What's the truth about the pornographic industry?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by johnrock, Apr 5, 2019.

  1. johnrock

    johnrock Fapstronaut

    Hello friends, I hope you are steady.
    I came here today to make this post with the intention to ask you, more experienced in this subject, and to show me the dirt and the truth about the pornographic industry please. So i can be aware of what really is the pornographic industry and what it does to me.
    I've heard of peolple trafficking but that's all I know.
  2. Here is the truth about the porn industry, why it is so effective at what it does, and the reason why it's becoming a global epidemic that will effect every facet of society in modern culture.

    Prostitution is probably the oldest profession known to man next to soldiers and hunters. Pornography is the graphical depiction of prostitution. The word pornography, derived from the Greek porni (“prostitute”) and graphein (“to write”), was originally defined as any work of art or literature depicting the life of prostitutes. It's important to understand that LUST is nothing new. The form in which it's taken is what's new, and it' is the most effective and addictive form humans have ever seen.

    The porn industry is particularly harmful to the 21st century person primarily because the way in which it interacts with the brain. You get to see more naked people, doing incredibly graphic and perverted acts of lust in ONE viewing session than your great grandfather would have seen in his entire life. Now multiply that with however many times you have viewed porn and it's easy to see how it is both highly addictive and effective at shaping sexual tastes and views.
    Now lets get down to the compounding effects of porn.
    1. It doesn't require persistence or willpower of any kind. No courting of a mate or bonding which is crucial to establishing loving, stable households and to our emotional well being. Porn robs people of emotion and changes how one might find companionship in a healthy way. On top of this it can convince people that sexual satisfaction is love, and it turns the person of desire from a human into an object to own. Leading to a grasshopper mind where the person is never satisfied. It's never enough, they are constantly looking for someone new to own. It's the opposite of love being trained into our brains
    2. Porn fuels sex trafficking which powers kidnapping, drug abuse, domestic violence and crime of all kinds. The porn industry manipulates and abducts women/men and then feeds off of their lonliness and fear to the point many never find their self worth ever again. Drug addiction is often used to keep the sex worker from escaping the life by sedating them and them trapping them with their addiction to substances, setting up a habit for the rest of their lives. It destroys these people's view of themselves.
    3. It fundamentally alters the way we look at eachother and what it means to LOVE **** and in turn enslaves MILLIONS of men to watching these people who are beautiful on the outside but dying on the inside.

    All of it is horrible but the thing that hits the home the hardest for most people is when they realize that they have become something they don't recognize anymore. They have thoughts and addictions that they didn't use to. Many have crippling anxiety around the people they find attractive and cannot maintain eye contact or have a normal conversation with someone of the opposite sex.
    The porn industry is truly one of the great evils in this world my friend. I am not some zealous religious man in the least, I can simply see the darkness that looms behind it and the destruction it brings to everyone who is involved in it.

    Now look at this thing.
    - it fuels kidnapping and sex trafficking and destroys the women and men in it. How many girls do you think when they were in elementary school dreamed of being sexually abused and then used for sex when they grew up? I can tell you right now, 0.
    - It preys on the minds of people who consume it and ruins their willpower. It lures in people with shame and guilt and makes them feel more shame and guilt but pairs it with the good feeling of orgasms. Causing more shame and guilt + more addiction to porn= more lonliness.
    - It ruins the ability to view love properly without sexual desire or the need to own another or turn them into an object. It kills empathy and emotion
    - It creates devious and sick perverted people who in turn harm others. The people who run these industries are the true sense of the word -perverted. Their riches go back into the world they created and its basic function draws more people into despair, addiction and lonliness. And they do it through the power of wasted orgasm. Man's very essence and his life force. The light of the people who knowingly fuel this industry and get rich off of it is gone. They do not feel or care for others the way regular people do. And in that is where evil lives. The opposite of love. Hate and destruction are real and behind the glamorous bodies and makeup is disease and darkness.

    Make no mistake evil is real, and porn is one of it's most powerful arms.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2019
  3. johnrock

    johnrock Fapstronaut

    Man, thank you very much for this text.
    Sadly, we usually do not understand the evil that something does in our lives until we let ourselves be dominated by it, and only then that after a long time slave, is that we self-evaluate to remove the bad stuffs and in this moment that shows something which before was invisible to our eyes.
    Pornography fits this description, thanks for this text I could see that the porn industry is practically satanic.
    I do not know if you believe in God but God bless you, and thank you again for take you time to answer me.
  4. Miss Winnie

    Miss Winnie Fapstronaut

    It’s a good thing you ask; intrinsic reasons are more powerful & motivating than extrinsic reasons

    • Porn IS NOT like real life & once you are actually w a real person, it may not be satisfying cuz we need more .. content to stimulate us since that’s what we’re used to
    • In real life, being intimate can be awkward, but VERY special & loving w a good person that cares about you
    • Porn makes us see ppl as objects for our use & really...do we want to keep using ppl...or loving them - break the cycle of selfishness so we can spread more authentic love to ppl
    • Porn can really harm/damage/strain relationships !!! ): I read a lot on here how it would hurt spouses/significant others...imagine being intimate, but not being “enough” for the other person so they go and watch porn... one of the reasons I stopped watching P is because I wanted to enjoy being intimate w my partner more & now I wouldn’t want anyone or anything else so there’s that <3
  5. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Porn is brainwashing and the only way to get rid of it is to reboot
  6. I think @NamaClature14 says it all really. Porn early on in someones viewing habit presents itself as a bit of harmless fun. Many males who are growing up today will see porn at some point in their life, some will become addicted to it and some will just brush it off, but for me what is really concerning is the age at which people are first exposed to porn. Often as young as 11 or 12 and sometimes much younger than that. The porn industry does not care about that, if they can hook people when they are young then they potentially have a consumer for life.

    When i say 'the porn industry' i'm not referring to a group of people who sit in a room and plan and scheme, because the industry is made up of many different people. It's the fact that porn is inherently selfish, devoid of any kind of concern for its user or perfomers, the people who promote it and produce it only care about money, they use people in one of the worst ways so they can make a profit so it is of no surprise when a porn site has no proper age check in place.

    We live in a world where a 12 year old can access the most extreme and degrading content 'for free' and then something which not many people consider, what if that kid wants to find porn of people the same age as him?

    The whole ecosphere of porn creates damaging environments which play on humans most base and carnal emotions. It puts many people at risk and is a very powerful stimulus which must be treated with extreme caution. Sadly most people are not taught about the dark side of porn when they are growing up, they are left to discover themselves.

    I would ask any parent who do they want to teach their kids about sex, love, respect, intimacy and relationships? PornHub or themselves? Do they want their child's first introduction into the world of physical intimacy to be an
    18 year old getting gang banged by 6, 40 year old men and called a slut/whore/piece of trash
    or themselves explaining why people choose to make love to each other, and what consent, respect, intimacy etc means.
  7. RamboErecto

    RamboErecto Fapstronaut

    There is one guy that owns every porn site online and make money delegating several managers to manage the business.

    In the bottom of that ladder of power is where the porn actress are, together with P actors, directors, etc.

    To me, that step is the dirtiest one, where they rape or maybe drug people to make certain scenes. I mean, is what i imagine, because that ambient is way worst than words of normal people can say.

    It has nothing to do with business, P actors/actress are just workforce. So they dont care what they do to woman or what they make man to do.

    I think you get the point.

    So yes, pretty dirty to me
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2019
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