50 Days Streak Chip

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by L1ght, Jan 17, 2021.

  1. L1ght

    L1ght Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone,
    so I'll be hitting 50 days of hard mode tomorrow and it is the first time I got this far since I've started with noFap last spring. I wanted to make the moment more memorable and I've noticed that many recovery groups for other addictions use some system of sobriety chips or badges.

    I think it's a shame there is nothing like that in noFap because having a physical token representing your time clean could have a great psychological effect. It would always remind you of what you have achieved and that you would lose it if you gave up. I believe that when the urges hit (and they have been getting stronger lately in my case), it will provide me with much more support than just a number on a screen or a virtual challenge badge.

    The question is, of course, what should the token be. Since I don't want to use anything weird or really specific (like a coin saying NO PMO FOR 50 DAYS :D), I've decided to go with an eagle pendant, just like this one:
    I've used to wear a similar one a few years ago but I stopped because I wasn't confident enough to be comfortable with it. I am an introverted guy and I felt it was too much of "showing off" for me. But now, after almost 50 days of reboot, I am more than ready to start wearing it. It actually looks good, I can have it on me always and no one will know how much it symbolizes for me. The eagle also gives off the vibe of getting free, powerful, and independent.

    I would like to say that I understand that the number of days isn't everything and it is about getting to the point where there is no need for counting anymore. But in this phase, the struggle is still too real and the physical representation of everything we are fighting for will be a great confidence and willpower boost.

    What do you think about this? Have any of you used something similar during your reboot?
    4:30am, NFGrad, TheFlash123 and 8 others like this.
  2. frozen_otter

    frozen_otter Fapstronaut

    I really like the idea and I also think that the chain itself hast the right symbolism. It really is a petty that a similar system for NoFap is not widely spread. Since most of us are not in private self help groups it may be a good idea to choose something for yourself. Maybe decide for a nice piece of jewelry at the 10 day mark and buy it for yourself at 50? This could also be a very private thing and nothing to wear openly. I will think about doing something similar, reaching 50 days again would be worth it!
  3. Dench

    Dench Fapstronaut

    Cool idea man. Congrats!
  4. Richard John 99

    Richard John 99 Fapstronaut

  5. L1ght

    L1ght Fapstronaut

    Thanks, and that is a great idea! The planning could give you more sense of progress too. I thought about getting another one at 100 days... We'll see

    Thank you guys!
  6. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

  7. aeburbt

    aeburbt Fapstronaut

    I really like the idea of a reward system on top of the virtual badge. I might have to come up with a list of things I'd like to get to use as incentives (getting progressively better after each phase. Great job making it this far!
    L1ght likes this.
  8. RaXaZ

    RaXaZ Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Very thoughtful, probably I´m going to do the same. People like symbols in the physical like accessories, tattoos or fashion to represent a part of themselves. Can´t argue with that!
    aeburbt and L1ght like this.
  9. AlexRoIs

    AlexRoIs Fapstronaut

    Sincerely I don't know what hardmode is. What hardmode is?
  10. jrm61

    jrm61 Fapstronaut

    Hardmode usually means no porn, no masturbation, and no orgasm.
  11. Conquistador1

    Conquistador1 New Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this really great idea, and congratulations on your huge milestone! You earned your reward bro. Wear it proudly!
    L1ght likes this.
  12. hulkfresh23

    hulkfresh23 Fapstronaut

    nice, i like this idea, since now i am thinking about what will be my reward after over the 3 months
  13. dhanushsk

    dhanushsk Fapstronaut

  14. dhanushsk

    dhanushsk Fapstronaut

    awesome bro . keep it up. i am on day 4
  15. FrenchOliver

    FrenchOliver Fapstronaut

  16. abandcned

    abandcned Fapstronaut

    hey, congratulations! :)

    just want to ask some few things. sorry if this looks copied-and-pasted or looks like a spam, because I'm trying to ask others about quite the same thing on similar forum post, which happen to be among my most important concerns:
    1. what are the most tempting times/worst times that you've been through? how did you get through it?
    2. did some of your mental strategies fail you? did a mindset that brought you to PMO recovery fail you? if yes, does it happen once, or several times? how do you get through it?
  17. Dogwood

    Dogwood Fapstronaut

    Any benefits to report?
  18. gilgames

    gilgames Fapstronaut

    I’m happy to be here and wish you the best, for all the things you’re taking back in your life!
    50days is great, i’m close to my first month and i was thinking about give myself a prize!
    Your idea is very cool and i think we should choose something personal as you did, but also something “standard” for all the forum, to give sense and “authority” to the token and also to give money to this forum, if the creator is able to produce a “nofap” token for huge milestones like 90 days, 6 months, 1 year and so on.
    I’ll be happy to pay for a token, for the prize itself and to fund this place with something concrete, not only donations.

    By the way, i’ve found a lot of 12steps and AA tokens on amazon, some of them are customizable, i think i will buy one of these for my 30th day:
    L1ght likes this.
  19. gilgames

    gilgames Fapstronaut

  20. gilgames

    gilgames Fapstronaut