Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Brokenwings27, May 26, 2021.

  1. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Theres no way to put me dowm softly when it comes to this. This is life changing. One simple thing like this causing stress and changing the course of the rest of your life. One simple decision to do the right thing could have prevented alllllll of this. Its driving me mad. I dont know how one copes with this.

    If theres a way out show me. I dont know how im supposed to deal with them. I have to walk on eggshells forever and carry this with me like a sack of junk.
  2. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    What could I tell the police? Could what theyre trying to do count as extortion? Also if I dont have the messages how could the police go with me? It was on snapchat
  3. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    Tell the police you’re being stalked and threatened by a group of people. Deleted Snapchat messages can be retrieved by court order I’m pretty sure. Yes it could count as extortion. The police can get the messages from Snapchat. But it needs to be done quickly as I’m pretty sure companies like Snapchat have a deletion policy which makes them permanently deleted after a certain period of time. If they get the messages then you have evidence and you can get them arrested. Assuming they can retrieve the messages and they aren’t gone forever.
  4. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    “Upon receiving a signed and dated preservation request on law enforcement department letterhead, we will attempt to preserve available Snapchat account records associated with any properly identified Snapchat user(s) in an offline file for up to 90 days, and will extend the preservation for one additional 90-day period with a formal extension request.“ https://snap.com/en-US/safety/safety-enforcement
    So yeah. If the account was deleted up to 90 days ago everything is still on their servers. I’d suggest you talk to the police about your stalkers as soon as possible.
  5. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    I will look up snapchat's deletion policy.

    The issue is I got scared out of my pants and I deactivated my account which deletes after 30 days and cant be retrieved. It has already been more than 30 days. Is it still possible to get it back?

    Is this my only saving hope? Retrieving the messages? No other possible route? Things are looking slim and grim
  6. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Will this become public record? Do you think it would be worth a shot finding this person's social media again and discussing the possibilities? See if they make any new threats to show proof?

    I really want to avoid going to the police but I may consider it if it will remain confidential and could possibly help me.

    Also I dont want to get anybody locked up. I just want them to stop threatening to expose me and basically not allowed to disclose any further information about our conversation.
  7. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    No. Yes.
  8. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Okay so it wont be public record? Maybe I should go find them and contact them. What should I tell them to let them know to stop making threats and to go about their business? Should I be honest about how it effected and see if they have sympathy or just straight up tell them the consequences of them trying to potentially extort me?
  9. Austin88

    Austin88 Fapstronaut

    I’m not interested in helping you anymore. You don’t appreciate it. Not even a single thanks. All you want to do is take advantage of people’s help and then criticise. Nothing anyone says is good enough for you. Ignored.
    Vorlon likes this.
  10. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Im just asking questions. Not saying im not thankful. Excuse me if it seemed that way. Im just freaked out by the situation. You did help point me in the right direction im just scared man about this scenario.

    Im not criticising im just saying i cant afford a counsellor so im stuck with it here and i cant share it with anyone around me.

    Your advice is good enough and i took some things from it that i didnt really think of before. It actually helped. I was just freaked out at the time.
    Thank you kind sir ;)
    Last edited: May 28, 2021
  11. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    I think the best thing to do will be move like others said on this thread. It will get me more away from the situation. Me giving them a fake name helped in that aspect because a name is not associated with a location.

    Im not gonna freak out about it too much in hopes to move.

    Also i think it may be a good idea to find them and contact them and give them a stern warning that if they try to threaten me i will take legal action just to let them know they cant mess around with me or push me around. Hopefully i can find them and settle this with them.

    I took these things you guys said into consideration and maybe they dont 100% guarentee anything right now but the chances are high enough that its definitely worth a shot. Maybe i can be in the clear.

