New here. 67days PMO. Is this a relapse?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Determinedhusband38, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. Determinedhusband38

    Determinedhusband38 Fapstronaut

    I was still frequenting R/sexaddicts on Reddit and recently a girl posted there. I didn't have the NSFW filter on. She mentioned she posted on GW. And I wasn't able to stop myself by looked at her profile. Then I briefly saw thumbnails of her pics pop up. I freaked out and backed out.

    I don't think that sudden glimpse is a relapse or anything like that...but was the intention a relapse?

    Edit: to clarify I did tell my wife that night as well that I did this. I'm trying to be a better person and always be honest. It's rough but I know I have to do it. Other than this there has been no other type of slip.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
  2. I think you handled it well
  3. Hello and welcome! :)

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    There are plenty of wonderful, friendly and knowledgeable people here to help you along on your journey to a life free of PMO. I wish you nothing but the best!
  4. I agree with @James77, you definitely did the right thing by immediately owning up to your wife. Thankfully you didn't take it any further. I wouldn't call seeing a thumbnail a relapse but I would say you definitely should try to learn from this experience.

    What triggered you to going on her profile? Why didn't you have the NSFW filter turned on?

    The more questions you ask yourself and the more you challenge your behaviour the less likely you are to do it again.
    thetourist and James77 like this.
  5. Congrats on the 67 days PMO by the way! That's definitely a sign of determination. Hope to see you around the forum more.
  6. Determinedhusband38

    Determinedhusband38 Fapstronaut

    I think I thought it was on by default. I had it on the account but it wasn't on in the Reddit is fun app.

    And I think the circumstances. At work. I was alone. I was ok Reddit. That GW popped up. That was something I used to do before o started all of this and before my wife had found out. Work has been frustrating too. So I think all of that and my guard was down.

    Would you consider that a need to reset my counter too?
    thetourist likes this.
  7. I personally wouldn't reset your counter. As you said you had a moment of weakness, you were triggered by being stressed at work and seeing that post come up. Now you can work out how to avoid that situation in future and also put in a second line of defence by blocking NSFW content.

    For me the most important part is the no M and particularly the no M to P. You didn't even view P as such either, just looked at a thumbnail. Not that I am excusing such behaviour but you have clearly understood what you did wrong which shows progress.

    However you think it might be a relapse/reset. If you feel that it is worth reseting your counter then you should. This journey is about being honest to yourself and to others. Perhaps it would be worth discussing it with your wife?
    James77 and thetourist like this.
  8. Determinedhusband38

    Determinedhusband38 Fapstronaut

    I would agree as well. I didn't think I should reset it. While I did it intentionally I feel like it was to "edge" up to some point. Maybe to see her titles. I'm really not sure. It just freaked me out on how easy it was.

    I have told my wife and it's been a rough few days especially because things are going well. I am just going to have to learn from it.
  9. thetourist

    thetourist Fapstronaut

    I also think you handled that well, concerning how dangerous the situation was.

    I gotta admit that in my experience social media always poses a risk. If it's not a hot profile pic, it may just as well be some ad for underwear or another crappy videogame with half-naked elves. That's why I installed a permanent image filter and ditched my smartphone for a good old "analog" Nokia. Not that it's a must, of course.
    James77 and JamesTheSquirrel like this.
  10. I agree with JamesTheSquirrel
    JamesTheSquirrel likes this.
  11. Determinedhusband38

    Determinedhusband38 Fapstronaut

    There are too many James's in this post haha
    James77 and JamesTheSquirrel like this.
  12. Good one! Hehe
    JamesTheSquirrel likes this.
  13. Philosophical_Dad

    Philosophical_Dad Fapstronaut

    Nice to meet you James and congrats on your streak!

    I'm new here and am far from an expert on rebooting--I just started my reboot a couple days ago. So take my opinion with a grain of salt. But I'd say you handled the situation well and that it might actually be better to not beat yourself up or judge yourself too much about it. Instead, take a forward-looking approach. As others have said, it's an opportunity to learn how to improve, that's all! Onwards and upwards!
    JamesTheSquirrel likes this.