You will regret relapsing.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. Wasting so much time masturbating, instead of doing positive things. It needs to end. I need to develop self control.
  2. Shy_1990

    Shy_1990 Fapstronaut

    I had a relapse today after being exposed to my main trigger. Its horrible
    Deleted Account and CH3RRY like this.
  3. I just relapsed a couple weeks ago, after going 4 mos. PMO-free. I do regret it, however, I only spent about a half-hour beating myself up about it. What I've realized is, this is a process. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. We must all take those tentative steps towards changing our lives, most likely failing, then trying again, this time with more wisdom and motivation. Just keep trying. Never ever give up. Never accept a life that is self-destructive and going nowhere and full of unhappiness. We deserve better. We can have better. It's out there, ahead of us, we just have to keep reaching for it. Hang in there bro.
  4. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Exactly, it's nothing to get worked up about, we just have to keep making changes.

    I'm glad I relapsed last time. I saw that I was doing a few things wrong, and that I would have ended up relapsing inevitably... It was better to have the stumble, and make a few changes after some brainstorming!
  5. 56242

    56242 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed today I feel so depressed/disappointed in myself
    Ogikubo likes this.
  6. Embrace

    Embrace Fapstronaut

    I relapsed today. It s been once a week, or max two times a week. The thing I have discovered some deepr cause that has to do with psychological baggage and trauma. Actually I relapsed after 6 years last year after a major trauma and now trying to get together. But I do admit it is so hard, the trauma is so big,and support is so low, it feels like porn, sometimes, is a very quick fix to just escape a a little form my situation. I just lack motivation. Basically lost my religion, lost my relationship , lost my community and gained severe anxiety. And it's...for some reason I keep avoiding going to psychiatrist for some medical relief for :"fear of side effects" like porn is way better and anti anxiety meds and anti depressants. I juts want to escape. You can call this cowardice, but even if it is, so what? I see no purpose in just defeating it. I am just not facing to my real problem and just hoping it will go away. Putting the blanket over my head. And like i said, I do not have a real, personal will to live. Not that there aren't any. I see there are countless profound philosophies and religions who put out a framework for living. i see that there is beauty in nature, and all that, but just, I don't know. I really don't know. There is just too much suffering. I mean it seems absurd and unfair and stupid no matter how many - no pain no gain, and challenge builds character - stuff I hear. I would not need to gain anything or some kind of grand character if there wasn't any pain. You need strenght to overcome pain. I would like life to be all happy and dandy and no pain and no suffering. I am full of anger about this. And the whole Genesis thing just seems silly to me now. God creates man and he eats from a tree and that is why we have famines and uncertainties. It seems like childhood projection of an overly authoritarian parent and the fantasy of if I just behave well enough he won't punish me. I would like to say NO to life. Like you buy something off the net and you return within the return policy.
  7. Relapsings the worst feeling. I hope I never have to feel that again.
    Ogikubo likes this.
  8. Anyone who has spent literally years masturbating is probably going to relapse at some point. I am doing pretty good, but I feel I even push myself to see if I will relapse sometimes. It's ridiculous! I don't want to, and I was dead serious about never watching porn or masturbating again. But I think my body and mind was just so damned used to it that it cannot understand why I would not want to take the easy way out again. And I think if you are under 30 it is probably much more difficult to give it up, because at that age I never even had to think about sex and I was horny. Now...different. But how I wish I'd had the brains and courage to quit when I was younger! Stay strong, everyone.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. SuperiorMan95

    SuperiorMan95 Fapstronaut

    We believe in you man. You got this.

    Biggest thing for me has been the fact that I haven't been taking this shit seriously enough. I kept treating it so casually and light hearted. This is FUCKING serious. This isn't a game.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Thanks for the motivation, i also believe i need to take this more seriously
  11. AlternativeFalcon01

    AlternativeFalcon01 Fapstronaut

    Hey, please don't give up. Don't let the porn to come back to your life as a bad habit. If you need someone to talk just text me in a message.
    And about the Genesis part, you need to know it is not stupid at all. If you have a child who doesn't want to listen to you, it is normal that you'll give him punishment to understand why not to do that.
  12. Embrace

    Embrace Fapstronaut

    I do believe Genesis is stupid even with what you said, even more so, but I do not want to transform this in a debate. Suffice to say it is hard for me to believe that two thousand years ago an jewish itinerant preacher was crucified and so I am forgiven because just masturbated to a porno. And I will end it here. I have reached a point where I do not hear anything about Christianity and I ask you to respect this.
  13. AlternativeFalcon01

    AlternativeFalcon01 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, you're right. You dont want to hear. I will respect that.