Europe is irrelevant and soon the US will be too. How will the world run by China and India look?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Ghost in the Shell, May 17, 2020.

Your feelings concerning the "Asian" future:

  1. excitement

    2 vote(s)
  2. positivity

    5 vote(s)
  3. neutrality/idk

    6 vote(s)
  4. worries

    11 vote(s)
  5. terror

    6 vote(s)
  1. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Europe & US are not irrelevant and wont be in the future. Next to that, does it matter what will happen. If you focus on your own goals you will be happy either way.
  2. Fomo Sapiens

    Fomo Sapiens Fapstronaut

    Welcome back!

    I actually prefer the Eastern philosophy of valuing the collective over the individual. The capitalist obsession with the perfection of the individual with little regard to harmonious living is not constructive. It started with the ancient Greeks and I think has reached its zenith with Trump's America. On the other hand, eating f***ing bats is not what I'm about, and I hope it doesn't make an appearance in the West.

    But other than the glorification of the individual, I like European culture and I hope to see it live a long and prosperous life. Besides, the Chinese love it too, otherwise the European tourist market wouldn't draw them in droves. We may become a boutique continent, preserved like a scene in a snow globe.
    iLoveRain and Ghost in the Shell like this.
  3. An optimist! I wonder, in 100 years' time, which part of Holland - I mean, the unflooded half of Holland - is going to enjoy independence and sovereignty...

    Everyone will work for a luxury perfume brand or as a tour guide.
    unslaver and Sputnik I like this.
  4. Well this is actually a relevant and interesting question for at least the US, not sure about Europe. (Although I know India has a huge influence on the UK).

    I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Indian and Asian population here has exploded since I moved her in 1972.

    The Silicon Valley has boomed in this area and people from Indian along with the Chinese and Japanese are huge factors in the tech industry.

    Many high tech engineers and other high tech workers are from out of country and bring their country’s culture, practices, and mentalities here to the US.

    There are lots in my area but they are spread out across the nation as high tech companies have been moving campuses to other states, Micron in Idaho comes to mind and many hi tech start ups in Omaha, Nebraska. Of course there’s already MicroSoft in Washington.

    What does this mean for the US?

    People from those countries are immigrating, becoming citizens, spreading out, and getting involved in politics (in various ways) with opinions that were formed in their mother countries.

    The US political landscape is slowly changing towards a more foreign character whether we like it or not. Is that change good or bad? I have my opinion which I’ll keep to myself.

    Here’s an example of political change that’s already happening: Pramila Jayapal, a very vocal socialist born and raised in India. She is representative for Washington State’s 7th Congressional District.

    She got her start in the US in the hi tech industry and moved to politics. I’m sure she’s not going to be the last person who does this, move from hi tech into active politics.

    Anyhow she got her public career start in Seattle politics and she was very vocal about being a socialist and working to turn the city into a socialist area. One can do their own research to see the results of her work and draw their own conclusions.

    So yes I think India will have a growing influence on the US. China already has great influence on the US while Japan might not be as big a factor politics-wise.

    I will be interested to read other’s inputs.
    unslaver and Sputnik I like this.
  5. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    unslaver likes this.
  6. Fomo Sapiens

    Fomo Sapiens Fapstronaut

    Geography has guaranteed that this precise problem is worse in Europe. Douglas Murray writes persuasively here -- the census shown that London went from roughly 85% White British in the 1990s to about 49% White British in 2011. Is it desirable that Britons be a minority in their own capital city? You might form your own opinion. Certainly, anyone who bemoans the swiftness and starkness of the change is denigrated as a racist.

    For me, the problem is less about race and more about the preservation of culture. When people move from one country to another, there is an implicit agreement that the moved-to culture is better than the moved-from. Otherwise, they would not move. But cultural assimilation, at least in Europe, takes time. The vast majority of the Indians who moved here in the 1950s are completely culturally assimilated. They are British in every sense of the word. But Indians and Pakistanis who moved here, say, in the 2000s, and during their stay have not ventured from living in ghettoized areas, who wear clothing designed for tropical climes around Shepherd's Bush, who only interact with other people from their own culture -- it is hard to describe this as truly British. Immigration then becomes a self-parody: people are drawn to the culture of their adopted country but then once here set up their old culture. Soon enough, the adopted country's culture is watered down to the point of not existing at all, and the attraction disappears. The native-born population meanwhile watch the slow destruction.

