Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TronPie, Jan 1, 2020.

  1. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    I only created an account today, 1st of Jan 2020. I had previously visited NoFap a couple of times after I experienced repeated ED problems. My longest NoFap streak was for 50days, HardMode(no masturbation/porn) but I relapsed & it has been even harder for me to get back on track. I had positive takes from my NoFap streak as I could feel my libido rise & I had wet dreams which I hadn’t experienced in quite a while. I decided to join NoFap officially and bond with the community as a New Years resolution for myself. I want to become a guy free of PIED and porn addictions. Although I’ve successfully had sex during my porn addiction times but that was with my ex-girlfriend, the only last real sex I remember & enjoyed. The other times I’ve tried to have sex, I often go soft right before penetration/ I don’t get an erection at all. Gaining an erection isn’t impossible for me (sometimes it is), it’s maintaining one that seems to be my problem & sometimes I can’t get turned on even when I eat a girl out, kiss her & etc. I want to better myself and I believe i’m making the right decision. I’m joining the fight to quit porn addiction & masturbation. My only fears is relapsing, I hope my journey is worth it.
  2. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    Hello my friend, that the best decision that you can make. I wish you the best I am also in for a new streak.
    kammaSati likes this.
  3. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much & Goodluck with it! What is your longest streak if I may ask?
  4. Welcome, and good luck! You can do this, and it will be worth it.
    TronPie and kammaSati like this.
  5. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    Thank you
    Marshall 5 likes this.
  6. vanilla gorilla52

    vanilla gorilla52 Fapstronaut

    I have joined the NoFap community in December 2018 and had a 90 days streak. The beginning was very hard but it was the best time of my life. My life improved in so many ways. But after the 90 days I had no more goal and lost somehow the motivation. So now I have my ups and downs. But I really want to get rid of this addiction. So I keep trying. I wish you the best.
    TronPie likes this.
  7. Hey there, you achieved a pretty good streak earlier. It's a good sign of your caliber, keep yourself motivated and keep posting about your updates, I wish you good luck :)
    TronPie and vanilla gorilla52 like this.
  8. TronPie

    TronPie Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much! I would be posting my updates but the platform is a little tricky for me but I will get the hang of it!