My Struggles

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by LocoMoco, Jan 18, 2019.

  1. LocoMoco

    LocoMoco Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. Ive recentely decided to try to go PMO free, but dont have many friends or close family to discuss this with. I just came across this site and feel it would be good to have some support from others with the same issues as me.

    Im not the greatest at introductions, but here it goes. Ive been addicted to porn for approx. 10 years now. Ive grown up as a christian, so ive always had quite a lot of guilt for having my addictions.

    Recently though, ive broken up with my first girlfriend (she didnt know about my addiction). We had been friends for about 3 years and tried dating last summer. Things went downhill after we had sex for the first time. It was my first time, so it was very special. But she felt things were moving much too fast. After that, she broke up with me and we tried to be “just friends”. That didnt work and we slept together again. After that, she cut off most contact with me.

    That was about a month ago, and ive decided to get clean for religious and mostly personal reasons. But ive been having a hard time with urges, mostly when thinking about her, but also when seeing provacative images online or on TV. My hope is that with the help of this community, I can reach my goal for a porn free future.
  2. LocoMoco

    LocoMoco Fapstronaut

    So far ive been clean for 11 days. I will try my best to record my progress and possible triggers as often as I can.
  3. Andy Dufresne

    Andy Dufresne Fapstronaut

    Welcome LocoMoco. All the best, your amongst friends here.
    I'm an atheist but the issues of porn addiction are universal regardless of what you believe - there are many articles/threads giving you practical advice to deal with urges, as well as christian resources.
    My advice is to set a number of small, stretching and achievable goals, as well as a bigger one.
    And don't compromise on triggers - treat every potential trigger e.g. time alone, access to internet, low moods - seriously and devise a strategy for each one
    Well done on making it 11 days already!
    LocoMoco likes this.
  4. You want to fight it that shows! I know how hard the fight is! Don't give up!