The Energy Connection - Is Your Fatigue Propagating You Addiction?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ntuition, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. ntuition

    ntuition New Fapstronaut

    I would like to bring a very important and often ignored topic to light that may be having a serious impact on your addictions, and may be subtly sabotaging your efforts here at NoFap.

    I have struggled with addictions for the better part of the last decade, including tobacco, alcohol, sugar, and caffeine, but my porn and fap addiction always seemed to lead the charge.

    After struggling with health problems for many years, I slowly began to realize that my addictions probably played a significant role, but no matter how many times I tried to quit, it seemed as though they would come always come roaring back, stronger than ever.

    This occurred until I finally learned that my addictions were only a part of the problem, and were not the true cause. I would come to learn that my issues went much deeper, and in fact, every addiction I had was actually a RESULT of the real problem.

    What I'm talking about here is HIDDEN FATIGUE!It is important to understand that ALL addictions include some form of chronic fatigue; especially adrenal fatigue. Unfortunately, we live in a world today where nearly everyone is affected by fatigue to one degree or another. Stress, nutritional deficiencies, and environmental toxicity are so pervasive in modern society, and so impossible to avoid, that virtually everyone is affected.

    People are so tired today, and are pushing themselves so hard, that they cannot comprehend how exhausted they really are. Nearly everyone engages in some form of addiction to artificially "rev" themselves up. By leaning on stimulants such as fapping, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, overwork, intense exercise, and even negative emotions, people are constantly entrenched in a kind of “vicious cycle”, which includes the initial stimulation of their nervous system with this very false energy, and which invariably leads to an even bigger crash after the effects of the stimulant wear off. However, in order to cover up the crash (fatigue) and keep the cycle going, people tend to re-engage in the same stimulating activity again and again, and therefore never permit themselves to actually feel tired. In other words, people have become masters at disguising their own fatigue! Unfortunately, every time they do this their true energy level decreases a little more, and their body is even MORE RELIANT on the addiction.

    What I've learned is, first and foremost, that all of these addictions must be addressed together, otherwise it just ends up resembling that game "Whack-a-Mole." You hit one on the head, just to have another one pop up elsewhere. You are not fixing anything this way; you are just substituting so that the game can continue to go on.

    Tackling all of your addictions together may seem like an difficult proposition. It definitely can be. In fact, without the right tools, it can seem impossible. With the right tools, however, it can actually be very, very easy.

    What I've found after years of battling is that the key, the absolute key, is to go on an effective Nutritional Program that will correct the problem that led you to become addict in the first place.

    The problem is that you are deficient in minerals (your body's 'spark plugs'), and you are full of all kinds of toxic stuff. In order to feel your best and create real, natural energy from WITHIN your body, you absolutely must replenish the mineral content of your body, and remove the buildup of toxic metals and chemicals.

    When you do this, not only will you have increased natural energy that will automatically reduce your need/desire for stimulants (addiction, but it will also make you into an entirely new person.

    You will think clearer. You will have a better memory. You will be happier. You will be more extroverted and charismatic. You will be healthier. Illness and health problems will disappear on their own, without the need for doctors or drugs. You will be much less likely to suffer a catastrophic disease, such as a heart attack or cancer, in the future.

    But not all nutritional programs can achieve this. In fact, very few can, even the ones that are advertised as "holistic or natural."

    I tried dozens, for many years. I only found one that worked. It worked because it is based on 30 plus years of clinical science, and it uses the power of targeted minerals to balance the body.

    It's called Nutritional Balancing Science, and it's changed my life in almost every conceivable way. So much so, in fact, that I actually quit my job as an engineer to become a coach.

    If you are interested, please, contact me at [email protected]

    Side note: I'm doing this for free right now guys. I'm not in this for the money, or to promote some b.s. product. This program works, and it changes lives. Someone once helped me discover it, and I'm paying it forward.

    Carry on bravely fellas,
  2. Sid38

    Sid38 Fapstronaut

    Hi Brandon,
    Please advise me, I suffer from extreme fatigue, and its fuelling my addiction.
    Many thanks
  3. iceman137

    iceman137 Fapstronaut

    Heh, it was coming good all along, until you hit the familiar 'it-works-better-than-other-competitors' exact kind of BS I see everywhere. Most fapstronauts aren't looking for meal plans, the problem is psychological, I don't think food therapy is the right approach.
    Kick-Ass and Kenji like this.
  4. Kenji

    Kenji Guest

    I agree about the usual sales pitch, quite the market to propagate your business to around here.

    Even though I think the problem is mostly psychological, I do believe the right kind of diet is vitally important. For me, I have it easy being a vegan who doesn't eat garlic and onions, anyone with a knowledge in Ayurvedic science or TCM would understand when I say I have it easy when it comes to urge reduction. I don't care to elaborate because I have nothing to sell.

    I think OP brings up a good point even if he had nothing to sell though.