Need help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Corona310, Mar 14, 2015.

  1. Corona310

    Corona310 Fapstronaut

    The reason I am here is because I believe I have PIED and maybe anxiety idk.. It's making me miserable I'm a 22 year old virgin it's something that a shouldn't be ashamed to say but for some reason it feels like it is. I'm a virgin not because of lack of trying but because of my Ed problem.. I feel that I am too young for this I am in good health and good shape .. I would be able to get one at beginning but then slowly it would disappear.. For some reason I'm the type of guy that if im close to a girl that im attracted to and we kiss or something intimate I would get a hardy but I can't maintain it... My first failure was when I was 16.. I didn't know what to make of it .. I failed multiple times with my gf at the time and I felt embarrassed even tho she was understanding.. we eventually broke up.. I ended up meeting an amazing girl that I would do anything for unfortunately it's a long distance relationship so I don't have her close but a couple months back we were going to make love and guess what it happened again! I played it off and said that I didn't have a condom .. Now I'm here seeking advice .. Since I feel that I'm to young and and good shape to experience physical problems there could only be one problem and that's porn and masterbation. I didn't even know this existed and I feel that this is my problem.. Ever since I was 14 Ive watched porn here and there and masterbated but it wasn't till my high school years when I did it excessively.. 4-5 times a week some day multiple times .. Now I'm here to fix this problem.. I truly think this is what's making me have ED .. I'm here for help.. Any advice would be appreciated .. My NoFap starts today! And I'm never watching porn again! I hope it works because im truly scared of not being able to have sex! Any words of wisdom ? I do fall under the pied and anxiety category right? please help!
  2. WalgettCz

    WalgettCz Fapstronaut

    Hey man... first of all welcome - It's really good for you to join us and fight with us.

    With the ED problem - I've lost my virginity at age of 17, it was quite boring... Then, with the same girl, we were unnaturaly sexually active (like 8 times a day) ... and after short while, sex started to be boring, i didn't get arroused so much anymore... So i've found an evil friend in PMO... It was a contract with hell - now it's the "pay the debt" time.
    I believe there the problem starts... when we develop ... let's say - unique techniques - get used to them while M... and then never experience them in real sexual encounter... Together with watching specific P categories and blunting our minds with unreal fucking - it just completely destroys ones sex perception...
    It's quite a magical circle with the ED... you watch specific porn, and wank yourself in a tense that never occurs in real sex - you don't get arroused so much - you get soft while doing it - next time you are more vulnerable because of thinking of the ED --> You have one nice porn-induced / psychosomatic ED

    The easiest way i've found so far is to find a girl i like... and she HAS to know before you try to have sex. If she likes you and want to build a relationship with you, she will not care (since there are other ways how to give some pleasure to girl :) ) Building confidence and trust with the girl really... really helps. But what helps the most?

    You've already found out - Welcome, Stop with PMO and SUSTAIN!

  3. Corona310

    Corona310 Fapstronaut

    Thank you man I really appreciate that you took the time to give me advise .. This has actually motivated me to get over this problem and live a great healthy live without this problem .. I feel the same way I think once we find someone that we are connected too things my be able to work out even if I suffer from this, but there is always doubt that creeps in which as well bring me down emotionally.. I am going to think positively and work hard in this .. Thanks for the motivation!!
  4. Corona310

    Corona310 Fapstronaut

    Atleast you were able to have sex man I haven't even felt the experiance because of this :( I'm going through with this and im confident I will succeed especially with all the successful stories out there .. ! Thanks again !
  5. WalgettCz

    WalgettCz Fapstronaut

    Tough days won't last... Tough people will. I know you are prepared to reclaim your right to live life you have dreamed of :) ... I am sure
  6. 2fap

    2fap Fapstronaut

    Meeeen! ive just join this community today, i havent even introduce myself yet but i read this and.. im also 22 and just the same problem man, its feels "good" to see that you are not the only one with this fuckin problem! We will do it man! we just have to be strong occupy our time ,exercise, study, whatever helps us to keep our mind out of that, i wish you the best!
  7. Corona310

    Corona310 Fapstronaut

    Yes we will man ! Let not give in to temptation! And I really does feel good I honestly thought I was on my own and I felt so fucked in the head because of it! I wish you the best to man keep in touch and let's do this !