do not go back to P never.
    I wish success to everyone, good thoughts.
    (sorry for bad English, I'm not an English speaker)
    Ogikubo and Anonymous86 like this.
  2. Hey man, I’ve just seen this post, I read another post from you earlier and clicked on your profile and found this. I have similar story. I noticed ed problems about 3,4 years ago, it slowly got worse, then early 2018 went into flatline. It hasn’t improved apart from erections when I sleep, So I know it’s not physical problem. I’ve stopped cannabis and alchohol about a month ago so I’m not getting any artificial dopamine, and have started going to the gym, so hopefully things will improve. I’m thinking my recovery is going to take some time
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  3. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    It's stories like this that makes my heart sink, squeezed and so cold. :( I just feel so sick at the prospect of never ever experiencing a satisfactory sexual experience. I don't know how much longer I can go on with life if I'm not healed by the time I'm 40 or so.

    I hate my existence so much. :(
  4. GottaMakeIt

    GottaMakeIt Fapstronaut

    Lifestyle matters a lot. If you are smoking, drinking, doing drugs or eating junk food then you need to cut them out as they hinder reboot. The 90 days till recovery story is a myth for most people here, including me. I too used the same pill for erections that you did and it did not notice any difference but the recovery helped. You will be fine you just need to be patient, stay away from PMO and any type of fantasy. Do not test your erections because it will have to take some time before you notice difference.
    Deleted Account and Anonymous86 like this.
  5. Limitbreaker

    Limitbreaker Fapstronaut

    Its exactly at this point in life where you have make a decision. You cans stay in your old pattern, the victim role and say you are worried and it does not work and you dont know what to do.

    When i got suicidal depressed and wanted to kill myself i made a decision. A decision against mediocrity and against my old ways of living, thinking, masturbating, loving everything! I struggled since then for 3 years and came again and again at this point, where i thought, its too late, i wont make it and its impossible. Doctors are telling you everywhere PE is only healing with the right medication they sell you. Teachers telling you wont make it, hell, maybe even your parents, the ones who should love you.

    We all fall back into patterns we do not desire. We want to be healed in 1 day and give as little energy into it as possible. We want to find the perfect woman, and expect her to just spread her legs without even giving her something really from ourselves.

    We expect, that our libido returns without doing anything. We expect a rock hard dick from doing nothing from it. We expect, that all those things will heal normally and at some day near in the future, it will be all healed and good....

    Im telling you the truth: This day will NEVER come! If you just sitting there complaining there about your things thats ok. I complain too and sometimes i doubt myself. But then i get back up again and get back on the trail. If you do not have the results you want, you seriously have to stand up, man up and do something! Think about what have not tried so far. Maybe you can do more workout, maybe you can reduce your belly fat, maybe you can do more for your wife, like simply telling her that you love her and that you are blessed that she stays with you, even with the PIED.

    Its your choice. There will nobody come to do the first step. You can only do it by yourself. And the medication wont work at some day. Try out new things and think about what YOU can do to help yourself! What can you do to improve your love life? What can you do for other people. What can you eat to increase your health and erections? How can you avoid to much stress to enjoy your love life more. How can you make your love life with your wife more exciting? How can you turn her more on? If shes more turned on, it will be easier for you to heal up. Ask her what she likes and take the focus away from your problems!

    Take away the focus from your problems! I really really wished someone, told me that 3 years before. Focus on what you can do for yourself to heal and for others! Take all energy and put it into the things you really want, put your energy into your improvement!

    Man up! Accept, that you are suffering right now and that you are not healed after 3 years of nofap. If you do not accept this, you wont make any progress, cause you focus only on your problems. Its not easy to accept negative things like this and i dont tell you that you have to like it. You can hate it! Important is only that you accept it! And now focus on what you can do for yourself and others!
  6. Clarke

    Clarke Fapstronaut

    Including Japanese with rape and femdom made me laugh so hard. Sorry about your problem though. Have you tried talking to a psychologist? Seems like porn might not be your problem.
  7. i want to stopplzz

    i want to stopplzz Fapstronaut

    god i'm so sorry man... never give up hope. if you ever need to talk, just hit me up. i understand the depression, but i havn't experienced ed, so i'm not going to lie to you and say that i understand what thats like... but, i will offer an ear to listen.
    Anonymous86 and Deleted Account like this.
  8. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    Thanks, man, appreciated.

    I'm going to a speed dating event tonight, so hopefully things will look promising.
  9. i want to stopplzz

    i want to stopplzz Fapstronaut

    Hey, how’d your speed dating go?
  10. Uruvug

    Uruvug Fapstronaut

    I would say that 3 years is more than enough time to reboot. Maybe not masturbating (or have sexual interactions) for too long could make your penis dead. Just like if you don't exercise, you can atrophy your muscles. I would say reintroduce masturbation to maybe once a week, just to remind your penis that it's function is not only peeing. Maybe that will turn on the gears. Just go easy on it. If it still doesn't want to get hard. then try other day. Also, lifestyle is very important. If you seat around all day and don't exercise, that can be bad for libido, also depression. So maybe these are actually the problems and not that your reboot has not finished. I would focus on those things more.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Depressed&Out

    Depressed&Out Fapstronaut

    Loool... unfortunately it wasn't great! Most people there were in their 40's (it was for age range of 35-45) and as soon as I entered the room and realized this, my heart sank as this is what I'm going to be like in 5 years time. Having not experienced any relationship with someone in their 20s. :( Just makes me so heartbroken that my first relationship is likely to be with someone that looks 'older'. I know I'm one of those people that looks 'older', but really this prospect that made me more depressed.

    Needless to say, I didn't like anyone of them but on the bright side, because I didn't like anyone, I've been given a free ticket for the next event. (Which is for age range of 25-35)

    At least it was decent practice talking to women. Actually, the same night, i dreamt (I don't usually have a lot of dreams) and it was kinda sexual dream (from the first person) - I wonder if this is linked or not.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. StopHurtingMe

    StopHurtingMe Fapstronaut

    I am the wife of a PMO in recovery (one year sober). Your post caught my interest because while my husband is not PMO he is fantasizing to maintain erection and to get off. He says he only does it a few seconds at a time and is trying to reduce it little by little, but I feel that continuing to reinforce the fantasy with orgasm is keeping him stuck. I want to just enjoy touching each other and not worry about him loosing the erection or not orgasming, and I think if he stops going with the fantasy he will eventually stay hard and then eventually orgasm.

    When I read your post about being PMO free for 3 years and still having ED, I felt very sad for you and for my husband and I too. I wanted to ask whether you are still engaging in fantasy, either during sex or when alone, even if you are not MO?
  13. It is very interesting what you write ... during sex I do not fantasize but at some point I feel that excitation passes only when I feel it softens but does not help too much. To reach orgasm I still need fantasies, I know it's not good but otherwise it does not work .. It is possible that it's the key. Perhaps it would take a long time without orgasm and try to get to orgasm without fantasy.