Help us the new guys

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Deleted Account, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. Let experienced nofap's help the new guys (like me!) Any tips?
  2. First, be prepared for the withdrawals. Search for info on them .
    Second, have a calm, realistic, day to day approach. Every progress is good.
    Then , make some good habits instead of this one bad . Like reading, working out, having more fun, meditating whatever you feel like . Hobbies, have hobbies .
    More.. Read the forum. Participate in challenges in the rebooting session .
    Support others .
  3. Ghost237

    Ghost237 Fapstronaut

    This. To a T. I’m relatively new here but have had a few 20+ day streaks (doesn’t sound like much but trust me). Some of the things I’ve learned are:

    - Embrace the small victories. 7/14/21 day streaks are to be celebrated. It makes the 60/90 day steaks seem much more attainable

    - Find a hobby. Mine has been going for walks with my dog. Any time I feel like I get an urge, I grab the leash and take my dog for a walk. It’s good for both of us lol

    - Be as active on here as you can be. Read everything. Ask questions. Read success stories. Engage others. It’ll make it seem possible.

    I don’t really have much other than that. At the end of the day, you really have to want it. You have to convince yourself that a healthy sex life/all around better life is worth more to you than a quick binge. Hope that helps
  4. TooBFor

    TooBFor Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum! My advice is to read everything you can get your hands on recharging this addictio . I think it talks helps understanding why we do the things we do. There's s a lot of great literature here to read and the support is great. You're not alone buddy. Here's to a new you!
    kammaSati likes this.
  5. I read all of the replies. all of you have been very helpful. Thank you!
    TooBFor likes this.
  6. TooBFor

    TooBFor Fapstronaut

    Glad you could understand my message. Reading it back it looks like my phone was possessed!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. What helps too is start being accountable. You got quite a bit of advice from nofap buddies, now ... what are YOU planning to do? Share that here with us.
  8. Your right
    I’m trying to be as active as I can in the forum
    I like readings so I’m doing more of that
    In nights I’ve all was been a night Owl but lately (if you can call three days lately) I am just going to sleep 20:00 sharp (doesn’t mean I am not having Trouble sleeping) it’s true what they say the lake of Brain fog is Incredible
    kammaSati and TooBFor like this.
  9. Thanks to you guys I’m going in for day four
    Soon it will be a week
    Can’t wait!!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2020
    kammaSati likes this.
  10. INeedToGetBetter

    INeedToGetBetter Fapstronaut

    Keep going! You're doing great by actively participating on the forum platform. Wish I could be with you on Day 4, but Day 0 (almost at 1) is where I am right now. I remember a few months back (wasn't on NoFap) when I went 35 days without orgasm and I felt incredible. I don't expect a million dollars at the end of the 90 day rainbow, but I envision the sun shining upon us again when we have greatly recovered from our addictions. Stay strong.