Quit porn or masturbation?

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by WantToFeelBetter, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. WantToFeelBetter

    WantToFeelBetter Fapstronaut

    hey everyone,

    I'm new here. I let my porn habbits grow out of control the last 20 years. I'm now in a situation where it controls my motivation and feelings. I don't want this anymore. I'm not even capable anymore of having an orgasm without porn, either by myself or with a girl. I'm so ashamed, I don't even want to be with a girl anymore.

    Last Friday was my last fap. I had a busy weekend, so it was easy to go to bed early and not think about it. Now, 4 days later, I'm sitting alone, working from home due to corona. My head is going crazy, can't concentrate, my mind is thinking about porn porn porn.

    I saw this documentary about a jazz musician who was fighting his heroine addiction. Somehow I have to think about this a lot, seems like the same fight.

    And my balls physically hurt, really, they are painfull. Never had this feeling. Hope this goes away. You guys have this?

    I feel I have to stay strong and follow this path. Men have lived without porn for the last thousands of years so I can do this to!

    A question, sex and masturbation seem healthy to me. For me just the porn part is problematic. Reading the forum I get the impression some guys are wanting to quit masturbation completely. Why would you do that? And are there examples of guys who haven't masturbated for years, and feel better than before?
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
  2. Welcome to the site! You can do this. You'll be amazed at the changes if you stick with it.

    Yes. This is pretty common. It will probably happen a lot less frequently as the weeks go by. Your body and mind are adjusting, and it ain't pretty.

    There's some suffering that goes along with this transition. Mostly mental, but also physical. Embrace it. With each hurdle like that, you become stronger and porn loses more of its grip on you.

    People are here for many different reasons. It's true, some people want to quit masturbation as a goal in itself. For others, taking a long break from masturbation is a way of breaking their connection to porn and getting the brain to rewire to this new reality. Hard mode really is hard, but it forces changes to happen. After that, some return to masturbation in a limited way. Other people will only allow O if it happens during sex. There are many possibilities. You don't need to decide that long term stuff now. Just commit to fighting. Good luck!
    WantToFeelBetter likes this.
  3. WantToFeelBetter

    WantToFeelBetter Fapstronaut

    that's good advice, I'll focus on everything what's happening to me right now, and that's more than enough I can tell you :)
  4. WantToFeelBetter

    WantToFeelBetter Fapstronaut

    Hey all,

    my first week here, my first week without PMO. First days were really hard and painfull. Now I feel actually very good. My mind is less distracted and I slept really good last few nights.

    I did have MO the other day. It was good, and I'm not ashamed of it. Today no urge to do MO again. It saves so much energy. Normally I would have these craving sessions, where I search for P for hours a night, and watching the cam girls put on this fake show to earn some money. Now I was really exited after days without O. Within 10 minutes it was done, and it felt really good.

    So, my plan is never ever PMO again. MO should be fine like 2 times per week.

    And that's just the physical part. A lot happened last week, all the shit came out, and I wanne fix that. I talked to my family about problems I experienced over the last few years, and I applied for a new job. I no longer pretend everything is fine, and than use PMO to feel good.

    For to long I have been acting the way I thought others want me to act. Not taking my place. I have to trust more on my own, and learn that I'm important to. I should not always adapt to the wishes of others, others should give me something to. If they don't, perhaps leave them behind, and find people who respect me. But stop the passive waiting, let them hear me. Thats very hard for me.

    This will be a long path for me, but I'll fix my shit and no longer deny it.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2020
    WinstonDotMY likes this.
  5. WantToFeelBetter

    WantToFeelBetter Fapstronaut

    second week no PMO.

    it was so hard. Out of habbit I opened some P sites without thinking. When I realised what I was doing quickly closed them again.

    So, another week of no PMO, I should be proud but I'm not.

    Thats because of my alcohol intake. I'm not a drinker, not at all actually. Normally I have a few drinks in a bar, or at home when a friend comes over. But this week, every night I was drinking, alone. Every bottle of beer, wine and whiskey I have is empty now. Horrible and sad...

    I did do shopping today, didn't buy alcohol.

    My plan for this week is seek distraction when feel need for P. Do some gaming, maybe sport some extra. Don't know yet.

    I'm currious what will happen when I don't sedate my feelings. Just let it all bubble up.
    Tiresias and WinstonDotMY like this.
  6. waris

    waris New Fapstronaut

    i think your addiction become intense now.. so you have to stop this now... now is the best time.. there is no best time than now.
  7. Good on you for coming to NoFap. There are supportive people here. Keep coming back. It works if you work at it.

    Keep a journal on here in your specific age group. I’ve found writing down thoughts has helped me.
  8. A question, sex and masturbation seem healthy to me. For me just the porn part is problematic. Reading the forum I get the impression some guys are wanting to quit masturbation completely. Why would you do that? And are there examples of guys who haven't masturbated for years, and feel better than before?

    but semen retention have extra benefits like the minerals that come out of your semen can be used up by the brain if you do semen retention can help you improve your memorizing capabilities, increase your reasoning, etc. there are many more benefits you can check those on Google or yt
  9. Agent

    Agent Fapstronaut

    Imo masturbation will make you comeback to the porn addiction sooner or later, but i remember i thought about that during my reboot so that's fine
  10. hi

    I am in the same situation as you. It’s difficult trying to stop after many years of watching porn.
  11. Masturbating a few times a week is healthy
  12. WantToFeelBetter

    WantToFeelBetter Fapstronaut

    hey all, after 4 months I finally managed to live without P. A lot has happened. I had a little mental breakdown. Everything came out, and I cried a lot. There was so much stress in my life, both personal and at work. I ended up quiting my job I didn't like, and now have a better job. And personally, I changed a lot. I had so much going on in my life. I wanted to much, was never satisfied with the things I have. I made to many plans, had to little attention for the people around me.

    All the stress I had, PMO in the end was just trying to block the tensions of life and feel a little better. I'm more relaxed now. Very important is be less strict for youself, have less demands, be satisfied with what you accomplish, and most important, do things you can lose yourself into. That means do something which automatically gets your full attention, and your mind doesn't start to think about other stuff.
    P is very strong, it gives you the 'losing yourself' moment. Find something you can lose yourself into! Yesterday I just lay on the couch reading a book, I was so relaxed. For years I just couldn't find peace enough to do such a thing.

    I also live more healthy, my cooking hasn't changed, but I quit most of the intermediate snacking. And I am more active, I talk walk now almost everyday for 30-60 minutes, just feeling good being outside. And, I go to bed before midnight. No more hour long craving-for-the-perfect-P-clip sessions.

    MO is still a thing. I really struggled how to get this to healthy proportions. I now kind of have this 'rule' for myself. I can do MO anytime I want, as long as I can finish just while fantasizing (no P, no images or whatever help), and I have to finish within 10-15 minutes. Otherwise stop, or don't even start (after a while you can really feel when you are exited enough to make this work).
  13. Hey mate.
    Remember me. the boy who joined almost side by side to you.
    I think that if you don't wanna quit masturbation. then it would be better not to do it when you got the urge. If you really wanna masturbate healthily then take time intervals as I will masturbate in the last week of the month. And do it without 3rd person view. Do it with FPP(First-person view) so that it would be more like sex not like watching Porn;)

    Although, I initially recommend you to Quit masturbation because it can give you more peace and more extra energy if you want. Though, in the end, it's your choice!:D
  14. WantToFeelBetter

    WantToFeelBetter Fapstronaut

    hey great to hear from you! hope you're doing well.

    thx 4d FPP hint, never thought about it, but it makes sense :)