    The solution, in my mind at least, is to simply slow immigration down. Give the host country time to assimilate people, and it will.

    Haha. The two oldest professions will always be in demand: prostitutes and tutors. I am one of those. Have a guess which :)
    Last edited: May 18, 2020
  7. PerseveranceToday

    PerseveranceToday Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately the narrative pushed by the establishment is quite the opposite. In fact, most of our media here is pretty blatantly anti-british.
    Sputnik I and Deleted Account like this.
  8. I wouldn't mind having half-Asian children. I welcome the new world order.

    Shit, accidentally broke character. I meant to say "AHHH GLOBALISTS MUST DIE"
    unslaver and Win_for_life like this.
  9. Oh! It appears that someone found weed and got online after that. :eek:
  10. PerseveranceToday

    PerseveranceToday Fapstronaut

    You'd be hard pressed to find a man who isn't in favour of a qt asian gf
    unslaver and FellatiousD like this.
  11. indeed
    unslaver and PerseveranceToday like this.
  12. If india gets to rule of europe and US ...ohh you know we're going to go to prison camps for those bob and vegana jokes :D
  13. In memoriam of sarcasm and nihilism of @Infrasapiens I will say
    "My penis would still be under the average, so I guess whatever."
  14. Fomo Sapiens

    Fomo Sapiens Fapstronaut

    I don't know, I like caucasian girls. But my girlfriend of 7 years is caucasian, so I would say that. And I have several single weeb friends who I know beg to differ.

    There's a shit-ton of money to be made for the first guy to open an Indian-Italian fusion restaurant called "Open Bobs Lasagne".
    unslaver and Onan the Barbarian like this.
  15. Ohh that's a good one, i wheezed really loud to that lmao
    Sputnik I likes this.
  16. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

    London is a bit of an anomaly in Europe, it's enormous (~10% of the British population live in London) and quite self-consciously 'international' city - they have been allowing a whole host of trendy architects to transform the skyline over the last 10-20 years with vanity project tower blocks and flats, making it look like every supercity in Asia, whose real estate is snapped up by every oligarch in Russia/Asia with a lot of money to launder. I studied in London and I barely recognise it now, the cheap areas I used to live have been completely transformed (in a good way, largely) since the olympics, and the skyline in the centre is drastically different.

    90% of the immigrants will leave if the Covid recession hits us harder than it hits Asia, and the rest of Europe. And it's looking quite likely that this will be the case.
    Sputnik I likes this.
  17. red gyarados

    red gyarados Fapstronaut

    PRC will continue to disregard individual life and culturally enrich the west with patent infringements, life threatening illnesses, rent hikes, cheap labor, and powdered rhino horn. India will never run anything and I have no idea how they have their own nuclear program.
  18. thinking_differently

    thinking_differently Fapstronaut

    China has already had immense control over the world through their mass manufacturing! U see, most of the “BRANDS” have to look at China for mass production.. The Chinese already have immense penetration into the manufacturing industry! How much more can they get if they already own it all!

    However I don’t understand why India will start to dominate in any way?? Its getting just badly affected as the Europeans...

    See Australia(about 7000 cases), they r getting back to normalising their routine and Thailand!(3000 cases) Malls have opened!! But even Thailand doesn’t have much of a strong power in the world, it thrives off Tourism mostly
  19. Fomo Sapiens

    Fomo Sapiens Fapstronaut

    I remember a piece in the FT where a brutalist concrete tower block had suddenly become in vogue; they kicked out all the residents, redid a few flats at the top and doubled the selling price. Google helped me with the name - Balfron Tower. How is that supposed to be attractive? And how is it Grade II listed?

    That aside, a quick and ballsy political move would be to restrict sales of homes in London (and elsewhere) to people who had been resident in the UK for 3 years. But no one would dare dent the housing market.