Erections that hurt

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Spidey2Dope, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    I was wondering if any of you experienced this. Back in my day with excessive masturbation to either porn or not I would often get painful erections and sometimes painful ejactulations. It happened when I would masturbate a lot in one day. Like when I would look at porn or not and masturbate maybe an hour after I last did it and would do that throughout the day I would get painful erections and sometimes my morning wood would hurt. I would just masturbate even if there was pain and I hope that it is ok and I didn't hurt my penis at all. Also a side note when I get erect its indented in the middle but fills out when fully erect. Don't know if that's a sign of anything bad but I'm able to get erections. Here is an example

    It looks like this ==-==> when getting erect than after fully erect it's like this =====>. It's just weird and I'm sure it's ok and that some peoples penises are different I guess.

    Did anyone else go through this during their addiction? I just wanted to know if I was the only one that it happened to. Thanks for reading

  2. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    Also please don't scare me with anything terrible. I have bad anxiety problem and if someone tells me I'm in trouble that's all that will consume my mind.

    Just want to know if it's happened to others and if is it typically normal for that to happen. I wouldn't have a boner that lasted over 4 hours I would just not give it enough time to recover I guess so I don't think it's priapism or what ever because I'm still able to get a erection. Although only to porn or my girl friend. I have to think hard about sex to get one and it's almost impossible by myself without hard concentration. I'm hoping nofap will help with that
  3. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    I would often masturbate like twice or thrice in a row. During the third time i wouldnt get erection but i'd still stroke it. It was like the dick was begging me to stop torturing it. there was a burning sensation.
  4. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    I think you should do a reboot and then see what happens, hopefully it should cure any problems of excessive masturbation
  5. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    I'm on day 4 lol. I'm rebooting but not hardmode. When I'm with my girl I will have sex but I'm not gonna view porn or masturbate. I can't even get hard to masturbate without porn or my girl so that part should be easy. It's just not giving in to porn. When I do a reboot I just get freaked out by not getting spontaneous woodies so I check myself with porn :(. It's stupid I know but I'm so OCD about the things that bother me I can't get my mind off them so my mind starts to play tricks on me.
  6. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut

    I wouldn't say I ever got a painful erection, but I certainly got where I made myself sore. And I did experience some burning when I'd urinate right after a climax, and even with a rapid, second climax.

    I doubt there's anything wrong with you; but this is more a question for a doctor.
  7. Isvara

    Isvara Fapstronaut

    I had a few painful ones when I was M-ing excessively. I reduced and everything was fine. I'm pretty well into my reboot now. As for any other problems, chances are you are completely fine. I would get it checked out anyway because that is just who I am Believe -> But verify! It'll set your mind at ease as well. I also have freaked myself out before by the reduction in random woodies. Don't worry about it, erections are not a "use it or lose it" thing your brain is working on reducing the pavlovian response (Masters and Johnson). It has been trained that Porn=S=O which translates to no Porn= no S = no O. Luckily the human body is really good at being reconditioned and that conditioning will go away the longer you are into your reboot and your erections should become more regular.
  8. Excessive masturbation will make you penis weak and destroy it from the inside out, i.e., make the muscles inside weaker so just stop masturbating and you will be fine.
    bestme996 likes this.
  9. nfprogress

    nfprogress Fapstronaut

    Yep, had the exact same thing happen to me when I was younger. I am thinking they get more painful as the day wears on because the muscles are not used to that kind of workout and they simply become sore. If I were to give it a rest for a day or two then that would always go away. Similarly if I backed off to once a day I never noticed the extra soreness. I also had the ==-==> issue as well but it has been so many years that for the life of me I can't recall what I thought caused it.

    I'll admit the first time I had ==-==> guy going on, it was a bit scary. Never caused me any long-term problems though.
  10. Spidey2Dope

    Spidey2Dope Fapstronaut

    Wow man that's reassuring for sure. Lol I thought I was getting Peyronie's disease lol. But I was nah man it fills up all the way after fully erect. Thanks for your response!
  11. plyful

    plyful New Fapstronaut


    I was so worried before going to see a urologist. Peyronie's disease is rare and appears only after 50. Penis hematoma (wounds) however can happen and its calcification leads to a lump, or the feeling of having something strong piercing through your penis. With time, the calcification resorbs and your erections won't hurt anymore and you won't have the lump in the penis. Thank you and stop googling your symptoms.
  12. Immature

    Immature Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Yeah, googling your symptoms can be very bad for your peace of mind!
    Moatasem likes this.
  13. Immature

    Immature Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    I had that as long as I can remember up until, I think, a couple of years ago. Nothing excessive needed to have that, either.
  14. KamiAA

    KamiAA New Fapstronaut

    I'm going through this right now and it's tough not to freak out. I'm on day 17 of a reboot. I last M'd for over 4 hours straight and over last several months I've M'd for several hours a day straight a couple days each week. I think I really fucked up my penis. But reading everything it sounds like this is common and will heal in time... I hope
  15. Suhayb

    Suhayb Fapstronaut

    Hey how are you doing now
  16. guy_87

    guy_87 Fapstronaut

    I am praying that is what it is. This is exactly what I have. I also have a slight curve where that lump is but the skin is all swollen so not sure If it is pushing the head a bit curved to the right (like 5-10 degrees) due to swelling or perhaps the hematoma is impeding blood flow for full erection on that side?

    I am freakin’ out that it is Peyronie’s. I am praying. I haven’t M’d in 6 days.

    I keep checking for the lump and am stopping as of now because it is irritating it, I can tell.

    if you read this post, pray for me that it’s not Peyronie’s, if you are not religious just send some positive cosmic vibes and energy. Thanks.
  17. kendy1457

    kendy1457 New Fapstronaut

    I have the same problem for me it was urethral strictures. I've talked about it here
    And man please stop asking for prayers and motivational things to hear and go to a urologist. I went to one really late and caused much more damage.
  18. Srisurya

    Srisurya Fapstronaut

    Dude my penis is ugly bent now when erect. I use to remember in past my penis use to be straight as hell when erect and long too. But now it scares me with the bent almost 60 degree downwards and little left.
  19. kendy1457

    kendy1457 New Fapstronaut

    You gotta visit a doctor man. Go there before it gets worse
  20. Srisurya

    Srisurya Fapstronaut

    What it gets worst? How? I can't go. I am still a dependent person. What do you mean by worst?