100 Day Mark:

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Smiles1, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Smiles1

    Smiles1 Fapstronaut

    Hi folks,

    Just thought that I would post a milestone...100 days free from PMO. Although, since age 16, I've always wanted to be 'free' from this addiction, this is the longest stretch ever since I've picked up the habit (closing in on age 40). I think what got me serious this time was that my thyroid numbers were off for the past few years. Personally, I knew that this addiction 'may' have been the culprit throwing things off. Even at this age, I still had adult acne, very little body hair, was thin, and people just coming up to me thinking that I was ill / sickly in appearance. So, I went to the Dr. for blood work and the results came back that my Prolactin levels are now off - sending me to see an endocrinologist (all because of PMO. I actually came clean and told him that I had self-gratification addiction).

    In doing some research from misc. online sources, I read that this addiction could very well spike the Prolactin levels, which can cause acne, little body hair, and it being like a stress hormone in general on the human body (affecting hair loss for some, etc.). Anyhow, I went 'cold turkey' and much to my Dr.'s surprise, the Prolactin levels began to drop back within the normal range after about 3 months later of no PMO. Not only that, but I have less facial and body acne, and I've even gained some body weight. One thing in particular that I haven't really noticed was this memory fog as I've read some folks experience. Nor have the morning erections really increased (then again, perhaps they still will yet as the healing process continues). But, for folks out there who feel that they can never do abstinence for anything past just a few days, your body will gradually desire less cravings (at least it did for me) after the 3 week mark. For someone, such as myself, who couldn't go without it for anything more than just a day or so, now - I don't even think about it as amazing as that sounds. Once you get over an addiction (whether it be drugs, alcohol, and even sexual content), you'll begin to 'like who you are' and the only desire you have is to keep on going without it. I realize too that this may be a little strange, but bear with me: when I was tempted to PMO, I would look at imagery, yes, but I would not MO. It seemed that, when I had a craving (say, once a week), I would look at imagery, but not act on it. I realize that everyone is different, and for some this is too much of a risk (I respect that), but if I at least saw the images for only a moment - I was satisfied. That was a huge upgrade of only looking at imagery, yet not act on anything beyond that. I suppose I graduated to the less intense level of this addiction, lol. It's like someone craving a cup of coffee in the early morning hours. Though you can't have the entire cup, let's just say, you were able to take a quick gulp - it helped alleviate the cravings gradually over time without acting on MO.

    As a side note, I realize that some folks here may or not be a Christian. But, it's worth mentioning because it truly is a factor of my healing / recovery process. For the past 20 years, I've always confessed my guilt after PMO. Then a few days afterwards, fall back into addiction. What made it different this time? Instead of me saying in prayer, 'forgive me, I sinned, take this sin away from me, etc,' I prayed: 'I know that I am not just a sinner, but also a sex addict.' This form of approach was much deeper and went to the very root of the problem. When we confess the very issue of the problem (no different than just calling it what it is whether it is alcoholism, drug addiction, etc., just call it what it is and fess' up), there's tremendous freedom in that. When I prayed that prayer, the cravings miraculously began to fade. In other words, I owned up to the real problem and the heart of the matter - I was a sex addict. Plain and simple. Of course, there are numerous scriptures to help (I may have listed them in another thread), but it's key to remember that: By Jesus's stripes (the beating He took on the cross), we are already healed and when Jesus died, He said that even though He ascending up into Heaven, He left us the same power to tap into. Plus, He sent His Helper (the Holy Spirit). So, it's already in each and every one of us and many don't even know it. Tap into it - use it and if He says you are free; we are free indeed. Don't fall for the devil's lies. The enemy isn't going to attack you where he knows that you're safe / don't have issues. Just like a military attack, an opposing army is going to attack you where you're most vulnerable and weakest on the battlefield.

    Not to turn this into a sermon, and I'm not perfect and still not 100% where I want to be yet, but folks are here for a reason and that's to kick this addiction + get healthier. This is just my experience and if it helps others, this is why I am here too. Anyhow, many thank you's for reading the lengthy post and updates on the 100 day progress mark!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2019
  2. WELL DONE MATE, You are an inspiration :)
    Smiles1 likes this.
  3. Had similar problems. Good for me that I started earlier and did some progress so they did decrease, but can't wait for 90-120 days mark, I heard that's when your prolactin drops for good. Thanks for your testimony, it does help! Keep it up :)s1
    Smiles1 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Well done on that.

    I am nearing the 200 day mark, not that I still count the days. It occurs to me once in a while.

    I have enrolled to do a 42.2km marathon, I intend to grow my business further this year and to generally improve myself and my relationships with people.

    PMO takes away so much from you, but once you go past the cravings, even if sent imagery, it becomes something you see but not something to act on.

    I am happy with my new lifestyle and I think I am progressing on well
  5. Well done! Keep it up bro!!
    Smiles1 likes this.
  6. 007malone

    007malone Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this great write up! It resonates with me a bunch, especially about when you stopped tippy toeing around , and finally become honest with yourself.
    Smiles1 likes this.
  7. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Keep going strong ...congrats on 100 days ...it will get easier now . Long streak is a great weapon against pmo
    Smiles1 likes this.