Rock Bottom

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Semaphore, Nov 12, 2019.

  1. Semaphore

    Semaphore Fapstronaut

    A programme on BBC Radio 4 today caught my ear. Its called "Hooked".
    It's a podcast by two recovered addicts (one drug one alcohol). They explore the nature of addiction and the recovery process. I haven't listened to it all yet but it's good, really good. I'm just sorry it hasn't referred to Sex addiction (yet).
    They highlight their respective "Rock Bottoms" and how the turnaround came thereafter.
    I'm not sure Sex addicts experience the same thing. Mine, if I had one, was sat in a small, damp bedsit after admitting an affair to my wife and declaring my addiction to sex and porn (I never told her about the escorts). She took me back, I'm still an addict.
    Although the behaviours associated with addiction are common across drink, drugs, food and sex, the one stark difference is that Sex addiction carries a far greater stigma and it was this that prevented me from declaring my addiction in full - I didn't want people to know I paid for sex with hookers.
    What was your Rock Bottom? Did it help turn you around? Are you still heading towards it?
    Ogikubo likes this.
  2. My very worst rock bottom was not with porn, but with video games. Getting rid of porn has helped me to realize that. I spent a whole summer playing one particular game every day and only took breaks to eat and sleep.

    My rock bottom with porn was that it ruined the only two relationships I've ever had. I could not be physically or emotionally intimate with either partner and they were great, amazing people who I was lucky to share my life with. I broke up with both of them because I was not capable of love. Now I am starting to feel the capacity for love returning to me.
    Ogikubo, Semaphore and Metis07 like this.