First day in NoFap

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by chenyuchenme, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. chenyuchenme

    chenyuchenme Fapstronaut

    Hello Everybody,

    My name is Chen and I am a college student. A few weeks ago I saw a video on TED talk about the damages that pornography can do to people and their sexual activities, that's when I decided to quit watching porn and masturbation.

    I started masturbating at a very young age, in fact, I am pretty sure that it was when I was still in Kindergarten. I started watching porn when I was 11, and it has since became part of my life.

    I have been masturbate excessively for the past 10 years. On average, I masturbate at least once a day. I have not noticed the effects it had on me until last month when I realized I had no intention to EVER approach a girl on campus. I was quite depressed when I realized the most possible reason that I have never had a girlfriend or sex may simply because of my excessive use of porn and masturbation.

    Two weeks ago on this day I have decided to never watch porn or masturbate again. I have been very successful in forcing myself not to think about porn and stuff like that for two weeks, but I gave up last night. I was mad, but moreover, depressed, because I realize I am really a slave of pornography and I don't think I will ever be able to save myself from it without other people's help. This is when I finally decide to tryout NoFap and I hope it can help me from my own addiction.

    Thank you guys for reading this. I very much appreciate it.
  2. Welcome Chen. I'm sure now that you've made the commitment you'll get a grip on this. It's the lightbulb moment when as you say, you suddenly realize the reason why you don't have sex or get a girlfriend is because your too busy fapping. I'm sure your on the road to success already now you're here. Steve
  3. chenyuchenme

    chenyuchenme Fapstronaut

    Thanks Steve, I really appreciate your encouragement.
  4. Johnisawe

    Johnisawe Fapstronaut

    Chen that same lightbulb moment happened to me. Here I was, all my friends with girlfriends or getting girls numbers except for me (who hasn't yet kissed a girl). I became depressed and a lack of caring overcame me. As a result my grades began to suffer. I'm so happy that we both have found this program and will soon end our slavery to pornography.
  5. chenyuchenme

    chenyuchenme Fapstronaut

    Johnisawe, I am glad you were able to realize that as well. I have just started my new journal on a 100-days challenge of no pornography and masturbation. I believe I can do it. I hope things are going well with you and I am excited for the day of our success.
    Thanks and good luck!
  6. Earnest Lee

    Earnest Lee Fapstronaut

    Hi Chen- welcome to the site-! Fight the good fight-! This site has helped me a lot. So far it's roughly halved the amount I PMO. I encourage you to read other threads and comment on them as well to make some friends on the forum- the videos are helpful and so is
    take care :D