Obsession with my junk size

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Ineedhelp321, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. Dogmatico

    Dogmatico Fapstronaut

    If you do some research there is some evidence by users of PEGYM that if you train it as you would as any other muscle in your body. With a strict routine, when I say strict. (Gym ten-fold) it does eventually grow, mostly your flaccid size will be bigger. But in the end, it's either you do that for the rest of your life. Or accept your dong and move on.
  2. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    Regarding the OP, this sounds similar to the root cause of why a lot of dudes try to pick up random chicks for one night stands and stuff -- it isn't necessarily about the sex but the acceptance of a stranger. This need for stranger validation is probably more prevalent in women these days, just have a look on instagram (no wait, don't do that haha!).

    Ultimately, dealing with this is about learning to love yourself as you are; learning to value your own opinion and those close to you over randoms on the internet. If I was you, I'd start by doing affirmations dealing with self love. Listen to the voices and feelings telling you to go get stranger validation and then deal with them appropriately -- don't let them keep talking. There's plenty of times where I've caught negative voices in the act, stopped them cold and then calmly said "shut the fuck up" and walked away from the conversation. One of those "we're done here" moments. Feels good, man.
  3. canstopwillstop3

    canstopwillstop3 Fapstronaut

    To the OP, I have had sort of the same issue before. I was around day 60 when I relapsed a year ago and it was mostly due to some of the same feelings. The whole reason I started a reboot the last time is because I had PIED and I felt like shit and was worried about what would happen in the future when it was time to lay the pipe (or the limp noodle). I was also super insecure about my size for some reason (also well above average). I guess I wasn't really worried about my size, what got me worked up was my erections. After years of putting the poor guy in a choke-hold a few times a day, it was like I only got hard enough to get the job done and I was frustrated. It's like knowing you aren't as big as you could be and the lil guy isn't hitting his full potential. So I started doing dong exercises in place of my meat beating ritual. I decided one day to give the fella a test run and measure, turns out I had actually gained some size. In reality, it was probably just the fact that I was finally getting a decent erection for the first time in awhile. After a few days of contemplating, I decided to see this bastard in its full glory. Results were nice but they did not last. After slipping into a hardcore relapse, here I am a year later. It's definitely a mind barrier we develop that makes us feel like we aren't good enough to please someone else when we aren't pleased with ourselves.
  4. Sadboii46

    Sadboii46 New Fapstronaut

    How long is your ding?
  5. canstopwillstop3

    canstopwillstop3 Fapstronaut

    Size varies for me. For me, most days when I measure, I can't really get up enough to get a full size so I'm right at 7. But when I was rebooting and doing exercises for it, I consistently was over 7 1/2. The biggest difference I noticed was the thickness. Way more full during the reboot
  6. Sadboii46

    Sadboii46 New Fapstronaut

    Honestly I think you have more than enough size, mine is 4 and half soo.. be thankfull
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  7. If your girl is happy don't stress. From what I understand it's far more important to know what you are doing and far far more important, the intimate connection.
  8. canstopwillstop3

    canstopwillstop3 Fapstronaut

    Well I'm not that interested in trying to get another dude to prove they are the size they say they are, but whatever floats your boat I guess. And I feel like if a guy was lying about their size, they would probably go higher than 7 lol. Like 7 isn't some monster size, so if a dude is self-conscious enough to lie about their size, if they said they were 7 then I probably wouldn't question knowing if they were lying or not. But if some dude goes around claiming he's got a 12 inch knee-knocker, then I would probably question the validity of it, but certainly not curious enough to ask them to prove it lol.
  9. canstopwillstop3

    canstopwillstop3 Fapstronaut

    definitely soft. I'm a grower for sure, so mostly self-conscious when soft. self-conscious isn't the right word for how I think about myself hard. I'm more frustrated, not by the fact that I feel like I'm not big enough, just frustrated that I'm not as hard as I could be due to the porn ED. I guess the mental aspect of it is what I struggle with when I am with a girl bc then I think about it and become less confident which makes the arousal part even more difficult and the hard-on even weaker. A girl can get more out of a guy who is below average but has confidence and is rock solid rather than a guy who is above average who doubts himself and can't get fully aroused. Confidence is key and that's what I have struggled with.
  10. canstopwillstop3

    canstopwillstop3 Fapstronaut

    But honestly most guys aren't. So I don't think it's abnormal to think that way. But if your concern is mostly soft size then I wouldn't worry too much about it since no girl really cares about what your junk looks like soft. And we are always more critical of ourselves and guys will always look smaller to ourselves than other people see us. So what might look small to you might look completely fine to someone else.
  11. If you have a big penis, then you need to be thankful. A lot of guys out there wish they had a big one. I wish mine was huge lol. It’s above average though and i need to be thankful for that. Not everyone can take large dicks. You are blessed. Be comfortable with what you’ve been given and don’t obsess about it. Big penises are to be treasured lol. All penises are to be treasured, no matter what the size.
  12. Good point on not everyone can take larger, wife said any bigger would be painful, not a good thing.
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  13. I’ve known girls that met guys that they dated and couldn’t even have full sex because it was too big. Had to work it in little by little over time. I still say you’re blessed though if you have a large one lol.
  14. Yep, could be a blessing or it could be a curse.
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  15. I’d say it’s both for sure. But a really small dick is more of a curse, so I’d definitely want the latter. Luckily I’m right above average. If anything, I’d say I wish I was more girthy at least. Everyone’s always been pretty satisfied with my D though. So I guess I need to be thankful too lol.
  16. Exactly, they're satisfied, what more can you ask for.
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