Greetings from Germany

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Nehomemas, Mar 10, 2015.

  1. Nehomemas

    Nehomemas New Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody,

    my name is Nik and I'm a 20 years old students of Mathematics from Germany.
    I've heard about the NoFap-Community already several times and since I myself also would like to quit or at least to reduce masturbating, I finally found the courage to register here.
    I say 'courage' because it has been a bit difficult to finally accept that I have a problem with masturbating and it took me a while to really decide to do a change.

    My internet porn history is more or less the usual thing, I guess. In my early teenage years I started to watch internet-pornography on my father's computer when nobody was in the house and since year-by-year I've spent more and more time alone, as a natural consequence I spent more time masturbating. When I got my first computer I was completely caught by it, and even though it had no remarkable influence on my grades or anything externally noticable, I remarked my motivation for many things I used to enjoy falling slowly. Back then I've also never had a girlfriend, which of course accelerated the process of getting caught by the pornography. Anyway this changed 2010 when I met my first girlfriend with whom I'm in a relation for more than 4 years now; we're living together, everything apparently is very fine here. But the habit of masturbating several times every day obviously doesn't disappear simply and since I'm a student, but my girlfriend is working, there are plenty times at which I find myself at home alone and start masturbating. This obviously is also stealing a lot of my time, I'd need to study, to take care of my flat and of course also to enjoy the reality beyond internet porn. ;)

    Having said that, I hope to get along with your forum pretty fast and I want to start my first NoFap-Challenge right now. I masturbated the last time just about an hour ago and I'm going to make sure that it was the last time at least until August!
    Well, I hope it can be a realistic aim. :p Maybe some of the more experienced NoFappers among you might tell me if it's better to start with little aims^^
    I will not say no to having sex with my girlfriend though, since it is something I don't consider a loss of time... :eek:

    I hope to be succesfull and welcome here! :) Of course I am looking forward to writing and exchanging experiences with everybody here and of course I am also looking forward to finally using my time in a better way than I used to!

    That's all for now and I wish you all a great day/evening/night and whatsoever^^
  2. Beowulf

    Beowulf Fapstronaut

    Hi Nik,
    Set your sights on a long challenge..but be prepared to take some nocks and setbacks. If you have a strong habit it can be really hard to stop completely and not lapse. your ability to overcome these bumps will determine your success. read as much on forum as you can..get out the flat whenever you in the university instead of staying at home and socialise with class mates whenever you can...time on your own is the enemy. so avoid it!
    also think about the reasons you want to stop. think about the positives and let them motivate you.
    Good luck and if you need to ask about stuff you can ask!
  3. Nehomemas

    Nehomemas New Fapstronaut

    Thank you LWB,

    I'll try to follow your advices, as I remarked that indeed spending time alone in the flat might be the most poisnous factor for this habit. I am optimistic still and hope that any knockbacks - if they are to happen - won't make me lose this optimism! Let's do this :)
  4. Beowulf

    Beowulf Fapstronaut

    They will happen..just keep going. it will be ok.