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Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by NoFapCadet, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. NoFapCadet

    NoFapCadet Fapstronaut

    It really feels like mission impossible; but after finding this site, I want to believe it's possible. This is day number one for me and I'm feeling optimistic. I hope to find the support I need to win the fight against P. My goal for now is 30 days no P.

    Other than joining this forum and I have also installed Mobicip on my mobile device. I will be testing it out the next several days before I start looking for an AP. I also have K9 installed on my desktop and laptop. Although K9 has worked well, I haven't been able to find a good filter for Android device. Hopefully Mobicip will do the trick. Although, I also realize the problem lies in my brain. But until I get there, I also know that I need these barriers.

    I'll take the opportunity to send a shout-out to Alex for creating this site. You're a great man for it!

    Best to all!
  2. K-9 is a great tool. Any tool in a person's first few battles against this really helps, honestly. Keep going strong, don't give up. You'll have failures, sure, but remember that they'll get you closer to your larger goal. I you don't mind my asking: do you have a minor and major goal set up?
  3. NoFapCadet

    NoFapCadet Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your words morethanaconqueror_7.
    Just to clarify, it's my first day after a relapse last night. I fell into the habit 4 years ago and have been struggling to get ride of it since then. The longest stretch has been 3 months. Since I updated my phone to the new Android kitkat, it's been even harder to stay off P because K9 stopped working.
    To answer your question, my short-term goal is no P ever and long-term no MPO.
    Thanks for asking!
  4. TakeMyLifeBack

    TakeMyLifeBack Fapstronaut

    I'm 57 years old. I've been surrounded by and have had access to porn my whole life. I can even "sense it" if it's nearby or in the room. How weird is that. But the thing is I didn't get hooked on internet porn until a few years ago. I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for those who have been baptized into P through technology. I would think it's more of a struggle because you've conditioned your brain. Regardless, I think it's great to have support like this and a place where we can help each other stay strong. You can reach your goals. So can I. Too many success stories on here to encourage us.
  5. NoFapCadet

    NoFapCadet Fapstronaut

    I'm thirty-five and I completely relate to your situation TakeMyLifeBack. Every time I relapse I say it will be the last. Then someway or another it ends up happening again. I need to find a way to get over the urge and the chaser effect.