Hi. Relapsed. Shit. sakdljasdkasd

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by potatomonster, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. potatomonster

    potatomonster New Fapstronaut

    I just relapsed. Starting from day 1 again.

    My excuses:"I have to hand in a dissertation soon. It's stressing me out. I suppose this was one of the reasons I succumbed to porn. And the fact that my friends keep telling me about 50 shades."

    I realized from the ^ I'm putting blame on my environment (which I cannot change). I'm lying to myself. I KNOW I CAN DO THIS. I can CHANGE MYSELF. And it's up to ME to change MYSELF.

    I got to 15 days before I relapsed. :( I'm not happy with my situation.
  2. seth

    seth Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your honesty! That's a great realization: the environment addicts are in will always be non-ideal. There is always a temptation out there. It is imperative to put the control in your hands. Know what to do when these temptations arise.

    Why are you not happy with the situation? You made it 15 days. That is an accomplishment. If you make it another 15 days - you can claim that you went a whole month and PMO'd once. How many of your friends can say that? Yes don't make excuses for relapsing but don't put yourself down too much. Learn from your mistakes. What exactly happened? You made it to 15 days - I'm sure in those 15 days you resisted some temptation. What made the temptation too great this time? Watch from an outside perspective what your body and brain is thinking when you feel tempted - learn from it!

    And most important - stay positive.
  3. alex107

    alex107 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed to man. Crazy how depressed you get right after. You're not alone man. We're all fighting this battle. I see every individual day as an opponent and idc how but I wanna end everything with a win. By any means necessary. We can do this.
  4. BrooksterFap

    BrooksterFap Fapstronaut

    so sorry to hear your struggles right now. i know the feeling of being depressed after a relapse. hang in there, we can all pass all of this.
  5. FutureGuitarGod

    FutureGuitarGod Banned by User Request

    So did I. One of my parameters was to resist the urge to ogle attractive women, as it often leads to PMO. So, my it's one step forward, two steps back for me.
  6. Ics2000

    Ics2000 Fapstronaut

    Keep positive guys - it's not about falling down but about pulling yourself up again. The depression after a relapse only confirms that you know you have to, and can, beat this challenge.