More than 90 days without porn, relapsed to M in day 86. Some tips and warning

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by FY_33, Jan 1, 2020.

  1. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    So right now its a new year, and i won't do this disgusting habit such as porn and masturbation ever again. My journey can be accessed here

    1. NEVER touch your genital
    2. If you can't fight the urge, just enjoy it. Your libido is what sterilized man want
    3. Think about your future spouse, do you really want to face her dirty?
    4. See a doctor(in my case: andrologist),i was given multivitamin for my brain(supplement of vitamin B and E, also many nutrition), and zoloft. The effect is not instant, it will be felt like month or months
    5. Delete your internet history, some word can trigger your memory to P or M
    6. If you go on hard mode, don't date, or even sexting
    7. I relapsed in day 86 because i experimented some statement in internet: zoloft caused sexual dysfunction. I regretted it. I M till my D gets hard. I GUARANTEE you all. The sensation and tingle is even MORE EXCITING like my first ever M in teen days. DON'T EVER EDGE, TRUST YOUR DOCTOR, NEVER SELF DIAGNOSE. My semen/sperm is greyish and thick. Not watery like when i am still doing M regularly.
    8. Do some sports: running, football, etc
    9. Consume healthy diet like honey, meat, and etc. reduce coconut milk
    10. Talk to your close one. In my case my family. I tought i am gonna slapped, but i was hugged:)
    11. Get married if you already have the ability to do it
    12. Don't read sexual story
    13. Quit social media like twitter and instagram that has low filter on adult content
    14. Change your environment

    Noticable change:
    1. Calmer decision making
    2. Emotional stability
    3. I feel my strength (bone and muscle) increasing. When stumble in football match, i barely feel pain (increased pain tolerance)
    4. The craving to marry a women is increasing
    5. My GPA is increasing, this semester i have 3,92 GPA (with max of 4)
    6. Morning wood everyday
    7. Thinking about future plan often
    8. Sometimes ejaculate after peeing(semen leakage)
    9. Wet dream after many years lol
    10. Fortune keeps coming to me, now i have financial security in college days
    11. Increased memorizing ability
    12. I think i have jealously for someone's wedding, damn, i must change this
    13. Better relationship with everyone(mainly family and close friends)
    14. Pray 5 times a day, usually in mosque

    I do this for you, Allah SWT, and my future wife. I will give you the love you deserve. We will have a great sex life!:)

    Let's make this year no porn and masturbation!!!!
    nirav2696, Klenton, Inspark and 21 others like this.
  2. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    Great man,keep going :)
    captainteemo and Deleted Account like this.
  3. This motivated me a lot! thanks.
    Ola2000 and Deleted Account like this.
  4. Not touching genitals is sure the big key to success since twinkie winkie is not a toy.

    But I hope you know that coran is written by listening to Angel and satan can also show up in form of angel.
  5. TheSickBoy

    TheSickBoy Fapstronaut

    ;) I wont start a religious debate here but coran wasnt by satan case closed.
    Ola2000 and Enigma897 like this.
  6. Well the think about satan is that he twists the truth. He needs to twist truth only a little to miss lead people in a wrong way - away from saving, eternal life and into the hell. Truth is only Christians don't deny Jesus Christ as true God and true Human together in one person. All other faiths miss this crucial piece to be saved. You see a lot of people living by old Testament instead of New Testament(2000 years old). Christianity is first faith and Muslim faith came much later. Also thing is Bible is written by God and 40 different people living in diferent times and different places, all talking about same thing. Coran - written by listening what said one angel. So who to trust more? And also Bible is not a book its a library consisting of 76 books.
    You can choose what to believe but by the end of the day what you believe determines what you do.
    Aot of people converts from Muslim to Christianity and never looks back. I don't know about cases where its other way around. So that what happens when people have chance to compare both.
  7. Thank you for this brother. May Allah grant you success in this life and success in the akhirah and protection from hellfire. InshaAllah I will reach day 90 for certain now.
    Ola2000 and FIGHTER478 like this.
  8. Cypher123

    Cypher123 Fapstronaut

    Meditate for about 5-10 min it helps.. I've been on a good streak so far because i started meditating ‍♂️
    Enigma897 and FIGHTER478 like this.
  9. Asjf

    Asjf Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Some valuable points. But I wholeheartedly disagree with a number of them. Zoloft is a chemical poison created by profit driven pharmaceutical companies and only serves to essentially replace what PMO did for you—allow you to hide from your deepest feelings and emotions. It’s ONLY in FACING your feelings and emotions head on that you will ever be free. This takes courage, but it’s the only true way. Anti depressants should only ever be used for people who have true and real mental health issues where all other possibilities have been exhausted. Also, if you think giving up PMO is hard, do yourself a favor and check out the website if you want to see the REAL hell that many people go through trying to come off of antidepressant medications. I’ve read stories about people there being prescribed antidepressants for only a couple of months and then coming off and suffering withdrawal side effects for five and even TEN YEARS! I would NEVER suggest to anyone to take these meds unless it was a very LAST resort. I was on them for years and it took me half a decade to return to normal afterwards. And don’t be fooled—doctors are some of the most ignorant people there are when it comes to these meds. They simply follow the guidelines set out by pharma—who have been proven to be liars with regards to the effects of these medications.

