120 days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by jbastoniv, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. jbastoniv

    jbastoniv Fapstronaut

    Wow, it's hard to believe. What's it like. Well, I can say a few things. Your desire to look at P is 100% gone, at least for me. There are no more triggers, you don't associate erotica with M any more, you don't get aroused by it. I also don't fantasize, but since I don't MO there is no need. I've come across tons of what most would say triggers and well, they are no longer triggers for me. I can appreciate them, but move on to something else.

    Wild sex dreams for sure, I mean, man, they seem so real, and then you wake up and go, WOW, that was a dream? I haven't had any wet dreams that I am aware of. But the wife has to notice at times my monster nocturnal wood, not just in the morning but through many stages of the evening.

    Sensitive, yes, it is all triggered by touch now, especially touching my wife. You rubbing against her. No more anxiety about getting it up, it's half hard just thinking about it and any touch is instant stimulation and I am ready!!!

    I don't obsess about sex anymore and only think about it a fraction of the time compared to before where I was constantly thinking about it.

    Prostrate health, hell, I had no idea what I was doing to my prostrate, but it is very rare that I ever get up during the night to go and urinate, where as before I got up at least once if not twice.

    My hunger and thirst is less. I am more motivated and hardly miss a gym workout, and when I do it is not due to my choice, it is circumstantial.

    I have so many opportunities to have a PMO fest and I just didn't, I did other things, way more productive things.

    Well, that's the highlights I can think of now. But being free of it, oh wow, I feel so normal, so in charge, FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. ryantaylor1996

    ryantaylor1996 Fapstronaut

    I love this! so inspirational, hopefully I'll be able to say the same soon
    Elduderino, Dailydoer and enibeni23 like this.
  3. enibeni23

    enibeni23 Fapstronaut

    Congrats! I am inspired and I will try to follow your suit.
    Elduderino likes this.
  4. Vuzer

    Vuzer Fapstronaut

    Good work mann
  5. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    When your living with a partner it is super hard mode. Wow something else man. Keep it Going!
  6. depo27

    depo27 Fapstronaut

    Good job :) I never have any sex dreams, and I haven't had wet dreams in years, it's weird because I haven't fapped in almost 6 months. Anyway, congratulations and keep going! We're all together against porn. :D
    Elduderino likes this.
  7. itay

    itay Fapstronaut

    great motivation..as to me im 50 days in and i can relate to what you say but still have work to do!
    Elduderino likes this.
  8. CreatingAlegend

    CreatingAlegend Fapstronaut

    Tell us about the beginning. I shore now its great but what about the first weeks, the first months, how you got threw them, there were any struggles?
    I'm at the very beginning and I need tips.