It's all so tierdsome

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by 73/88, Jan 11, 2019.

  1. 73/88

    73/88 Fapstronaut

    Hi, new rebooter here
    I'm 17 yo and in my third day of NoFap after my last streak that lasted like 12 days.
    I realized P was a problem since I've been masturbating since I was 13 yo and started watching HP that then escalated to GP on the last months. I want to change, and I've tried NoFap several times but I always would end up relapsing after some days.
    This time I founded this site and comitted for real to the 90 days NoFap challenge but something just keeps being stuck in my head: lonliness
    Whenever I try NoFap I start off in a good way, I start feeling more energetic and realize I have plenty of free time to be more productive but, as always, the feeling of lonliness pops up in me and makes things really hard. I try to fight it but I can't.
    Friends always seem to be ok and happy with out me, girls say I'm handsome and cool yet I've never had a girlfriend and I just can't seem to enjoy some things as much as others do (parties and such)
    This freaking feeling has made me quit NoFap several times and I'm really tierd...
    Today, on my third day of NoFap, I invited a girl I'm kinda intrested in to go out, and had quite the time myself altough I feel she did not enjoy my company that much and I feel is all reapiting again. I try to improve myself, my social skills, physical state and other aspects about me but it never seems to work or pay off and that's why I quit all the time :(
    I'm really comitted this time, but things like this make it really hard for me.
    (Since Inglish isn't my first lenguage sorry for any speling or grammar mistakes)
  2. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    Hey, I'm 16 and can 100% relate to what you say. Fapping is and habit that derivates from a stimulus, in your case (and it used to be my case aswell) it comes from being different.
    If you don't enjoy parties, then do not force yourself to enjoy them; maybe you prefer a day hanging out with someone and doing stupid stuff, or maybe you prefer staying alone and reading. We fap because we need statisfaction after a day without it, or after we've been rejected we need acceptance. Why not take that rejection and understand why you're not "socially viable" for others? You won't change at all but you'll understand what's the best manner of staying with others.
    Differently from you people around you just don't care if they lose half their brain drinking, if they die at 20 with drugs or if they fap 3/4 times a day, but you do and you want to change. Understand that fapping gives you NOTHING more, only takes something. If you believe you will lose a part of you, it's impossible because you're not deleting yourself just opening your brain again. Believe me, fapping gives you nothing and as soon as you get to 30/50 days you'll start making better decisions for yourself

    EDIT: If you istead believe you like parties but just can't get the hang of it, just think: will more fapping make me like parties? No. Will more porn make me get a girl? No. You must work your way up to satisfaction, and it can't come from a shortcut as fapping. Gday man
    ExitSamsara82 likes this.
  3. 73/88

    73/88 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, it's all I can say.
    Support on times like this is the best thing I could get since it helps me to control the urges and gives me enough hope to keep going on this.
    I think I'll be coming back regularly since these forums help me a lot to distract myself, to get motivated and avoid my triggers.
    I'll update whenever I see it fit or think I need to.
    Thanks a lot bro
  4. ExitSamsara82

    ExitSamsara82 Fapstronaut

    I can relate to feeling bored. Are there new sports or hobbies you could get into, to channel your need for more action and excitement? If I could go back in time and do college all over again, I would, and try joining my college's sailing club, crew team, or something like that. Something to get me out there and being active. Would have maybe diverted me from getting into a lot of other bad habits instead.
    73/88 likes this.
  5. scott3085

    scott3085 Fapstronaut

    I get bored as well very quickly pick up some thing poker is a good habit if I feel like fapping I play poker online
    73/88 likes this.
  6. Davinblake

    Davinblake Fapstronaut

    That is a shit habit because you are getting into games, it's just a worse and more risky addiction. Don't trade a bad habit for a medium bad habit. Just play chess or if you really like poker do it with friends