    RE: Never touch your genitals. Sorry, again this is bullshit. Your genitals are a beautiful part of who you are, not some evil temptation to be avoided. Your genitals are your link to expressing the most intimate love that two humans can experience together. Your genitals are your link to the miracle of creating new life. The PROBLEM w PMO is the ABUSE of our minds, souls, and genitals. Just like we need to heal and recreate our relationship to our minds and souls, we also need to do so with our genitals. This does not come through abandonment and avoidance, but rather respect and honour and love. Go ahead and touch your genitals—but do so as an act of self love and acknowledgment, rather than an act of escaping PRESENT pain with fantasy.
    You don’t need to create an erection, you just need to be ok with acknowledgement of what is there and what it represents. I touch my heart sometimes by putting my hand on my chest and focusing consciousness there with kindness and acknowledgement. . I don’t rub my hand vigorously and aggressively in a compulsive way on my chest causing skin burn. That’s the difference.
    This requires courage and a belief in your own inner power and intelligence. Avoiding ANYTHING in life is rooted in the FEAR that you can’t take responsibility for your own choices. Don’t be afraid of this journey, constantly complaining about how hard it is—Be grateful and confident in your decision to make a better and more free life. Look in the mirror and say ‘YEAH! you’re a badass motherfucker for reclaiming your POWER’. Don’t dwell in fear, or else you’ll always be afraid...
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
    FlashgordonsApe and Powerwolf99 like this.
  10. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    don't worry, i only takes cleanly 1,5 months(3 weeks 50 mg, 3 weeks tapering) and monitored by andrologist , and now i am forbidden to take it in my entire life. I ask My doctor about your statement, he said, "of course they zombified, they take them for years, while this drug should never be consumed more than 2 months or over, even abused), I am still attracted to girl tho, right now, i am given herbal and vitamin, and i can get erect without even touching it. Oh yeah, it's not zoloft actually, but sertraline HCL. Without fapping, i feel my manliness and self esteem come back:)

    The last time i relapse to M, the O feels amazing
    My urge coming back, but not for M, but to making love with a women
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2020
  11. FY_33

    FY_33 Fapstronaut

    it's a good thing i am not going to physiciatrist, they DON'T CARE about your sexuality.
    bullshit? its your opinion, but works for me:)
  12. TheSickBoy

    TheSickBoy Fapstronaut

    Alright man. I came here to get rid of my porn addiction not to defend my religion. Your religion is yours, my religion is mine.
    May Allah show you the right path brother.
  13. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    are u from +62 Country / wkwkwk land by any chance ?
    dogeatdog likes this.
  14. Asjf

    Asjf Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hey man:) Just try on what I said. That’s all I ask.
    This guy knows what’s up...
  15. CS1

    CS1 Fapstronaut

    I am not here to make an argument, but the truth is the truth for who is looking for it. Muhammad and jesus ( Essa ) are prophets and who created them and sent them with his message to all people one God ( Allah ). God sent prophet Mousa then prophet Essa and ended the message by prophet Muhammad, as well the Quran book is Allha words nobody can garble it..
    Ola2000 and Enigma897 like this.
  16. Enigma897

    Enigma897 Fapstronaut

    [QUOTE="Aot of people converts from Muslim to Christianity and never looks back. I don't know about cases where its other way around. So that what happens when people have chance to compare both.[/QUOTE]

    Haha if you think "a lot" of people are converting to Christianity from Islam then you are wrong there, there are estimated 8 BILLION humans on earth so ofcourse there would definitely be people converting from religions to other religions but don't lie to yourself saying not a lot of people from Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and etc don't convert to islam because i can assure if you do your research there are many. Pcmaster don't lie to yourself...

    Besides this is a website in order to break negative habits that we posses and why do you think it's appropriate to bring up religion... you tell me, maybe you have something against islam :D
    TheSickBoy and CS1 like this.
  17. Si bolang

    Si bolang Fapstronaut

    How long have you been addicted to PMO friends?
  18. dogeatdog

    dogeatdog Fapstronaut

    Anjayyyy gw belum pernah temu orang Indonesia di NoFap. Asik juga.
    For about four years now, and I'm trying every single day to be better and quit!
  19. hollyman

    hollyman Fapstronaut

    if im not mistake NoFap Indonesia exist on kaskus tho but im not taking part of it

    i think a lot of our +62 People are wandering here too

    how about we Unite on this NoFap , make a group full of +62 people, help each other

  20. Asjf

    Asjf Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    What a bunch of nonsense. You’re just regurgitating things you’ve heard others say. Have you even stopped and REALLY looked at a viewpoint like this and allowed it to penetrate your soul and body? These words are just fodder for a thinking mind. Your thinking mind is what got you addicted to PMO in the first place. There is no power in the ramblings of a thinking mind. Your body and soul are what tells the truth. Sorry, your words here say NOTHING on the level of body and soul. Just blah blah blah....