Just relapsed after 115 days

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by MichaelGuadalupe, Jul 14, 2021.

  1. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    It’s hard to admit it. I just want to pretend it didn’t happen and move on. But, the truth is I relapsed. Was working from home from my lap top feeling stressed and distracted. Then one thing led to another. Time to start the journey again. All that progress. Oh well. Anyone ever been here (relapsing after a good period of time)? Any insight?

    Need2Rewire likes this.
  2. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    I want to binge because I’ve already lost my sobriety. I know it’s not the right answer but I’m tempted.

  3. Platinum Polar Bear

    Platinum Polar Bear Fapstronaut

    Like you said, you know it's not the answer. Engage the mental strength that you know you have and have built up during the previous run and know that after a day or two the chaser effect will subside and you can carry on with more clarity. Good luck.
    HelperX likes this.
  4. bobbylashley

    bobbylashley Fapstronaut

    I just had a binge bro, and let me tell you - it's not worth it. After feeling disgusting with a completely raw dick, I thought about writing a book with the title, "Just one last time." So much of the time in my cycle of addiction, I fall off the wagon, and I say, "Fuck it, I already fell off, I might as well roll in the mud I landed it." These addictive behaviors have a slippery way of warping our mind. I feel like these base urges for pleasure seeking come from the animalistic lower brain, and are not in congruence with our higher cognitive and goal setting centers of the brain. When you are sitting on the couch, and you hear that voice that says, "open up porn hub, let's search for ____" Just recognize the thought, acknowledge that voice, and say, "I hear that side of my lower brain, and my higher brain chooses not to go down that path." We all know on this site that life without porn is freedom. Choose freedom my man. Much love!
    KyloFinn, HelperX and nrsl like this.
  5. I never went passed 12 days so…
    How did you feel during the last couple of days before you relapsed? Any progress made? Or was it an everyday struggle?
    What about some physical and mental advantages? Felt anything special?
  6. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys. So I binged. Gonna just slow things down. Eat food. Re-center. And start over again. It’s not as bad as my brain wants me to believe. I had 115 days. 1 day doesn’t erase all of that. It’s about being porn free in this moment. I bet it will take me less than 90 days to reset my brain this time. Thanks for the feedback everyone
  7. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    The last couple days before relapse I felt fine. Was stressed about work and found myself looking at fine women at my local gym more often. Otherwise fine

    Some days were more struggle than others.

    I hated myself less when I stopped looking at Porn and masturbating.

    my sex life with my wife is/was great.

    hope that’s helpful.

  8. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    Hi @MichaelGuadalupe , recently hit 175 days of real progress, mental barriers and mindfulness. It went about 2 weeks ago, since then i've stupidly binged 2 or 3 times, including today. It's still a coping mechansim for me in times of feeling low - found out i had Covid, so missing out on a big pre-paid weekend away, other life stresses.

    Don't do what i've done - avoid and fight that chaser effect!! I'm now at a point where I will start to undo the progress by slipping into the old cycle. Yet, if we both focus, we could easily get to those good numbers by Winter!

    Best of luck, and keep using this site to remind yourself of why you shouldn't go back to the old ways!
    Dexter Moran likes this.
  9. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    Good on you for making to 175. I binged for an afternoon. Sorry to hear about your Covid-19 and loss of vacation.

    I’m triggered by stress and put myself at higher risk when I do work alone from a laptop at home. If I’m to avoid relapse again, I’ve got to do something differently. What changes do you think you can make to avoid relapse again?

    - MG

  10. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Working on getting to 24 hours (more than half way there!) and then 48 hours, to outlast the chaser effect.

    Your comment has inspired me to set the short term goal of getting past 48 hours.

    Platinum Polar Bear and HelperX like this.
  11. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    Made it to the two day mark. I’m hoping the chaser effect is near gone. Definitely been tempted a few times today.

    Platinum Polar Bear likes this.
  12. Platinum Polar Bear

    Platinum Polar Bear Fapstronaut

    Well done. Keep going. Make sure you're helping yourself by staying busy, do some exercise, go walking etc and avoid triggers.
  13. Veg plot

    Veg plot Fapstronaut

    Compare where you'd be at if you hadn't even started this journey, how many hours would have been wasted over the past 3 months if nothing else. You'll have by no means lost all that progress so should just be a case of picking up where you left off. Hope the stress eases for you.
    Dexter Moran likes this.
  14. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Just keep in mind that one relapse won't erase every step of progress that you've made. Binging is the worst idea because that will begin to set your progress back. Just keep going and try not to think about it too much. You are going to feel a chaser effect for about three to five days, and maybe some withdrawal symptoms too, but you'll feel completely normal again in about a week.
  15. Longtime27

    Longtime27 Fapstronaut

    @MichaelGuadalupe Advice wise I think as others have said, mindfulness of the risk of the chaser effect. Setting smaller targets once again to begin with. Having faith that if you did a long streak before, you can do it again.

    For me, I am trying to remind myself that the porn never changes, i've seen it all before, it never gets any more exciting, it's the same old walk that you've walked countless times. I got such little enjoyment out of my binge relapse that it really wasn't worth it - I really hope I can hold onto that sentiment!

    Definitely is a challenge if you work from home on a computer / near your devices. Get out as much as possible, exercise as much as possible, try to work in common spaces near to people if possible.
  16. All the cues to your answer are in your question. Try not to work from home, or when you have to, work in front of a window, be visible. Open all the curtains, the less privacy the better. Stress and distraction is best cured by meeting people. Go for coffee or help someone out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 20, 2021
    vxlccm likes this.
  17. I've relapsed after 170 days and I've relapsed after 156 days. You don't lose all of your progress. No way! Some of it - yes, but not all of it. So calm down. You're still strong. Avoid the chaser effect as much as you can!!!
    vxlccm likes this.
  18. Been there. Remember the amount of control you have over everything
  19. MichaelGuadalupe

    MichaelGuadalupe Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Love you name and icon, btw. I’d you don’t mind sharing, how do you think she has helped you on your journey? How do you incorporate her?
    HolyTheotokos likes this.
  20. ElderStatesman

    ElderStatesman Fapstronaut

    Actually, it's easy to quit. I've done it hundreds of times. (Insert huge laughter here.)

    No worries. You're in the right place and working this out. And you've set your day counter so, unlike some, you may have realized if you want to be in the game you need to keep score.

    It's work, but stay with it. Best wishes.
    vxlccm likes this.