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91 days. Thank you!

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by christopherrobin, Sep 21, 2019.

  1. christopherrobin

    christopherrobin Fapstronaut

    I wanted to thank everybody who helps everyday to keep nofap "alive".

    Without you I wouldn't have discovered this lifestyle and I don't know where I would be now without it.

    It's only 90 days now (after failing once after 10 and another time after 27 days), but my life has changed comletely.
    I don't want to list every single part, bacause I don't think anybody would want to read this.

    Basically this thread serves as a big THANK YOU to everybody who reads this.

    Deep down I felt before, that M isn't as good, as everybody tries to tell the youth today (especially not in this frequency). But I honestly could not find a single article in the net that said something about this.

    However I am still shocked, that the media is so P and M positive. You can't read anywhere that P and M could have bad effects.

    Every single article just praises P and especially M, as the ultimate form of self love and freedom etc.
    Ironically I personally think that it's the exact opposite of both and a major problem for the next generations.
    I'm 19 now, and without nofap I would probably still be a sloth without any goal in life.

    So thank you all once again for supporting this movement and stay strong everybody! It's worth it.

  2. Great job bro I just released so this is great to read this
  3. Sad that media gives wrong information to young minds that do t know better.
    That's why people need to read bible to know what's right, when so much is wrong these days, values in Bible stays the same for thousands of years. About self pleasuring it says its a sin, as well as lust and looking at other sinful or married woman's.

    I literally believe that best thing one can do these days is stay in celibate until marriage.
  4. ForwardEver

    ForwardEver Fapstronaut

  5. Good post, I'd be interested in what ways your life has changed if you care to share?
  6. 09 MJACC

    09 MJACC Fapstronaut

    Congratulation bro, just make sure to continue and don't fall again, keep it up. Best of luck.
  7. Unstoppable man

    Unstoppable man Fapstronaut

    Congrats my friend, i hope you to reach you next goal.
  8. I've never seen any article that claims porn has benefits. But that's just my personal experience.
  9. quit@porn

    quit@porn Fapstronaut

    Frankly right now I am strict only on watching porn and nasty content.
    To be honest not that strict on Fap and edging but without porn ( fantasies) and also light on orgasm.
    But say I am without porn for 11 days now
    Fapping with o - 5 days
    Edging - daily.

    What do you think is it a right approach?

    Because I do thing that i i resolved full no PMO for 1 month I personally believe that i will most likely fail.

    I am thing on moving gradually
    No porn strict then larger gap for orgasm then fantasy fap.

    I would like to here your opinion on this.
    ( my short history joined Nofap last month.
    26 days with no porn then release for 10 days and now again started)
  10. PowerfulSRE

    PowerfulSRE Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately, this is true. You can not find anything to read about PM bad effects, and if you found some, it's very little, misleading or superficial.

    I am also very grateful for this website, people who started it and people who are keeping it a clean and safe place, without adds and all other shit. I am also grateful for people who are trying to make a difference. Gary Wilson, Noah Curch and all other awesome people.
  11. Address007

    Address007 Fapstronaut

    Only source I know of that goes into details about the bad effects of porn is yourbrainonporn. But yeah, the normalization of watching porn and fapping daily is saddening
  12. Thanks man. Good to see your post.
    It helps!
  13. I think there is a general assumption that wanking is somehow good for you or necessary, but that mindset misses the fact that lots of people (even children) are exposed to hardcore pornography whilst masturbating, which cannot be a good idea.
    Maybe this is a stretch, but it's a bit like watching violent horror films whilst stabbing something and imagining you're in the film.
  14. I'll agree that it is certainly seen as the norm for men to jerk off to porn on a daily basis. So much so that sadly, some people on this forum have described being misunderstood, if not ostracized, for their decision to leave their dick alone. And in my view TV and visual media are becoming increasingly "pornographic." There's a lot going on here. But being the optimist I am, I can't help but notice a growing number of people admonishing porn and promoting semen retention as we do on this site. However, such people don't have a fraction of the influence that the porn industry has.
  15. christopherrobin

    christopherrobin Fapstronaut


    I think everyone should feel for themselves what the right approach is.
    For me it was the exact opposite.
    I Did not M for 92 days, but peeked at P in week 5 and 6 or something, but did not M at all.
    I know that this would count as a reset or even a relapse, if you are strict, but I figured out, that it would be so demotivating for me to be at 0 days again, that I would probably be like "f*ck it" and would relapse completely.
    Still this was a sign that I'm really addicted.

    After week 6 I figured out for myself that it's not the right way for me and let it be.

    Personally I think that P is a big problem indeed, but for me personally it's not so bad, if it's not combined with m.
    Plus I really believe in semen retention.

    After 92 days I reset deliberately, but only M one time.
    And you probably heard this before, but it's extremely important, that IF you reset, do it one time.
    The difference between a reset and a relapse with binging is immense.
    Yes, I felt weak after that, but after 2 days max I was back on track.
    Now I'm on day 4 and looking forward to the next 90.

    I have to say again, that this is only my opinion and everyone should figure out the right way for them. If you want to be safe do hard mode.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
  16. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I agree with everything you say :)
    christopherrobin likes this.
  17. quit@porn

    quit@porn Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro. I asked this question to some people and really answer varies too much. Finally I will have to take my call
    christopherrobin likes this.
  18. LeHso

    LeHso Fapstronaut

    It is true that the media is not generally denying P or M. And I do find this to be awful.

    It's a great achievement to discover the truth of P and M and managing reach 90 days at the age of 19 years old.

    Well done and keep up the good work.
    christopherrobin likes this.
  19. ForwardEver

    ForwardEver Fapstronaut

    Absolutely true,my bro! Keep it up and keep enjoying every second of life!
  20. takingthejourney

    takingthejourney Fapstronaut

    Did you stop because of sex?

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