Dudes I need your help to stop with masturbation

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Mitaaa, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. Mitaaa

    Mitaaa Fapstronaut

    I dunno why, but it seems I can't stop fapping, even though this time last year I abstained from it without feeling any urge what so freakin ever.
    In quarantine I fapped only once, but that was not coz of the urge, but I was tryna forget some chick.
    After that I relapsed once, the guilt was torturing me all day long that day as if someone was castrating me without anesthesia.
    Then 3 weeks after that felt poweful urge and gave in(that time I didn't even feel guilty).
    Over time 2-3 weeks turned into a week, later on a week turned into 2-3 days, and I wanna stop this before it turns into 2-3 times a day.
    And what's problematic here is that some days I wake up, and it's as if my junk is haunting me like a ghost and saying yooo, buuust a nuuut.
    And it seems the inly way to silence it is to bust a nut.
    And I'm so sick of them cliche advice like, unfollow all of them IG models, or don't enter porn sites(like I haven't watched any porn what so ever since I was like 14, and I'm 18 now(hell if I was to fap to porn, the guilt would send me to hell, or it would eat me like a hungry bear)).
    I think I know what the problem is, think it's boredom(like my mind can't find anything fun to do, so the idea of fapping creeps in)
    But I wanna try a different approach, I wanna take medications for lowering the sex drive(the only 2 conditions would be that it doesn't affect anything about hair, or weight gain).
    To be clear I wouldn't take medications forever, I'd just take em until the sex drive is burnt to ashes.
    I wanna be free of my junk haunting me, I want it to listen to what I say, cause I am his master, not the other way around (metaforically speaking).
    I don't know why I find it so difficult to stop when i reminded myself of the benefits of nofap countless times, and several times during my self talk, I'd tell myself things like:
    Yo fapping don't have health benefits rhat sex does(whoever tells masturbation is healthy is gravely mistaken).
    Or: Yo almost every time u nut, u feel guilty, so why do u do it, gimme one good reason, increased cortisol ? Lower testosterone ? Brain fog ?; Do u like feeling the guilt, and I know the answer to all those questions is no, but still that somehow is not enough to silence my junk.
    So tell me, what are the medications I can take that won't increase cortisol or cause weight gain, or affect anything about the hair.
    Desparate times, call for desparate measures.
    So pls tell what are medications I can take that won't cause weight gain, won't affect hair, and won't increase cortisol.
    Ps. I'm 18, guess everyone is obsessed with sex at that age, but that ain't no excuse for indulging in awful activity called masturbation, and I won't let that or anything stand in my way.
    Cause whatever in life tries to stand in my way, I either crush it in pieces or push it to side so that it falls and breaks it's spine(so that it can't do anything).(metaforically speaking)
    I think u all know I'm going for the crushing this time.
  2. N0D0ubt

    N0D0ubt Fapstronaut

    Hey man I admire your "Imma get this done any way it takes!". You will, just keep trying different approaches, you will find what works. For ME, its about staying PHYSICALLY active, literally walking, running, moving stuff, lifting weights, digging holes, anything PHYSICAL. My theory is that the energy you wake up with needs to be expended and if we dont physically expend it, well it expresses itself in sexual ways. As men, we are DOERS, so we need to be doing. Now, sitting at the computer or on my phone just makes it worse. So now, with the virus, I either spend time in the gym or I just go out and walk, and walk, listen to music.

    Hope this helps! You have the right attitude!
    Kakarot_2694 and Mitaaa like this.
  3. Mitaaa

    Mitaaa Fapstronaut

    Yeah I do have the right attitude.
    I'll try that approach, I'll work outmore often, I'll study more and I'll have 2 meditation sessions a day, one in the morning, and the other in the evening.
    I already do meditate, an hour a day, I just do it in a rafal way 1 hour in evening.
    That's not a bad thing after that meditation session I bask in the feelings of tranquility and serenity, I'll split that in 2 meditation sessions 30 min in the morning and 30 in the evening, so that at the beginning of day I set the tone of serenity and tranquility for the rest of the day, and so that I later on fall asleep to feelings of tranquility and serenity.
    I'll try not to count the days.
    I'll work out more regularly.
    And I'll being more outdoorsy, even though I am pretty outdoorsy already, one thing that represents me an issue is, my social circle, they are a lot less outdoorsy than me, and less energized. I literally live to go out, enjoy life, party and meet new people. I currently can't party, but I can go to my friend's house.
  4. Mitaaa

    Mitaaa Fapstronaut

    Think I will succeed eventually.
    When I was 16 I struggled with severe video game addiction for more than year and a half(I was craving at least 3 times a day, if I was unable to play I'd grow anxious and would wanna jump outta my skin) and yet I stopped video game addiction in less than a week in the end.
    I was also a shy guy at 16 and I destroyed shyness in less than a week after a whole year of struggling with it.
    What I want to say is the things I used to struggle with now have nothing to do with who I am, think that's how it's gonna be with this.
    But one thing that is kinda weird to me is, when I abstained from masturbating it was inexplicably easy and back then I was spending a lot more time in a house,and now I go out a lot more often.
    And I'll also try to tell myself that masturbation stands in the way of my goals bcs I'd like to be a programmer and for that I must be able to keep my mind sharp, and other than that I also spend a lot of time and attention and effort on my looks, bcs other than being a programmer I'd like to be a male model as well coz I have a great potential, but I mostly take care of my looks coz it feels good for my confidence, when u look great, u feel great.
    And masturbating stands in the way, I always struggled with skin, now I've been using the right skincare products so the results are starting to be visible, and I have long hair that truth be told I never struggled with, like I have a naturally beautiful hair and it's pretty healthy already. But still NoFap makes your skin and hair look better.
    And also I'll try going for a walk every day(since it's too cold for bicycle in my country rn)
    That is my plan.
    And whatever I was struggling with I conquered eventually, the things I deeply struggled with I conquered in less than a week. And I struggled with my video game addiction a lot more than one would imagine, and I had low self-esteem back then bcs I was shy, but I conquered it all, crushed it all i to pieces, and tossed the pieces into oblivion.
    (Boy I'm pretty good with them methafores).
    So whatever I'm struggling with rn, in the future I'll conquer it with relative ease, just like I did the things I've mentioned.
  5. pump20