    Thanks guys for showing me some opportunities i didnt really think of. I didnt really think moving would make a difference but being stuck in this location so close to the event does make a huge difference. I never really noticed that

    To the guy who thought i was shooting him down im sorry i was just really weirded out and worried about this situation. No ill will
    Last edited: May 28, 2021
  12. Anywherewithyou

    Anywherewithyou Fapstronaut

    Hello, my feeling is that this person will quickly move on to another obsession and victim. You say you're easily identifiable by this guy but he doesn't have your real name. You need to just give it time. Informing the police is a good idea though. I wouldn't worry about up and moving immediately because by the time you do, this person will hopefully have lost interest. I'm not sure what your aspirations are in life but unless you expect to be well known, a politician comes to mind, you don't have much worry of this guy coming forward to ruin you. Even on social media, how would he find you if he doesn't have your name?

    I hope you're feeling better, your last post sounds more encouraged.
  13. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Yes im starting to pull my self away from all this nonsense. The issue is my porn addiction was so bad i wreaked total havoc with some of my actions and now i have to turn over every stone. Some times i got to the point of wanting to quit because a couple of things broke me but i try to get back up.

    Im sure a lot of other people got deeply involved in this mess but when i look around i have to honestly say im one of the worst cases. Which is obviously quite discouraging and hard to fight back sometimes.

    Your idea is pretty good but maybe i will be comfortable if i move north or south a bit within my own state. The reason why I say that is they literally live in my city. Miles within where i live and they know the neighborhood i live in. Thats wacked out. Imagine what they could say or do if they came across me. If i could pinpoint the person maybe id consider the police option.

    One thing that does come back to mind though like i said whenever i plug one hole i remember something else i did. I did tell one (and only one) person my real name. I trusted them for some reason. I never trusted anyone else with my real name. This kind of sucks. Hopefully they forget it? Who knows. I have to think about it and ask around again if im unsure of the answer myself.

    Hopefully the person does move on but they were talking about me like they were obsessed with me specifically. After one week. Creepy stuff.

    Anyways drawn out message for a drawn out problem but hopefully its coming to an end soon and i can get some leverage over this so it fades into the past.

    Is this common for people with PMO addiction or is this an extreme case? Like is this radical risky sexual behavior a common thing found? I feel like im the biggest freak here lol.

    Regardless, hope your recovery is going well
  14. What info exactly do "they" have? That you are bisexual?
    Anywherewithyou likes this.
  15. Anywherewithyou

    Anywherewithyou Fapstronaut

    You're not a freak. You are trying to heal in a society that tells you to follow whatever passion you want. It's a dangerous and unhelpful mentality that they feed us. Trust me, there's worse cases out there. But take that guilt and shame and use it as motivation for change in your own life. I have found many guys on here gain so much wisdom to help others directly because they took part in some shameful things. You can use your past to help others rather letting it weigh you down. And if moving to a different area is doable, that's a great way to start fresh and live a new lifestyle. I'm actually the spouse of a recovering PA but I just wanted to reach out because I see the pain you're going through. But your life isn't over. You have a lot to live for and if this person really wanted to out you, he'd be outing himself too. I wonder if he'd be interested in sharing that with the world? Take care!
    kammaSati likes this.
  16. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Its the sick stuff we were talking about. I was not really into it. I figured that out. I realized i was forcing myself to go farther.
  17. What sick stuff?
  18. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    Yes i did fall for that trap deeply the part i dont really want to think about right know till i get a grip is i knew better from the beginning but my conscience got dull and i went to a far away island. I wish i from the beginning avoided the trap that deeply. The only thing i tell myself right now is its not over till its over and if it couldve been easier without this then now if my ultimate challenge is to have how ever many people i sexted with all come out and point the finger at me then im willing to accept the ultimate challenge and still survive.

    I take it slowly though but if push comes to shove i want to get to a point where i have that strong of a mentality. That nothing can stop me
    Last edited: May 29, 2021
    Anywherewithyou likes this.
  19. Brokenwings27

    Brokenwings27 Fapstronaut

    I dont even feel like saying it here. Weird fetishes about sexual acts 2 people would do with each other
  20. Sexual acts amongst adults who would have agreed to it?