1. Little kid5

    Little kid5 Fapstronaut

    Basically I know that masturbation causes brain damage I searched it on Google and there were so many different types of brain damage .some people say that it can affect brain by lowering dopamine .some say that it kills brain cell some people say it shrinks cortisol. Some people say that it causes lack of acetylcholine and some say it causes lack of zinc and chlorine so in your point of view how can masturbation damage one's brain
  2. I'm my point of view no damage at all.
    Problems may appear when you develop an addiction to sex.
  3. Agreed. The idea that masturbation causes brain damage is right up there with the idea it will cause you to grow hair on your palms, or cause blindness. There's simply no scientific evidence for it. Compulsive sexual behavior can often be the result of anxiety, trauma, or some other mental health problems, but there's been no evidence that masturbation alone causes brain damage.
  4. Captain!

    Captain! Fapstronaut

  5. I agree. It would be pretty naive to think an addiction to arousal is harmless.

    An addiction to masturbation by definition is an addiction to sex. A nervous system that has been overly sensitized to dopamine signaling over time will begin to show signs of neuronal apoptosis and downregulation of inhibitory neurotransmission. In other words the habit will drive the brain to become hyperaroused, which means it will overactivate the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn will cause a lack of calming neurotransmitters, at which point a state of depression or anxiety may develop. Deficiencies in gamma aminobutyric acid and serotonin, along with a downregulation in their pathways, basically are to blame for a lot or most of the negative consequences of a porn/masturbation addiction. The habit means the brain will get used to dopamine/adrenaline driven energy. Logically it will downregulate pathways that are deemed unnecessary over time, thus a state of physical dependency ensues.
    D1Dopamine likes this.
  6. Grey is colourless

    Grey is colourless Fapstronaut

    If you weaken the resources in the body with ejaculation, yes you will cause cellular damage. It has been shown that when the body lacks good resources for making new cells, it will simply make lower quality cells. And yes these cells will also have less voltage than usual running, as well as ph problems.

    There is a link between cellular voltaic field and ph....
    Little kid5 likes this.
  7. Sarutobi

    Sarutobi Fapstronaut

    Immediate problems arise from a lack of dopaminergic pathways to the frontal lobe, basically a lack of self control and the setting of short term goals along with short term memory acquisition. Of course it generalizes into various other problems related to primary bodily functions including those related to mood and even the excretory system when it comes to retention.
  8. Angus McGyver

    Angus McGyver Fapstronaut

    It is impossible that masturbation is a harmless thing because with it comes a huge rush of dopamine (whether ejaculating or not) whose levels are well above those that are coming from other activities. Hence the reason for why everything else feels so dull, mundane and indifferent when doing it.
    The sex- and lust addiction that dopamine-rush brings, including the compulsion to masturbate every single time an urge arises must all be signs that it is not healthy (or harmless) to masturbate. Just think about how our male ancestors must have lived only 100 year ago (and earlier) and why masturbation was considered something bad and something that should be avoided (and I am not only referring to the dogmatic message those preachers spoke about at the time).
    Little kid5 likes this.