Married porn addicted..

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Mrbchrr, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Mrbchrr

    Mrbchrr New Fapstronaut

    I have a big problem for years. I am addicted to women.
    And I used to have a type of women that I liked and I looked for that on porn sites. But after a while the effect is not so strong anymore.

    So now I want to see "nude photos" of women or videos that have been exposed. Now that I read it like that I am disgusted with myself.

    but the truth is, that's more real than porn.

    The worst part is that I am married, and I have a beautiful wife and good one too.

    I don't even deserve her for this filth.
    I try to stop for so long and then suddenly I fantasize about someone or see something and fail.

    I'm also so LAZY, i don't want to do anything.
    I know when i'm busy i don't do anything.

    I don't know how to stop, and right now while i'm typing this.
    I fantasize about women, weird and disgusting.

    Some advise?
    nirav2696 and GoldenDreams like this.
  2. hubbawulf1234

    hubbawulf1234 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing, I'm married too, which makes the guilt that much worse. You are not powerless to stop this, just under prepared. You need a plan. The thing about a plan is it has to be custom made. Which involved trial and error. Observe what's going on around you and learn, learn learn. Learn about yourself and your circumstance. Learn what triggers you and how to counteract that. And practice your plan. When the shit hits the fan you won't rise to the occasion but fall to your training. Learn, learn, learn,.

    What I did is I learned to hate porn. Hate how you feel afterwards. Hate where it takes you and what it makes you think. Hate the system that abuses you and actors. And learn to love your self,. Love yourself more than you hate the filth.

    When you feel out of control, find something you can control and hyper focus on it. Maybe it's tapping your foot or drumming your fingers. Maybe it's your breath. Maybe it's going for a walk. But fine 1 thing that you are in control of.

    Don't give porn more power. Realize that it is powerless and you hold the cards. It's not some unseen force lying in the darkness waiting to pounce, It's a decision you are making. Deny it the power to control you.

    I'm far from having this perfected, but these are a few truths that I have picked up on the way. It's not easy. You're rewiring your brain. It's going to be uncomfortable and sometimes painful. But growth lies just outside of our comfort zone.
  3. Mohit913

    Mohit913 New Fapstronaut

    Yes bro some time its not urge and you watch porn and start matubate when you feel horny next time go to toilet and get freshed some when we pressure of pee or poop our brains turn this thing into urge so make sure first go to toilet and get freshed and
  4. Start by trying to be just a little bit better. If you get too upset or angry, you'll probably relapse really quickly. Make an effort and a commitment to go one day without porn. Then go for two days. Take it day by day.
    Di.Do.555 likes this.
  5. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    Women are beautiful. Almost all of my troubles are due to my obsession with their heavenly figure.
    I believe i could help.

    How badly do u want to quit?