I need advice on how to quit for good

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Dave227, Jun 25, 2020.

How do I stop forever?

  1. Stop looking

    1 vote(s)
  2. Replace it with something

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Dave227

    Dave227 Fapstronaut

    I am seriously just trying to quit porn. I know I can I quit for 20 days but I want to quit forever. Right after that 20 days I binged like crazy and I’m just tired of it. I wanna put this behind me but; I realize it’s the hardest thing I will ever do.
  2. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    The point is to never stop trying to quit. Make every streak longer than the previous one. Also, never binge, its okay you did it but you need to understand that this needs to be stopped and the only one who can is you. There are no magic steps to freedom. There are some helpful habits along with it such as exercising, meditation, looking at your career or life in general but there will not be a hack. In life there are no hacks. In my opinion just aim to make it longer before you consider relapse. You did it 20 days congrats , now aim for 24 or so before consider relapsing. Small steps lead to great victories. Next time you relapse just go immediately for a walk to prevent binge and keep it up. Never give up.
  3. Dave227

    Dave227 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much I think me being my first time opening up about really is the first step that actually took it serious.
  4. Usually to do something you need a reason to do it. If you can't quit then it's probably because you don't see reasons to quit in the first place. Quite the opposite, you probably see reasons why not to quit.
  5. PerseveranceToday

    PerseveranceToday Fapstronaut

    Replace it with somethings. Chances are you use porn to cope with more than just one situation or emotion. You'll need more than one new habit to cover the wide girth of things porn used to help you with.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
    Speedo424 likes this.
  6. Dave227

    Dave227 Fapstronaut

    I never thought about it like that. It’s just something that hangs on to me I guess I do just come up with reasons to keep doing it. Then I feel that same guilt of I’m not supposed to but it all matters on the choices I make to do it. Saying that it is ok when it’s not.
  7. Dave227

    Dave227 Fapstronaut

    So what your saying is one thing will not just cure it as a whole picture. But being busy all day with things will keep me from indulging near it.
    Speedo424 likes this.
  8. Absolutely correct.
    Y'know, I used to watch porn to deal with my emotions. Most people do. You just have to find which emotion triggers it for you.
  9. Dave227

    Dave227 Fapstronaut

    I thinks that’s the hardest part for me is to find and recognize those triggers.
  10. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    What been said is so so true. Addiction has underlined psychological issues. You can break free from an addiction way easier if you deal with those problems. Seek help. Im trying to quit for about 3 years (with countless ups and downs) having good streaks 2 days ago i relapsed being in a 260 day streak and i think the reason is emotions. I was so anxious at that time that made me relapsed. Im about to get some psychological help to deal with life as i was numbing my emotions and now im obligated to deal with life getting over this addiction. You know you are lefting this behind when life problems hit you again. I never lived a life as i am 22 years old and mainted this habit for 10 years. So im dealing with the life that i kept ignoring through addiction. For me life getting real again. Its so hard for me to deal with life but im happy i can feel its harshness. Life is suffering as buddha said and he is right, the faster you realise it the happier you will be. Seeking medical psychological help can do wonders consider it as it can save you a year or two with this process.
    Dave227 likes this.
  11. Dave227

    Dave227 Fapstronaut

    Man this is a boost for me I’m glad I can finally talk to other people about this that understands. I will look into maybe getting a therapist because there are some things that I have to put behind. We can all beat this that has kept up down but it’s a part of us we gotta accept the bad as well as the good to have balance.
    UnitedWeStand likes this.
  12. UnitedWeStand

    UnitedWeStand Fapstronaut

    Right mindset i like that! A therapist can do it believe it or not. After 3 years i think that problems must be solved in order to move really forward. I was trying to deal with the symptom but not with the problem as it was really hard. Watching the tree and you lost the forest. Live a happy life Dave!
    Dave227 likes this.
  13. Dave227

    Dave227 Fapstronaut

    I like that quote of watching the tree lost the forest. Can’t deal with one and not the other thank you bro I want all to live happy life that’s exactly my intentions.