Hello, Newbie here!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by UneysJr, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. UneysJr

    UneysJr New Fapstronaut

    Hi guys.
    My name is Anas and I am 19 years old. I need help! I started watching porn at quite a young age and I got addicted really fast! I've always been a fun outgoing person and I don't know what happened along the way but now I find myself staying in the house for days just watching porn and masturbation. I have like no friends anymore, I am afraid of hanging out with people in general. Just finished high school and was looking for help when I can make across Nofap and Fapstrounants. The truth is, I don't have anyone to talk to because of my Religion and I am afraid of being condemned and criticised so I keep it to myself a lot and I am tired of it. Hope you guys can help me help myself! Thanks!!
  2. marriedwhitemale

    marriedwhitemale Fapstronaut

    Hu Anas, Welcome to a new safe place. Religion and being a fapstrauant are not in oposition. This is a safe place, read the forums educate yourself. Start a goal and track your success and share your struggles. The community is here to help.
  3. UneysJr

    UneysJr New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I appreciate it
  4. Pancho

    Pancho Fapstronaut

    You've done a good thing today, plus you're a young guy, so you have time on your side. The world is outside your room, go take a look and good luck!