I can't enjoy sex because of PMO

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by DonFap, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. DonFap

    DonFap New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone, I'm DonFap and I'm here to try and get a hold of my PMO addiction and improve my sex life.

    I came across the subreddit r/NoFap a few weeks ago and read what it was about and how it worked, but I saw no issues in my ways back then.
    However a few weeks ago I got myself a girlfriend and the first time having sex with her didn't go very well. I had trouble getting an erection and maintaining said erection, and when we had sex I barely felt anything. Needless to say, I didn't orgasm and had cancel intercourse due to my penis going limp. I felt awful and ashamed, and was afraid my GF would get frustrated.

    The next day I started to think and remembered that during my previous sexual encounters I had only orgasmed once. All the other times ended with me going limp after intercourse, after not feeling very much. And then I remembered coming across r/NoFap, a subreddit devoted to help people quit masturbating. I started reading and came across this as a potential benefit:

    "Numbed Pleasure Response healing: You may suffer from something called Numbed Pleasure Response (perhaps even Erectile Dysfunction or Delayed Ejaculation), making it harder for you to reach pleasure or climax. Abstaining from pornography and possibly masturbation altogether may help you overcome these problems."

    I read this and tried it for a few days. I wasn't very strict with myself, since I still masturbated whilst watching porn, but I did it wayyyy less than before. I went a day without, the next day I only did it once instead of the usual 4-5+ times. This went on for a little under a week until I had intercourse with my girlfriend again. This time it was easier to get hard, stay hard and I actually liked the sex. I felt something, not enough to orgasm yet, but enough to realise that the excessive masturbating and so called 'Death-grip' had nearly ruined sexual intercourse for me. The few days I had of less furious masturbation had already made an impact on my sexlife and now I have decided to go for it. No more porn, no more masturbating. I need to learn to enjoy sexual intercourse with my GF and gain a healthier way of releasing my sexual frustrations.

    Lots of text, I know. But this is why I've decided to become a Fapstronaut. So far I'm on day 3 without porn/masturbation. Here's to a lot more to come!
  2. alpha_60

    alpha_60 Fapstronaut

    Hi DonFap -- I'm new myself, but welcome to the site. I'm struggling with the same issue, numbness and its resulting tepid sex life f'ing sucks. I hope you stick with it and learn what you need to from the process here, to get closer to your GF. Best of luck, keep at it..