Newbie that wasted 25 years of Life!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Baabu G, Jul 7, 2021.

  1. Baabu G

    Baabu G Fapstronaut

    Hello guys! :) This is my first post here on NoFap.

    I'm a 26 years old guy from Pakistan. The first time I watched porn was at the age of 13, and gradually I began to watch more porn as I turned 16. Between the age of 19 and 25, I became a hardcore porn lover (addict to be right), and I used to masturbate everyday which badly disturbed my health, studies, social relationships and made me depressed and dissatisfied with who I was - without me knowing the real reason why things were not going in my favor.

    I was unable to stop, and kept repeating the same devastating behavior over and over, until I turned 25. I thought about this a lot and realized that a lot of precious time was wasted - and it was actually because of my porn & masturbation addiction that was continuously ruining me.

    However, it's been a very rough 1 year now since I'm struggling to rid myself of porn and masturbation - and thus far, I've seen little improvements.

    But, now I want to completely rid myself of this evil, so I will begin to see the true benefits of conserving my 'vital force' and transmute it to build a very, very successful career.

    So, to reboot myself to a normal and healthy life, I'm going on the PMR (Porn & Masturbation and Semen Retention) Mode for six months (180 days)!

    My streak began on 12th July, 2021. And I will continue to provide feedback about all the physical, mental & emotional changes I experience and my fight with urges to move back to the same old path of darkness - which is porn and masturbation.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2021
  2. Good luck dude. Your story is very similar to mine. I wish you success and good health. :)

  3. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Welcome good luck
    Baabu G likes this.
  4. Stevev

    Stevev Fapstronaut

    Hello, am also 26. Is not easy to get free from this habit. If you like we could keep in touch so we encourage each other. My relapse always comes from the using of internet. I cut to cut internet from my life.
    Baabu G likes this.
  5. Baabu G

    Baabu G Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much! :) God bless!
  6. Baabu G

    Baabu G Fapstronaut

    Hi, yes brother, I'll be more than happy to have you in touch so we can motivate against this shitty habit. I know it's extremely tough, but with will, we'll make it!

    Email me please, and I'll send you my number: [email protected]
  7. Baabu G

    Baabu G Fapstronaut

    my number is: +92 309 4117055
  8. polishboy

    polishboy New Fapstronaut

    Hi and good luck!

    Baabu G likes this.
  9. Baabu G

    Baabu G Fapstronaut

    Thanks brother. Good luck to you too!
    kurczak likes this.