Feeling empty and missing out on my youth due to the pandemic

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by StayClean&Proactive, Feb 22, 2021.

  1. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    It's been 9 months since I've graduated high school, and I can't help but to still feel empty about the coronavirus taking away the ending to my senior year of high school. I don't feel a sense of closure. I'm sick of people saying BS quotes about how this will make me stronger, and I honestly feel like it didn't. It feels like it made me weaker. At first, when they announced senior prom and the ceremony being cancelled, I was more accepting to it, and I went along with the BS quotes about thinking positive. As time went on, I began to feel emptier and emptier, and now it's really hitting me to the point where I feel severely depressed and sad about it. It's reached a point where I avoid high school movies and tv shows too. Anything related to high school is now triggering for me. It hurts knowing that everyone who was prior to the class of 2020 had to have to full experience of closure, celebration, and wrapping things up, but we didn't. They were able to have that feeling of finality, they were able to have a blast at senior prom, they were able to say their final goodbyes and get hugs on the last day of school while getting their yearbooks signed. But we didn't, it was just ripped away from us, as if those 12 years of school were meaningless. I'm missing out on the prime of my life thanks to this virus, which is your high school/college years. College virtually is no fun and it feels sloppy and disorganized. This is supposed to be the time of my life where I get to have a blast and meet new people and go to parties, but the fucking virus took that away. And when things go back to normal, this time of my life will come likely have already came to a close, and I'll just be part of the boring adult world. Someone help me feel better about the situation.
  2. JI7097

    JI7097 Fapstronaut

    Hey man. I’m in the same spot as you with all of this. Everything just sucks right now and there’s nothing changing. I didn’t even bother getting school pictures this year just because I felt so down about everything. What’s even the point of getting a picture for a useless yearbook of a crappy year. I feel the same way as you pretty much so I won’t be much help in making you feel any better about the situation. We just have to hope it gets better from here.
  3. fapequalsdeath

    fapequalsdeath Fapstronaut

    99% of the people in your highschool won't give a fuck about you in couple of years, trust me
    SuperStar456 and Luxor like this.
  4. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    That's true. But the experience doesn't last forever, might as well enjoy it while it lasts and savor it. It sucks not being able to have the sense of closure of wrapping everything up.
  5. AManWithAStrongHeart

    AManWithAStrongHeart Fapstronaut

    Yeah. This reality sucks. And I couldn't agree with you more
    Baowistop likes this.
  6. AManWithAStrongHeart

    AManWithAStrongHeart Fapstronaut

    Only said positive things makes you feel more negative. Because the negative is ignored and is not solved
  7. AManWithAStrongHeart

    AManWithAStrongHeart Fapstronaut

    But there is one hope. That's God and his passover, please notice and seek it in your hometown. I realize after many prayers to God, I think I have to do nothing, just pray and see the miracle to happen, but I have to act upon my prayer to Lord to see the changes. We cannot do the same things to hope that everything will change. So try to do something news. Find some new friends. Wish you the best. God bless you.
  8. JI7097

    JI7097 Fapstronaut

    Dude I could care less about other people caring. It’s just about not having opportunities to do fun things that I think we are annoyed with.
  9. Look, I'm gonna be completely straight-forward and brutal with you: Accept what is! What are you trying to accomplish? What's the point in resisting a reality that is already your reality? You can't change it. And you have to either fully accept it or suffer. Those are your two options. And who in their right mind would choose to suffer by telling himself how fucked up the situation is and just whine and complain about their oh so shitty life in a first world country? You don't get to have closure after high school and wrap things up? You should be grateful that you're still alive and make the best of it. There's people actually dying in this pandemic. They don't even get to say goodbye to their friends and family with a hug before they die. They will never experience the lockdown restrictions lifted and life returning back to normal. For you, there'll be plenty of time to compensate for the lack of parties and fun right now in the not so distant future. There's kids who die from cancer before they even get to high school. I could go on and on, but you get my point: there's people who are far worse off than you. The corona virus is taking away much much more from other people than it is taking away from you. You lose 1-2 good years, others lose their friends, spouses, loved ones, jobs, savings, houses, or literally everything aka their life. So get over it and get some perspective by trying to cultivate gratitude for the things you can be grateful for, instead of focusing on this one big thing that sucks. And just FYI: This won't be the last thing in your life that you wish weren't so, so let it teach you humility, acceptance and surrender early. You're sick of people saying BS quotes, I'm sick of people making a worldwide pandemic all about them.
    Xander_ likes this.
  10. brassknucks

    brassknucks Fapstronaut

    Get used to it. The goalposts will keep being moved.
  11. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut


    Thanks for setting me straight, you are right, there are people who have it worse than I do.
  12. paulsonDude

    paulsonDude Fapstronaut

    Here's another tip, your 'youth' in the TV-melodrama sense is just starting. I'm 28 and only now do I feel like I'm on the trailing edge of being young. Like I mostly know what I'm doing with my life and shit. You got 10 years of wonderful figuring-out to do.
  13. The Archangel

    The Archangel Fapstronaut

    Dude, don't make Highschool the "prime" of your life. It was only what, 12 years of your life? Spend your 20s-60s living like a champ. My 10th grade formal/dance was ruined by poor planning and there were only like 5 girls and 15 guys. No alcohol, no taking girls home, parents came, only vegan dishes - it sucked. I left high school in 10th grade never having a girlfriend, jobless, never been invited to parties, sexually inexperienced, poor grades, bullied more than liked, out of shape and with only 2 friends (I don't consider the rest friends because they don't really like me much, or at least not enough to invite me places). I did feel very depressed, somewhat suicidal and lonely at the time, but I've only recently just realised how short high school was and how much life and potential I (we) still have left. Currently at University now way ahead of the smart popular kids.
  14. “This is supposed to be the time of my life where I get to have a blast and meet new people and go to parties, but the fucking virus took that away.” Who is saying that your high school/college years is the best time of your life? During those years of my life, I was addicted to video games and porn. I didn’t go to parties or hanged out with friends. People excel at different stages in life. I’m more successful now at the age of 25 than I was when I was 15.

    “The boring adult world.” Life is boring, if you make it boring. Hobbies are a good place to start. Taking a trip every once in a while can help too. People have to get a job and contribute to society, otherwise society would collapse. They are also other ways to make money too without a job as well.
  15. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut


    I feel you, but i dont give a shit about that i just want gyms and academys reopen to resume my warmongering again

    But online classes are great, much easier to cheat at exams.and have better marks!
  16. PanteriMauzer

    PanteriMauzer Fapstronaut

    Same goes to presentations i can be reading the presentation and the teacher wont notice
    palindromo likes this.
  17. Fraza

    Fraza Fapstronaut

    I feel like I don't even belong with my class I'm always sitting at the very side. I feel left out all the time.
  18. sb392563

    sb392563 Fapstronaut

    I know how you feel, I graduated in December of last year and it doesn't feel like anything happened besides going to uni to a mostly online course after doing online classes for most of last year.
  19. yeah, I can't imagine how hard pandemic is on kids. And the governments failures to create alternatives for distanced socializing and daycare for parents is horrendous. Don't get me started...

    If it makes you feel any better, highschool was totally BS hell even before covid. Being an adult and getting out of that monkey training zoo is the best.

    Hang in there, better times are ahead...
  20. I feel you man. I can get sentimental about life too. But the more older you get, the more school becomes a blur. Most of your classmates will be busy in their adult lives and won’t really remember their high school/college years.

    There’s always a high school reunion but that’s mostly for the popular kids.
    palindromo likes this.