Tips to continue on NoFap and No PMO

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Monster Zindabad, Jul 4, 2020.

  1. Monster Zindabad

    Monster Zindabad New Fapstronaut

    For the past one month I am challenging my self by NoFap. I started exactly on the 1st of June. but I used to watch porn films and edging myself. Now I want to quit porn-watching habit too. Yesterday I took a wow to say no to porn. Do you guys give me some useful advice?
  2. If you have weak self discipline and want to force yourself to stay away form P-watching I suggest you to block all the trigger sites.
    You can modify the "hosts" filename in C: and add before the name of the site or so you can't access.
    Then take a break from social media if it can be triggering by them.
    Try to be occupied with anything so it Will be easier
    BigBadWolf_27 likes this.
  3. Commit everyday to not watching porn. Decide why you do not want to watch it anymore.
    Don't give up, even if you fail. I wish there was a magic solution. There isn't.
  4. Monster Zindabad

    Monster Zindabad New Fapstronaut

    I successful passed 2 days without watching porn films and not stroking my penis.