    pump20 Fapstronaut

    Control your mind or mind controls you.
  6. better123

    better123 Fapstronaut

    Bro here is my advice(as a brother). I am not so experienced in semen retention yet, but i think you will find it useful. I had the same problem, Masturbation (not to porn).

    First, Lust is not in your dick or your organs. Its in your Brain. So medications to lover sex drive is not going to work. You can try to get castrated but the lust will still remain.

    Instead try knowledge! I recommend you to read, what i consider the holy book of Reboot, "Why you should never Masturbate" by David Baldwin. Once I've started reading, I could build up tremendous resistance to fapping. I can Now see why I am so fucked up in my body: all because of masturbation.

    As the author says(not exact words): there is only one thing that's more pleasurable and peaceful than sex. Its knowledge.

    Then, Life without fapping is hard. But you can make it easy by physical activity, meditations, and socialise(after corona ends)...etc follow all the suggestions you get here on NoFap.

    Finally: FOLLOWING YOUR DREAMS. CHASE YOUR DREAMS. When you dream big, your problems become small. And so, make your PMO problem small and insignificant part of your life, that you can brush off.

    Remember, use the light knowledge to destroy the darkness of PMO.
    Take care.
    You are strong.
  7. Saythatagain

    Saythatagain Fapstronaut

    Give yourself a lot of grace. I think most people discount the simple fact that sex is a natural as breathing, eating and drinking water. Our bodies were created to do all of these things. Now porn and all the other things have evolved over time but no different than anything else really. For me and a lot of others, we have relational issues growing up that are masked and Drive most of our acting out. It could be neglect, abuse, sexual abuse both covert and direct. There are so many things I fight against on the surface and failed each time until I dug deeper to the root. It gets harder and it takes a lot of time and work. So don’t freak out if you have a wet dream or Jack Off. Look back a day or a week before and inventory what happened that may have triggered you. Sometimes it’s just that your horny, others it’s your pissed and want a release to gain some control and numb out. Finding the why to what you are doing helps reduce the noise in our addictions. But remember at the wake of every day you are going to find your dick is hard, you are hungry and you are breathing. If you aren’t your dead. Thank your higher power for that. One day at a time brother. Love you and love everyone else attempting to try.
  8. Saythatagain

    Saythatagain Fapstronaut

    Give yourself a lot of grace. I think most people discount the simple fact that sex is a natural as breathing, eating and drinking water. Our bodies were created to do all of these things. Now porn and all the other things have evolved over time but no different than anything else really. For me and a lot of others, we have relational issues growing up that are masked and Drive most of our acting out. It could be neglect, abuse, sexual abuse both covert and direct. There are so many things I fight against on the surface and failed each time until I dug deeper to the root. It gets harder and it takes a lot of time and work. So don’t freak out if you have a wet dream or Jack Off. Look back a day or a week before and inventory what happened that may have triggered you. Sometimes it’s just that your horny, others it’s your pissed and want a release to gain some control and numb out. Finding the why to what you are doing helps reduce the noise in our addictions. But remember at the wake of every day you are going to find your dick is hard, you are hungry and you are breathing. If you aren’t your dead. Thank your higher power for that. One day at a time brother. Love you and love everyone else attempting to try.
  9. Saythatagain

    Saythatagain Fapstronaut

    Give yourself a lot of grace. I think most people discount the simple fact that sex is a natural as breathing, eating and drinking water. Our bodies were created to do all of these things. Now porn and all the other things have evolved over time but no different than anything else really. For me and a lot of others, we have relational issues growing up that are masked and Drive most of our acting out. It could be neglect, abuse, sexual abuse both covert and direct. There are so many things I fight against on the surface and failed each time until I dug deeper to the root. It gets harder and it takes a lot of time and work. So don’t freak out if you have a wet dream or Jack Off. Look back a day or a week before and inventory what happened that may have triggered you. Sometimes it’s just that your horny, others it’s your pissed and want a release to gain some control and numb out. Finding the why to what you are doing helps reduce the noise in our addictions. But remember at the wake of every day you are going to find your dick is hard, you are hungry and you are breathing. If you aren’t your dead. Thank your higher power for that. One day at a time brother. Love you and love everyone else attempting to try.
  10. Mitaaa

    Mitaaa Fapstronaut

    Thank you dudes, your advice is quite helpful.
    What I found is that the most important things in NoFap would be: Don't celebrate early; Don't count the days; Don't think about fapping or sex; Don't think about some hot chicks; Stay away from triggers to your urges; the last tip will work for those who feel the guilt after doin it, just remember how you'll guilty and empty when u do it.
    Like after I fap in most cases moral of the story is I wanna fuckin die.
    And I'm on day 5 currently, but I'm not gonna celebrate yet, the war is yet to be waged, yeah I did not wake up with a boner last 5 days, nor did I feel any hint of horniness what so freakin ever, but hell if u at war and your enemies don't attack u for a whole week, and u assume they gave up and celebrate it. Meanwhile enemy was prolly gathering forces and preparing to attack, and if you celebrated it all the day when they attack you won't be ready.
    Metaforically speaking.