Hi a newbie here, today is my day 1

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by v314, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. v314

    v314 Fapstronaut

    I am a 28 year old man, with a goal to change the world.
    But that starts with bringing a change in oneself, today is my day 1.

    I hope to start with a 30 day challenge and do better from there.
    I've been wasting so much of my time since I was 16, and from tomorrow my time commitment doubles for studies and work.
    I hope to cope up with with the increased time commitment by signing up for a challange and keeping my mind onto work.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2015
  2. Lucky Duck

    Lucky Duck Fapstronaut

    Hi v314, I've started 2 days ago with my 30-days challenge and hopefully we also will achieve so close togehter as we started :)
  3. v314

    v314 Fapstronaut

    Lucky Duck, Interesting, its great to have a fellow. We'll definitely achieve so close together.
    Are you looking for a activity partner by any chance ?
    Also how can I get the progress bar against my name ?
  4. Lucky Duck

    Lucky Duck Fapstronaut

    v314, just click on my counter, this will bring you to a page where you can create a counter for yourself
  5. Lucky Duck

    Lucky Duck Fapstronaut

    Yes, an activity partner would be helpful for sure. So, yes, lets empower each other :)
  6. Lucky Duck

    Lucky Duck Fapstronaut

    I'm on my third day PMO-free and well. 3 days is not much, but a beginning. And it has been a long time since I were 3 days without it. So I'm looking forward for the upcoming challenges my addiction will bring on me :). I think it depends much on distraction, but to say it positive - on having life in life.
  7. Lucky Duck

    Lucky Duck Fapstronaut

    v314: I recommend the K-9 pornblocker - free software, really good. It prevented me already 2 times to click on porn again
  8. v314

    v314 Fapstronaut

    Well, I relapsed starting with a day 0 again :(
  9. Hello v314..welcome.

    First of all, I would like to congratulate you on making a right decision. Porn is a destructive force, no doubt about it and those who managed to stay away from it usually are those who have achieved great things. I still remember in an episode of Dwayne Johnson's 'Wake Up Call', the first thing he warned the contestant was 'no porn in the house'. That shows how bad porn can be to a person's life.

    It will not be a joyful ride, let me warn you. Me myself has ups and downs when I decided to do this but only know this, it will all be worth it. The thing is, when you are on the recovery mode, your brain will keep telling you 'just watch it one more time, you will be fine,'. Just ignore it. Like most of the people here said, it would be helpful for you to list out the reasons you wanna do this in the first place. Use them to make you hate PMO to such an extent you will vomit when you hear the word 'Porn and Masturbation'. Trust me, that would help you a lot to fight this addiction.