Undoing the last 11 years

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Pledge347, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Pledge347

    Pledge347 Fapstronaut

    Ive been addicted since I was eleven years old. Since the first time I had a computer in my room, and discovered what I could find on a search engine. I got caught multiple times. If My parents tried to stop me I would find a way. they told me it was unhealthy and I never believed them. Only now, after all these years, have I finally accepted the truth. I discovered sexuality through the Internet before I discovered intimacy with another human being. it was never a natural occurrence.
    Since Porn has controlled me for half of my life, it's become a part of me. more readily available, more extreme, more detrimental. I was once limited to a desktop screen at midnight. Now I have a mobile device where I can check it anywhere and everywhere I please.
    Pornographic images are nearly impossible to avoid completely. Everything on the internet is sex related. Even Facebook and Instagram. Its all photos of girls sexing themselves up. Though I respect those girls in their freedom to do what they want, they don't realize that they are the reason why I get on the internet. To LOOK at people, not to connect with them.
    I'd love to be completely unphased by all of it. I'd love to never feel the temptation.
    Porn has altered my brain in many ways. It has made me insecure. It controlled my ability to connect with people Sex has become a built up idea in my head, and when it comes to actually doing it, it's a lot more difficult than it should be. My sexual needs have expanded well beyond the boundaries of what is normal and where they should be.
    A year ago when I discovered this website, I read some of the forums and finally found the answers to the questions I had been asking myself for years. Yes, there are consequences to porn and excessive masterbation. It does have an effect on your brain, and yes, like my parents told me when I was young, it is extremely unhealthy.
    But I didn't quit then, the most I could stop for was a few days.
    So now I have decided to quit porn altogether. Now that I am an official member of this website, I am making a promise to myself and to everyone else, that I will not relapse. My plan is to make it a month or longer without an orgasm, unless it is during sex, and even past that point I plan to keep away from pornography.
    I am searching for guidance and motivation. I am searching for support.
    I have a lot of ambitions in my life. I want to be successful and accomplish great things.
    But I tend to find small things that give me instant gratification, instead of working harder toward the bigger goals.
    Sex is a drug, and in the case of porn, it gets more harmful and more addictive the more you do it. It can lead you to bad places and it can lead you feeling shameful and bad about yourself. The people who say it isn't a big deal must not have been dealing with it the same way I have for the last 11 years.
    I am hoping to fix the the problem on my own and with the support of this community
  2. Andrew01

    Andrew01 Fapstronaut

  3. Express yourself

    Express yourself Fapstronaut

    hey man. well you've found the right place for help. there are so many people with experiences like yourself on this website, who can all relate to each other. It really helps to know your not alone and that there have been so many success stories of people turning there lives around with the help of this website.
    I wish u luck, STAY STRONG MAN
  4. jr1ctx

    jr1ctx Fapstronaut

    yes... Welcome and Stay Strong as fishmat7 said... Get yourself and accountability partner..

    Read other posts, there are some good links shared by alot of guys.. You are on the road to NEW YOU... Version 2!
    This is probably the most rewarding and hard challenges you will ever go through. To the hell with porn and FAPPING!

    Good luck Brother! We are with you!
  5. Pledge347

    Pledge347 Fapstronaut

    Thank you everyone for the support!