New fapstronaut needing help from people who truly understand the process of going over this cycle

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Bambino, Jul 27, 2015.

Can any of you guys help me how to control my thoughts (with regards to girls)?

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  1. Bambino

    Bambino Fapstronaut

    I am a new fapstrounaut who has been imprisoned in the horrible lifestyle of masturbation and porn. I started masturbating when I was 12 through influences of friends from school. 6 years and I only got to my senses to stop and battle it this year when I realized how negatively porn was affecting my performance at school, social life, spiritual being and many other areas. I really do wanna win this addiction. I've struggled with it over and over again, but again I was defeated. So please, guys for the sake of my life and my health I just wanna a help from people who truly know how hard it is to get away from it.

    Reasons I want to quit porn:
    1- Regain my peace of mind (lately I have wicked thoughts about casual people I don't even know)
    2- Control my inner feelings and emotions;
    3- Improve my health;
    4- Be socially stable (sometimes I seem to be socially awkward and creepy)
    5- Be at peace with my spiritual being;
    6- Quit porn foreeeeeeeeeeeveerrrrrr.

    Additional things I want to mention are:

    1- I followed up some of the tips offered by some of the fapstrounauts on YouTube and other websites, and I kinda decreased pornography use compared to how often I used to use it.

    2- I tried the 90 challenge, but always ended up losing. 1st one I did 6 days then I relapsed because of Instagram. 2nd one 14 days. That was the one that struck me the most because after that I felt so depressed that I cried and I realized that that was the same feeling that people hooked on heroin, crack and other drugs struggle with. So, that was yesterday (26 July 2015), and I decided to keep on fighting until I reach my goals. Learned from my mistakes and I want to learn more with you guys.

    So, that's pretty much.

    PS.: English is my second language, so apologies for any mistake. Another thing too is that I wanna really gain my inner peace and be able to control my thoughts.
  2. Kav

    Kav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I've made 55 days so far. I'm 34 and have suffered from p for many many many years

    I've made it this far because I

    1. Told 2 close friends that I extremely trusted.
    2. Use covenant eyes to block p from my computer
    3. Bought a new iPhone because I used the old one to watch p. I don't want p on my new one
    4. Keep myself super busy and write on here loads.
    5. Accept I have to fight the urges. I'm 34 and know the damage its done so I'm highly motivated.

    It's awesome you have seeked help so young.

    Also when I started the challenge I did it because it would be intersting. I've failed so many times that I knew I would lose.

    When you relapse don't think of it as losing its just you learning more.

    Also using p once in 14 days is great. Even normal ppl use p like a few times a month. However, I know it's important to abstain to get the benefits.

    Maybe because your younger you will feel more optimistic as you go through the days. I do struggle with my esteem at times and I understand nofap can fix that alone but it has helped loads!
    SugarDiabetes and DannyCool like this.
  3. Kav

    Kav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

  4. Bambino

    Bambino Fapstronaut

    Thanks Kav for you words of inspiration. I will succeed in this battle against porn. Thanks for everything. I feel kinda more motivated
  5. Kav

    Kav Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    No worries.

    I'm going to point out you used the word battle in your reply.

    I get totally get why you said it because I've used that word.

    Take it from me you need to see it as an experiment. When you experiment you see things as an adventure or a game. This is about self mastery. Self mastery is about learning. Yes at times you will need to battle those urges but he big picture here is learning.

    I'm on fire with my wisdom! I've caught a good wind
  6. Bambino

    Bambino Fapstronaut

    I kinda meditated today before I leave (Im a beginner at meditating) and I kind felt that I was controlling all my thoughts when I looked at girls with an attractive appearance. But what I want to know is how can I do this every day, and how can I exert self-mastery on my thoughts?

    And thanks again Kav for your opinion on the matter, and your perspective gave a new way to see things now. Im more assertive rather than scared.