
Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Palbenja, Jun 29, 2020.

  1. Palbenja

    Palbenja Fapstronaut

    My wife and I haven't been intimate for some time now. I know it's because she has lost attraction to me because of my selfish ways. I have had a previous drug problem but have been clean for almost 5 years. I replaced that with the gym and masturbation. I feel like this addiction is taking my soul away. . Any advice or someone to talk to would be appreciated
  2. You gotta give up your selfish ways. With marriage the wife’s ways is equal as important as yours now. Its tough, but then you should know going to the gym, tough times result in strength. Gym is for the body yes, quitting porn is for the soul. Get your soul swole.
    VanGuy and Palbenja like this.
  3. Jmo2323

    Jmo2323 Fapstronaut

    Time to try something different. Ive been clean for 13 years myself, but always minimized my porn use. I just disclosed my porn history to my wife a few days ago that she had no idea about. It's brutal and our shit is messy af right now, but after finding this place I have some hope. Good luck!
    VanGuy and Palbenja like this.
  4. Palbenja

    Palbenja Fapstronaut

    I came clean to my wife yesterday about my pmo abuse. In particular hotwife forums. My soul needs to heal from the damage I've inflicted on it. I'm feeling much better now than I did when I was walking around the house like a crackhead looking for a hit, trying to take pictures of her feet and perverted things like that. My wife is not an object. She's a beautiful woman, a decorated army veteran in the war on terror and a wonderful mother. I vowed to myself and God to never visit those sites again
    Doomsday and VanGuy like this.
  5. Jmo2323

    Jmo2323 Fapstronaut

    Ya I hear ya, first time in decades that ive felt like I don't have any secrets. Despite the anxiety about the future and how the mend our relationship, i do feel a bit lighter. Here's to hoping for a better future.
    Palbenja likes this.
  6. Palbenja

    Palbenja Fapstronaut

    Yes. And I know it won't happen overnight as does she. I just want more than anything to bring our hearts together again. And that we can raise our children well
  7. Doomsday

    Doomsday Fapstronaut

    If you experience anything like me in just 1 week of being PMO free the connection is stronger more intense and a lot happier in our home.
    I feel like I respect her more and I’m sure she feels more respected and that is a big thing in a relationship.
    I don’t care what anyone says coming clean is a must because having secrets is bad for any relationship sure it might end badly but it ended honestly .... or as in my case it’s brought us closer together and made us stronger.
    It was a dirty secret but now it’s not dirty or secret it’s freedom
    Psalm27:1my light and Palbenja like this.