Literally haven’t seen P since late April!!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by RobinCoenBrosFan, Jun 12, 2019.

  1. RobinCoenBrosFan

    RobinCoenBrosFan Fapstronaut

    I’d never thought I’d be posting on the Success Stories board, but here we go. I have successfully been 45 days pr0n-free. I’m going to the gym more regularly, thinking more about my career, managed to take two weeks off from the youtubers I’ve been addicted to watching, have healthier interests, have gone on dates with at least two gorgeous women (I have yet to escalate to any intimacy) and am more attentive to my acting and writing crafts. I’m also acting and thinking less emotionally, though that can tend to be hard.

    Continuing to be filled with hope that I can keep this up.

    PS: I’m thinking of getting a degree in Journalism so I can start a magazine about classic (and current) films.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  2. James02

    James02 Fapstronaut

    #1 - Congrats! #2 - Reward yourself! #3 - Keep your guard up, you know it's just waiting for guard to come down.
    Romance helps1995 likes this.

  3. All I gotta say is keep it up man! The hard work will pay off. As they say “Rome wasn’t built in a day” my personal trainer always told me.
  4. EternalDreams

    EternalDreams Fapstronaut

    Congratulations man! I’m also 10 days into NoFap and i’m doing alright for myself. Nice peridot profile pic btw. She’s awesome!
  5. Arjuna's path

    Arjuna's path Fapstronaut

    Congratulations! It seems to be a great achievement for you, keep it up with your degree planifications!
    EternalDreams likes this.
  6. RobinCoenBrosFan

    RobinCoenBrosFan Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the follow, you CLOD!
    Nyeh heh heh heh heh!

    I personally think that show is suitable for any age and not just kids (I don’t even really watch Disney movies anymore, but find myself returning to shows like this and Invader Zim every time). Very much looking forward to the SU movie; probably gonna watch it on demand as I don’t have a TV. Best wishes!

    PS: Lapis is pretty awesome too, but Garnet and Blue Diamond r my other favorites.
    EternalDreams likes this.
  7. EternalDreams

    EternalDreams Fapstronaut

    Cool lol. Im hyped for the upcoming steven universe movie in the fall uwu. Now im celebrating 11 days of nofap!
  8. RobinCoenBrosFan

    RobinCoenBrosFan Fapstronaut

    Congrats, keep it up!
    EternalDreams likes this.