Keep having hope the first 2 weeks, to only see how much worth it is in return

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Stichting, Jan 16, 2021.

  1. Stichting

    Stichting Fapstronaut

    The first 2 weeks of NoFap or semenretention are usually one of the hardest periods, but after that there can be more times with very difficult urges. They can occur unexpectedly after a long time of (almost)no urges at all.

    While the count of your streak increases, the difficult days always come and go in unexpected patterns. When such a difficult moment comes, remind yourself to keep hope because after it has passed, you're more used to it. There will be more of those difficult days but it gets easier each time because you're building up tolerance.

    On top of that, there are the other activities in which you can put the converted energy from those urges. You can choose any activity, either mentally and/or physically demanding. For me an example is writing ideas down on paper of which I later post a selected part weekly.

    During the times of a significant urge, when just focussing on something new to come up with, I immediately feel it disappear. And this makes sense because when really focussing on something, it can only really be one thing at the time, so there's just no room for those useless points of focus.

    This also reminds me of what is said about the creating property of the seminal essence, and being able to be redirected for other creations. The upward motion of that energy from the genital area towards the head.
  2. SeekingVictory

    SeekingVictory Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your formula for success. At 500 days of no PMO you must be doing something right ! :)
    I intend to try some of your methods myself.
    Stichting likes this.
  3. Stichting

    Stichting Fapstronaut

    Thank you for considering it.