Alcohol and acting out?

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Wave tamer, Feb 11, 2020.

  1. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Does anybody else’s goals go out of the window when they’ve got a hangover? For years I’ve been on and off with booze, more of a party binge drinker than every night. It’s the depression and hopelessness I feel the next day. This is when I must crave intimacy the most! I’d always be horny too and felt blowing my load as a way of getting rid of the poison and negativity I was feeling. Over the years Ive escalated into extreme territories. A few evenings of celebrating some good fortune I had last week turned into me seeing an escort. for some sexual practise and to prove to myself that my sexual tastes were back to normal. The sex was awful, the escort seemed awkward. I could tell she really didn’t want to be there. She closed her eyes made some fake moans and just bared with me, who was trying to put on a performance to make myself feel better. Basically using her body to get myself off. I started thinking poor girl, what has she been through to get herself into this position. I know a lot of escorts were abused when they were younger. Whatever her situation I left feeling like a sad man that has to pay for someone to fake it. Later on I went for an erotic massage ( the chaser effect) which was terrible and I didn’t come, then cruised the red light district for hours over the limit, I managed to find a girl that got bored halfway through my blowjob and decided she was off to get her fix. I went home to get myself off to porn which escalated into really degrading stuff, felt like crap the next few days so have seen 2 transexuals and listened to a load of bullshit Femdom erotic audios and felt so messed up with it all.
    Tonight I decided to quit drinking for good and went to a Sex addicts group. Met a load of nice people and worked out some really cool stuff. There were some nice looking girls at the meeting which usually makes me nervous as my ego wants to impress them and have sex with them, as the bottom line is I need approval. I wasn’t too bad tonight and realised these are other humans on this planet going through hell. just like the escort and the street worker drug addict I’m funding to make myself feel better. I dont believe in a man in the clouds saying “ Don’t touch your willy it’s naughty” but I believe in positive energy and weather you call it nature or god the creation/energy/power of life is greater than just me so I should respect it . and was kidding myself I was a nice human being and poor old me. If I can live my life treating other humans with respect and kindness and not just as something to get my insecure self off on. I’ll have strong morals and respect myself. which will in turn will make my relationships with other people better. Day 1 now and never want to go back to that HELL hole of a celebration:)
    kammaSati likes this.
  2. ikerxkenshin

    ikerxkenshin Fapstronaut

    Hi! Thanks a lot for sharing your story! I do believe that a lot of NoFap forum users can relate to what you're going through now. It's indeed crazy how something relatively small (?) like a PMO addiction can affect our daily life, thoughts patterns, general confidence and even actions (in your case, acting out with escort and other self-destructive behavioral patterns).

    However, whatever you do, please, don't EVER judge yourself for what you did in the past because of PMO addiction. It's past and it has absolutely nothing to do with your future. Instead of looking back and feeling horrible about yourself, learn from your experiences. Remember how horrible it felt to have meaningless sex with that awkward escort. Remember how horrible you felt after all that self-destructive behavior. However, don't let that feeling describe you.

    Because you know what? It's not you! It's your PMO addiction taking over your thoughts and body. However, you cannot let it take over you EVER again if you want to be the best version of yourself and leave all that shame, guilt and anger behind. So, please, whatever you do, don't look back. Don't see yourself as a monster or a horrible person because of your past actions. Instead, make an action plan of how can you beat this PMO addiction and prevent all possible acting out outcomes. I would also suggest doing 90 days of NO-PMO Hard Mode and avoiding alcohol or any other unnatural stimulants during this time.

    What is more, it's nice to meet everyone. It is my literally first message/post on this forum. And there is a lot of things to improve for me, during this NoFap journey that I'm exploring (Reached 7 days, wooohoo). So, I might not be as experienced as other guys and girls over the forum, haha. However, I will do my best to help out as many people as I can, during my own reboot!

    By the way @Peaceful magic 21, I really do recommend you to read the text below. It's not written by me, however, for everyone interested, it was being posted on Reddit. Unfortunately, I'm too new to the forum, to be able to post links, so I can't provide the original source on this message. However, for anyone interested, I can send the link via PM

    The Inherent Nature of Porn Is To Mock You

    Now, I know this is a long shot, but bear with me. If you think I'm wrong, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Also, just to be clear, I'm going to be addressing mainstream heterosexual porn in this one.

    In my opinion, porn themes and storylines are built to address your social insecurities and fears, which makes the release so strong and identifiable and hence, keeps you coming back for more. To illustrate my point, I'll broadly breakdown a generic porno storyline:

    1. The object of desire- For those of us addicted, one common symptom is our anxiety in social situations with the opposite sex. Especially if it's someone desirable. We somehow believe that these hot women are inaccessible to us for whatever reason. Porn reinterprets this sense of inaccessibility through 'roles' they make their pornstars play: My Wife's Hot Friend My Sister's Best Friend The School Teacher The Maid, etc. All 'inaccessible' in a sense, in context to the plot. The rush, as you'll guess, is in breaking this inaccessibility and claiming the prize. Something we wish we could do in real life, but somehow don't manage.

