I want to quit porn right now!

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Weekend Warrior, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. Weekend Warrior

    Weekend Warrior Fapstronaut

    Hello! I am at a stage in my life where I am already married, I want to have a child and thus make my family. I have been fighting porn and masturbation for years, and when I say years it is years. I don't remember exactly when it all started but from a very young age I was very anxious in a sexual sense. I was struck by the girls already formed even if I was a boy and little by little I was fantasizing more and more until I started to masturbate with those fantasies. Little by little the fantasies were not enough and I resorted to sensual material that is available to any child in his parents' house (fashion magazines or Renaissance art). At home my parents are conservative and do not have any pornographic material. When I reached adolescence, hormones that were already very altered, went out of control. Then I met pornography as such. In my teenage years there was no internet access like now, so the way to reach pornography was through magazines and VHS videos. I remember the first video and at that moment it was as if I found what I always looked for. But over the years it got worse and worse. I started to suffer from anxiety and depression, lack of self-esteem and I realized that I was a slave to that crap. I got to the point of consuming it every day, several times! I wasn't letting me focus on anything practically. Although I am struggling today, I feel that I need support, since I do not want to continue being a slave to that. I want to stop consuming porn and masturbating once. I struggle daily with feelings of guilt, with my depression that is already part of me and with this disease that pressures me to consume porn. I am relieved to know that there are many more people who have this problem and who can help, and I am much more relieved that there are people who have left it. I have tried to do it alone and it has become very difficult. I want to be a better man, husband and father of my future son. I don't want to be addicted to anything, less to something as pathetic as porn. I also know what is behind this dirty industry, its abuse and trauma for all those who work in it. I don't want to be part of that at all, in any way!
    It disgusts me all that and of course, thinking that there is a part of me that wants to consume it, makes me disgusted with myself. Please, I am not looking for a formula to leave it, I know that does not exist. I know it takes effort, sacrifice and determination. What I want is to raise my hand and say "I'm also suffering because of that" and feel that I'm not alone. I love my family and I want to contribute the best of myself to everyone else, and really feeling disgusted by me, it is not very easy for me to do so.
    Thank you for reading!
  2. LaanatDelRey

    LaanatDelRey Fapstronaut

    "I want to be a better man, husband and father of my future son"

    Your head is in the right place! I applaud you for having a strong reason to quit this addiction. That will take you very far.

    Thanks for sharing your story! I am not in a relationship, but I have heard from men with multiple years of PMO sobriety that when they started to fully invest in their relationship and open up with their partner about their addiction, that is when their recovery took a turn for the better. They partners were able to support them and have a newfound sense of trust.

    It will be a hard conversation, probably a series of conversations. But you can do this! It will make your relationship stronger and it will make you stronger.
  3. Weekend Warrior

    Weekend Warrior Fapstronaut

    Thanks! That's an excellent tip! My partner know my problem but... she thinks I am better than I really am. I'm afraid to disappoint her. But honesty is first! Thanks!
  4. BCranjis

    BCranjis Fapstronaut

    I’m back here again, today is the last time I watch porn, lets do this together, one day at a time until we forget about it
  5. evoviii

    evoviii New Fapstronaut

    Weekend warrior,

    I'm a father of three and I have been married for 15 years. My addiction has almost made me single, divorced, and a man who has succumbed to the wide world of porn. My wife recently discovered my addiction, she found a recent web history search. I can tell you that when she found out I felt relieved honestly, I could no longer keep it a secret, it was out in the open. We have talked about my addiction, I have put an app on my phone, iPad to which she has the password to, I have seeked therapy and have joined this group. You are not alone in this fight.

    Stay strong
  6. You_ll_succed_for_sure

    You_ll_succed_for_sure Fapstronaut

    The good thing, is that you are a father, and you are busy by nature. I recommand you to be busy as well with your family and kill what makes you watch a screen.

    Please, be radical. Thank you.
    Weekend Warrior likes this.
  7. Weekend Warrior

    Weekend Warrior Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone for supporting me. Every single word makes me feel better. This is a fight, but not an ordinal fight, is a fight for our future, our life, our mental health... is a fight against ourselves! And for me, that is the most difficult part. Fight against me is fight against all I want, all that really likes me. I think there are 3 things makes you do whatever you do. First, the REASON, if you listen the reason you probably are the wisest man or woman on earth, but the reason sometimes looks like this nerdy friend that fell fear of everything or think everything is wrong. Second, your FEELINGS. Feelings are ok if you let your nerdy friend reason choose what is right and what is wrong. Feelings are like this hippie friend, that live without worries, smoking weed all day, saying "everything is ok if you listen your heart" or "whatever you do, I love you man" or some Beetles' lyrics... some words are greats, some have no sense at all! But you can't live without this sensitive and kind friend. Sometimes you thinks that he's the better part of you. And third, your worst nightmare... DESIRE! This son of a b... came and punch your hippie friend and kick the balls of your nerdy friend and when this happens you're laughing to dead, really enjoying this stupid situation until this "desire" find what he want: makes you do what he want! Only then, he left you, without dignity, full of shame in the floor beside your best friends, the reason and your feelings. That's a short resume of my entire life. Today I was relapsed. I feel shame, I haven't dignity... I feel terrible! Because when the reason and my feeling told me "don't let him get in" I run straight to the door and open it very wide to let him in... the porn, the fuckin crap, the worst thing that this rotten society can do. Forgive me, I feel really sad... I'm a puppet in a hand of this shit. I feel abused, forced by myself! I know I'm going to raise again and fight one more time, but now I feel really sad.
    LaanatDelRey likes this.
  8. You are listening to your conscience and trying to make sense, it is a constant fight! Like a novice warrior train himself up to upper classes, you need to persevere through these trainings!

    Kudos on analysing your emotions, at least, this is a skillset that will developed and come in handy. Your brain and spirit is making effort. Remember that!
    Weekend Warrior likes this.
  9. LaanatDelRey

    LaanatDelRey Fapstronaut

    Seconding Peotryre's comment, I commend you on analyzing how you are feeling.

    Relapsing sucks, but what makes a relapse worse is when you let yourself be sad about it after (I am so guilty of this!!). The biggest "fuck you" we can give to our addiction is to get back on the horse after a relapse, approach everything with a positive mindset, reflect on our mistakes, and be resilient. Every time we relapse, we can increase our resiliency by learning a lesson from it. You're going to be a great father to your future child because of your resiliency :)
  10. Weekend Warrior

    Weekend Warrior Fapstronaut

    Hello there!
    I came here to say to you guys that I have 33 days without porn. That´s a record this year! I´m doing this for me, for my wife and future kids and for all my family and friends who deserves a better man from me.
    YES WE CAN!!!!
  11. I'm in this fight with you. I too am married. I have a son on the way. I want to be a better man as well. I don't want to tell my wife about the recent relapses but I know it might make things easier if I did. I had a good streak going but now I'm on day 0 again. It's a hard battle. Like they said above. It's a day at a time situation. Gotta get back on that horse.
  12. Helpneeded123

    Helpneeded123 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing! You’re very strong . Keep at it, you’re really prevailing!