I need help from my fellow NoFappers :)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Rayinizer, May 14, 2019.

  1. Rayinizer

    Rayinizer Fapstronaut

    Greetings, I just need quick advises about Porn Addiction and such from all of you guys. Well I've been into porn for like too much (years)... So I have a question that might help me out with my brain... Okay so I had girls and girlfriends when I was 15-22 then suddenly I stopped and turned myself into a crazy porn addict (as I suppose I am)... I had few girls after then one with having sex in like 2/5 times (other times I just can't get it up) but the last girl I was with I had sex and she really did get me horny... But now once again I'm struggling with stupid pornography, and it escalates in transwomen and such (even tho I really do find only girls attractive). Also I don't get stimulated that much as I get by my own hand -.- For example it's easier for me to just masturbate than to have sex just because I don't feel anything when inside her... like I'm having sex with wind. Good thing I just keep it up until I orgasm, so I don't get ashamed like I did last time...

    I am going to stop it, and I know I will because it's killing me from inside, depression, anxiety of all sorts... But my question is, will I be over with the "Death Grip" syndrome, will I get my libido back, will I get my NORMAL sex drive back, and will I be able to see girls like perfect the way they are, not to idealize some silliconed full porn stars and other types of that shit... Will I be able to be normal like I was. And how is that posssible, please, I really do need help :)
  2. Hey bud so you don’t feel anything when you are inside your girlfriend?

    Is that because you are limp or because of something else ?
  3. Rayinizer

    Rayinizer Fapstronaut

    Nope, I just don't feel stimulated enough, I do have an erection, but I just feel numb, like I'm having sex with air
  4. You don’t feel her grasping you I assume ? Maybe some kegels exercises would be helpful. Not all experiences are the same. And vaginas are muscles just like penises.

    Unless you have harmed your nerve endings you should be able to feel it.
  5. Rayinizer

    Rayinizer Fapstronaut

    Hmmm it's just that I just get stimulated by my own hand instead of her, it happened quite alot since I started watching porn, before I had no trouble with achieving what I want and what I feel, now I really do have troubles
  6. bfdet

    bfdet Fapstronaut

    Hi @Rayinizer !

    You are in a good place here. As you get started, if you haven't already done so, make some time to read the "getting started guide" available on this site's (noFAP) home page. It includes answers to a lot of your questions and a lot of useful information as you get going. Also check out the "glossary" available on the top of this page for definitions of abbreviations and terms with which you may not be familiar.

    Some answers to your questions:
    As much as we are alike, we are all different. How your body and mind will heal is not the same as other's, so there is no way to tell you that you will get over death grip, regain libido, and get back to "normal" ... BUT ... there are plenty of folks here that have experienced healing via noPMO and have dramatically improved their lives including getting over "death grip" and returning to healthy, "normal" behaviors. What you experience is at least partly dependent on how you approach your journey of healing: noP, noM, noPM, noPMO and whether you will choose to do a "hard mode" reboot or some alternate route. Hard mode is not easy, but results tend to be very good and generally healing happens a bit faster than if following other modes. Your experience may be different. I'd encourage you to read about hard mode rebooting and consider whether that is right for you.

    There are plenty of folks here that can offer support and counsel. Just ask if you have questions or want some thoughts. (You'll probably get some anyway !!!)

    One day at a time is how we all succeed
    need4realchg likes this.
  7. If you feel your hand then you are fine. Sex is 90% mental 10% physical.

    How old ?
  8. Rayinizer

    Rayinizer Fapstronaut

    25 Years old at this moment... Yeah I know, I just feel like porn more comfortable than sex, don't know why
    need4realchg likes this.
  9. bingo. kudos on your honesty. porn IS easier because you are an expert in it.
    Your brain is currently hardwired to porn like a fiber optic ethernet cable, but as far real sex you are probably on a-prepaid much slower 2-3G network presently.

    Once you disconnect the high-speed wire and reset your brain you will recover. Everyone's brain can reboot and reset. The example I have for you might be harder, but if you know another language you can think back to how that felt.. awkward, hard, clumsy, can't say much, then a little more, and a little more, then bam.

    With brain function, there are certain vitamins you can eat as well, plus just good recovery habits, sweating, drinking water eating less sugar, etc. Good things; the brain needs fats too, good fats.

    But overall, you can recover. The Hardware is fine, (penis and brain) but they aren't used to working together. Take it slow. Most folks 90 day reboot, the harder the reboot, the less time you need.

    I started noticing a difference (I didn't have ED or PIED) but I started feeling the difference in mind function within only a few days. And by this week, I am feeling much more confident over all.

    You got this bro.
    Rayinizer likes this.
  10. Rayinizer

    Rayinizer Fapstronaut

    Bro, thats exactly what I need, I found sex so great and energetic, women loved me because I had no fears in it etc, both of me and women, but now, they might enjoy or pretend in it, but I don't... Now as you say, all I need to do is stop watching that shit, and start enjoying life? I believe energy will be up, plus everything else that comes when I stop masturbating to that stupid pornography, thats what you said?
  11. Yeah. A whole website built on a principle that literally free--but takes massive amounts of brain energy to pull off successfully. Together with the rest of us addicts, you can dump your past and claim your future.

    Also, Porn + Masturbation + Orgasm, is a drug cocktail. (Cue the voiceover guy with a deep voice):

    "So if you want to fuck like you have never fucked before, just be willing to take a short vacation off of all 3. Your sperm will get thicker, your voice will drop and your hair will be fuller, longer and stronger."

    I'm not being funny, it's what happens; physiologically.
    Rayinizer likes this.
  12. Rayinizer

    Rayinizer Fapstronaut

    I got this then, stop watching porn, stop masturbating to porn, start training, have comitment and everything will go back normally as it was. Thank you bro!!
    need4realchg likes this.
  13. It sounds simple but billions of people have failed massively. We are gonna be here if you do. Yeah that’s it.
    Rayinizer likes this.
  14. Rayinizer

    Rayinizer Fapstronaut

    Don't worry, I'm a bigger addict to sex and being bigger and confident than being addicted to this. I got over from many addictions in my life, Thank you so much for this, but I will keep this editet, just in case
  15. That’s it folks. Let’s keep em coming. I am here all day. Let me know.
    Rayinizer likes this.