    2. You The male characters are usually roles that are irrelevant or not generally held in very high esteem in society. Plumbers, pizza delivery guys, employees, customers, restaurant waiters, salesmen. Why? Coz the makers of porn have a fair idea about your own self worth. There's nothing more rewarding than an underdog story, and in your life, you're perpetually the underdog. A nobody scores the hottest woman in the room? That's arousing.

    3. Making the first move The makers of porn know we're too chicken to approach women we're attracted to because of our social anxiety. There's nothing more we'd like in the world than have these women want us more than we want them. Which is why in most porno, even before the guy's spoken 5 coherent sentences, the girl's already on her knees unzipping him.

    4. Unleash The Penis! They know you're insecure about your penis. They know you think your dick is too small, too ugly, too thin, too floppy and so on.

    5. Releasing those pent up emotions Sex in porn is way more 'aggressive' and in-your-face than it is in real life. That again is solely for you and me. Here we are in front of our screens stroking our dicks like mad, hoping to feel better about all that pent up anxiety and lack of self-worth, believing that we're that dude on the screen and the girl's actually enjoying what we're doing to her. Why? Because we WISH we could be that good.

    These stereotypes exist because WE exist. In helping us live out our fantasies through this third person, porn also mocks us for our inability to cope with our own reality. They love giving you the best view from your prison cell window, knowing very well that you won't be able to break out of the cell any time soon. Think about it- If we were all confident people, able to strike up a conversation with anybody we wanted, not insecure about ourselves and what we had, knowing the boundaries of social accessibility and being comfortable with it, knowing how to express ourselves, then would porn storylines stay the same? I'd like to believe not.

    The objective behind this long analysis is to try and get all of us to replace our addiction with social activity, even if it makes us uncomfortable at first. And no, not because you want to get laid. Because you need to be comfortable with who you are and like yourself. Till you don't learn and fix these two issues, you'll be the most ripe target audience for most mainstream porno. Coz you can't get out and confront your reality and take control of it. Instead you choose to let tailor-made fantasies run your reality.

    TLDR - Porn knows your social insecurities and they use that to create content that connects with you. Don't fall for that trap.
    Peaceful magic 21 likes this.
  3. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Thanks a lot for your advice. And I really needed to give myself a break so close to a big relapse.
    The article is really interesting. I’m done with that porn garbage now :)
    ikerxkenshin likes this.
  4. Tempus Fugit

    Tempus Fugit Fapstronaut

    When I started to take my NoFap journey more seriously, I realized that I needed to cut out the alcohol as well. Alcohol lowered my inhibitions and also my resistance and will power. I know that I would not be as successful in resisting PMO if I were still drinking.

    I know that some people might say that it's too much to try to give up PMO and alcohol at the same time. Based on my experience, I think it would be harder *not* to give up alcohol with PMO. Rather than trying to screw around with cutting back, I'm in a much better place by making a firm commitment to cut these things out of my life altogether.

    Good luck with your progress.
  5. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Thank you, yea it’s about time I packed the drink in for life. Its always done a lot more harm than good and my path and ambitions seem so much more realistic with a clear mind :)
  6. Hey @Peaceful magic 21, thanks for sharing so openly what you have been going through. I can relate a lot. Was hooked to online findom, escorts, spent huge amounts of time and money on it all. And yes alcohol or other drugs always were part of it. As you describe so well. The drinking, the hangover, feeling weak, shitty, horny ...
    I stopped drinking last September. Ever since drank moderately on 5 occasions only. Otherwise none at all. And I can feel a huge difference in my psyche, self-esteem. Together with meditating my sleep has improved enormously, too. Which I am so grateful for.
    Now the escorts still haunt me, even being sober. Guess it's the old me, the old-me-wheel still turning, the momentum still going on as I have been hooked for so long. I am attending SLAA meetings as weill, since last July. That is very helpful. Have a sponsor, working through the steps. So, let us stay strong, never go back to that place. Thank's for the post.
    Peaceful magic 21 likes this.
  7. Wave tamer

    Wave tamer Fapstronaut

    Well done mate, sounds like you’re doing really well. I was told by a guy in the field of helping sex addicts that 1.5 years without your bad acting out habits and you’re well on your way for your brain to start loosing those nuro pathways. And in 5 years they have fully gone. A Long time I know but at least they’re not life long
    Thanks :)
    kammaSati likes this.