Lost all sensitivity in the penis, including the ability to orgasm

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by arthurrimbaud, May 14, 2019.

  1. arthurrimbaud

    arthurrimbaud New Fapstronaut

    Has anyone here experienced that? Did NOFAP help you? First, some background: I started fapping when i was 11 years. I don't know what happened, and don't know if porn had anything to do with it, but i stopped experiencing orgasms at 15. I'd still have a libido, get hard, feel pleasure on the penis but when it came to ejaculating, it would feel nothing. It was like sneezing or pissing. I was told to cut down on porn but kept doing it, and could never have a streak of more than 2 weeks, because even though orgasms weren't good, the overall feeling of masturbating still was. This changed a few weeks ago, ironically, on a nofap streak. I decided i was going to cut porn out of my life, and went on a 32 day streak. Then i relapsed, but this time, surprisingly, it was the worst fap of my life. I felt NOTHING on my penis. Literally nothing. I've lost all sensation to it. Rubbing it feels like rubbing my arm. When ejaculating, i don't even feel the penis contracting as it used to. And it has been that way for the past weeks. Everyday i'm checking if my penis is 'back' but i still feel no sensation from it. I don't know what to do and have appointed a visit with the urologist, but i never heard of such thing. What could possibly be? I'm not sure if i should even do NOFAP....
    Last edited: May 14, 2019
  2. In my opinion, you shouldn't give up on NoFap. Maybe your flatlining phase is really severe that it makes your penis desensitized. Go visit a doctor to know it for sure.
  3. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Did you flatline after ejaculation??
  4. arthurrimbaud

    arthurrimbaud New Fapstronaut

    Yeah, i've never felt this bad in my whole life.
  5. Daxos

    Daxos Fapstronaut

    Tell us about your masturbation habits. I know that prone masturbation is bad and makes your penis numb (temporarily at least, as NoFap can fix it). More guys on NoFap who did prone masturbation report the same as you do. But I do know that they recovered as well. During my streak, I once was worried I lost sensations in my penis as well. It might be because of the flatline or just desensitization overal due to porn addiction. For me, everything is back to normal again.

    Just keep doing NoFap. I have read so many stories by now of guys who really thought their penis was somehow broken, but they just needed to do NoFap for an extended period of time. Their penises were not broken at all in any way. Right now I am worrying a little bit as well that there might be something wrong with my penis, but I think it is the porn beast in us trying to convince us to go back to fapping.
    Anonymous86 likes this.
  6. arthurrimbaud

    arthurrimbaud New Fapstronaut

    No, i don't fap in a prone position. However, i fap in an uncomfortable chair, and that kinda puts stress on the pelvic muscles. Maybe that's related to that? I don't know.
  7. Daxos

    Daxos Fapstronaut

    Not sure. I got a tense pelvic floor due to stress. I am not sure whether an uncomfortable chair can mess with your pelvic floor
  8. Daxos

    Daxos Fapstronaut

    Sounds like acute Hard Flaccid to me. Although the acute numbness is not a direct symptom of HF (Hard Flaccid) for as far as I know, it still could be. Not all cases are the same. The symptoms you describe are really heavy symptoms of Hard Flaccid. HF is a strain or overextension of pelvic muscles connected to the penis that result in a very heavy contraction to protect the muscle. It really is a simple cramp if you think about it. Just like muscle cramps in your calves, these muscles were either overextended or way too tensed and were hit in a particular way that made them cramp. The only hard part is that HF is harder to fix as your pelvic muscles are working 24/7, while for example the muscles in your calves only need a day or so to slowly release the tension to normal. HF is very treatable and fixable. It just takes time and effort to fully relax the pelvic floor area again and to give it proper rest. But like I said, it is just a cramp, but then in an unfortunate area. But as you also experience at lot of the regular CPPS symptoms, it seems like your entire pelvic floor is going into disarray. CPPS stands for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome. I had the exact same. Still do sometimes. I highly suggest you visit a pelvic floor specialist. They can help you just as they helped me.
    I had all your symptoms except for the numbness. The anal cramps were the fucking worst for me. But I think you are fine, just in for a long time of slow recovery. Take that time off to do NoFap proper and to have this to distract you from PMO. CPPS is curable and treatable if you stick to relaxing the pelvic floor.

    Look up pelvic floor dysfunctions in men. It is not uncommon. Very unheard of in the medical community because urologists are fucking retards that apparently don't know what the fuck it is. I had to go to 3 urologists before a physical therapist recognized it was a pelvic floor issue. Your case sounds just like mine, but a little bit more extreme since sitting is hard for you. Pain with sitting is very common with extreme cases of CPPS, but many before you have fixed themselves. It is really important that you keep moving and to stay active and to massage the pelvic area and to stretch those muscles. They need blood, activity and rest. You should be glad, it is 'just' muscle issues with CPPS. Nothing is broken, just tired the fuck out. My pelvic floor was brought back to normal in I think around 3 months. At first it sounds very long and hard, but this experience in dealing with CPPS has taught me how to relax in general and to harness a lot of power from my body, as well as to regulate stress much better.

    Be aware that this is my personal non-professional judgement over the internet with a certain amount of text that is given to me. I am not a doctor.