Some men are born to slay, some men are born to be alone

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. sex is all baout genetics. every person is see who has sex, begins having it from high school. on the other hand, people who stay virgin in hgih school end up being virgins forever.

    nothing you can do about it. you self imporve all you want, and yes you can better yourself but women will still not give a fuck sadly. i think its better to accept that you are gonna be alone for you whole life tbh.
  2. CodeTalker

    CodeTalker Fapstronaut

    This is incel mentality. A very toxic way of thinking that is simply not true.
  3. joem351

    joem351 Fapstronaut

    What would be the point of nofap? If I had a vision or a few people claiming to be psychics told me I’d be alone or never get any I’d quit Nofap faster than you can say nofap
  4. Are you always this cheerful ?
    muhagg and kaylee time like this.
  5. Prince6543

    Prince6543 Fapstronaut

    Exactly my problem. So I stopped giving a fuck about women and started focussing on my fitness and goals. And guess what, Lately I started to get attention from girls but still I don't give a fuck. Remember 1 thing. Just one thing.
    Self-Respect And Self-worth is #1 Priority
    Till then
  6. Montolivo

    Montolivo New Fapstronaut

    I see OP is suspended and might be a troll,but he has some points in favour. First, it's mainly genetics, ok, I understand that you can be as positive and have all the healthy attitudes to self improve but, if you're born with disadvantage in looks then you will have a big pain in the ass. So, even if I have a good diet, exercise, dress properly, the vast majority of women will simply ignore you. They would only notice you for the opposite: if you dress terrible and have horrible aspect.
    It's really sad but after the more I read about books about human behavior and evolution, the more I realize that in the dating world what matters most are the genetics. It's like heigth. If you are meant to be 5 ft tall but you have a great diet, good exercise and sleep, you will never reach the NBA players, who, mostly have a tall height for their genes. The same applies to beauty.
    I know this sucks but reality is this cruel, and no human invention of "God" will help at all, it is just nature selection. So there is no Justice for disadvantaged people who were born in this world without being conscious if they wanted. That is why I desire that genetic engineering might arrive and help those poor ugly future humans. I really don't desire anybody to feel the void I have after acknowledging that I will never have a partner.
  7. So you are recommending to genetically modify ugly people?
  8. joem351

    joem351 Fapstronaut

    I wish I could be genetically repaired. I got the worst of my parents’ genes.
  9. Mistersofty

    Mistersofty Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I kind of wonder what people will look like in another hundred years with all of the technology. Eventually, they will eliminate undesirable genetics. Seeing a short, fat, bald guy will be like spotting Sasquatch.