Cybercrime and PMO

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jun 27, 2020.

  1. Well, I just found a hacker was trying to install spyware on my computer. It happened because I took off my ad blockers off my computer. It came from a message pop up saying “A hacker is trying to track you.” I got it from a P ad. Which is a little bit scary to say the least. At the moment, my computer is running smooth. I tested all available solutions and ran McAfee security. Don’t know if it’s a prank or legit, but dude that’s scary. Definitely not visiting another P site again.
  2. No wonder why, I kept relapsing. I always had my ad blockers on when I visited these sites. Now I know.
  3. Are you sure you are 100%? I don’t know, man. Just see how your computer acts in a month and check to see if there is any suspicious activity. (Ex: unwanted programs installed, computer running unusually slower than usual etc.)
  4. Don’t worry. I check my computer every day.
  5. Quitting P Sites is only going to solve 50 percent of the problem. You still have to worry about social media and content found in things like video games, music, etc. I mean if your really serious about quitting PMO for good, you may have to resort to only reading books (Not the romance stuff) and watching G-rated movies/TV shows. Or you could set your own limits and decide what’s best for you.
  6. I have my limits. I see what you mean. Don’t worry, I already have a plan for myself.
  7. I already do that with my TV shows and movies. I use ClearPlay. Best thing for the family. I can watch basically any show/movie and not worry about anything adjective.
  8. I like VidAngel’s filters. They help with NoFap. I use VidAngel’s filters for Netflix. I can watch a really good show with bad stuff in it and it will automatically skip the bad stuff.
  9. 7K%>Da$A\#g\8t-%

    7K%>Da$A\#g\8t-% New Fapstronaut

    Nothing to worry about, those popups are just scareware (they are trying to scare you into downloading something) basically as long as you don’t click and download everything you see on the web you should be fine. Of course scanning your device never hurts ;)

    No one is trying to track you or anything like that, it’s just some text that a person with no morals wrote by hand.

    Also if you ever get an email where someone says to have something on you and they have your password. (Where there’s actually a password you use or used) DON’T reply, they do not have anything on you, it is just an password associated with your email address that they got from a database leak (which happens a lot more than you would think). They are just fishing for uninformed people to fall for it.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
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